RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (Full Version)

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Nexus... -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 17:19:36)

How can they expect us not to talk about Varium, when it is the one thing that has consistently driven EpicDuel into the ground. If they don't want us to "overreact" or make "presumptions" about Delta, then give us some real information!

When Titan releases a quote like:


The evolved classes work the same way current class changes work!

What am I supposed to think? Do we have a Class Change option without Varium at the moment? Nope. When Titan says it will work the SAME way, the first thing I think of is...the way it works currently, which would mean we would have to purchase our "Evolved Class" using Varium. Why should I think otherwise? Like Buffy has said thousands of times, and rightly so, they give us NO information, and try and glorify this major release which we know nothing about besides the little snippets we get from Twitter.

Then Moderators come in and tell us these are not "Evolutions", but rather new classes with completely NEW SKILL trees. Well from the beginning they have been based off of existing classes, and then we get stuff like this from Twitter, with no follow up comments or information.


3 NEW classes created and working! I'm working on the modified skill trees and a good few new skills to mix things up! Delta is coming!

A "few new skills" that was the exact quote, and you want us to think these are completely NEW skill trees? Well maybe they are, but I bet half of the skills (or more) are just renamed from different classes and given some different art. Lets see, ENERGY stun grenade for Bountys, ENERGY bunker for mages...sound familiar?

Seriously, it is unacceptable for them to release these little snippets, not release any OFFICIAL details on them, no Design notes, no release for four weeks straight, very little information on pricing, new skills, base stats, skill requirements, base armor, class specific weapons, currency...

And then tell us to not speculate or assume, or talk about Varium vs Non-Varium, because it goes against the forum rules.

Let me make one thing straight. If EpicDuel was a Forum, it would be breaking ALL of the rules.


The Astral Fury -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 17:39:44)

listen im not 1 2 forece u not 2 quit but cmon guys its how they make a livin thats why u cant do much til u buy as i said bafore even if u have the money its werid 2 pay 4 fake virtually things that really just givin u pictures but if its chistmas or ur birthday or any athor hoilday but yes its still unfai but guys is it just the armour and wepnds cause they still give u nice weponds 4 non variums too and let u go to any place u want 1 more plus i dont see much of a diffrents in weponds and armour dont they do around the same damage and with proper bulids thell kick well butt and its not like the others clases are bad just because something new dosent mean its metter ok and if u wanna see how the armours works wait till people post t on u tube then ull see if u like it or not and ive seen worse so its not so bad

Knight_Hawk -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 17:51:05)

Im so glad I quit this game in Gamma or whatever. I quit because Founders were outright being ignored, now I read into this further and see that everything is Varium now? Wow, way to push away your players Nightwraith and Titan, even AQW doesnt ignore the free players or doesnt make everything (Such as Enchantments, which is equal to the buffing thing ED does) AC. Guess Ill not be playing this game ever again now, why to dash hopes and dreams of the free players.

Fay Beeee -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 17:58:38)

Quick question for you.
If you have left the game and will not be playing again. Why do you post in ED forums?

The Astral Fury -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 19:04:02)

guys ue exsadgerating they dont alot weponds dont cost varium and are prety good plus u can get varium 4 free another plus u get to go 2 any place u want

Count von Tilly -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 20:05:31)

This is 2v1 all over again.
It is outrageous that we have not been given solid details about the Delta phase release in the 4 weeks we have been waiting.

I understand that some safeguard needs to be placed to prevent mass migration from the original classes to the newer ones, but it should not cost vaiurm. To compensate for the 2v1 error, which they caused by placing a varium price tag on something that should have been free in the first place, they should not charge us again this time.

They have several other options other than varium:
-rating points: Rating points are a much better indicator of seniority than varium is. AS of now, they are relatively useless, so they might as well have some tangible significance on gameplay. Players with 4+ stars have access to classes
-battle tokens
-elites, founders, alpha, beta players only at first, then open to everyone
-A quest that requires defeating 1000 opponents in 1v1

Novaburst -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 20:17:50)

I dont know how relevant this is but this was in an MQ design notes post about Delta


So if you started out as a Mercenary, Tech Mage, or Bounty Hunter, you can officially upgrade to a Tactical Mercenary, Blood Mage, or Cyber-Hunter, respectively.

He Who Lurks -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 20:21:08)

Meaning depending on your class, you'll possibly be able to upgrade from one class to another free of charge[;)]. TM--->BM, M--->TM, BH--->CH.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 20:37:15)

Ok so this basically means I am stuck as a level 32 Merc. I can't try out new classes without making a new character and starting from scrath. So... I guess the devs should make epic duel p2p since the f2p players will get treated like crap. Not even just us f2p but p2p will also have to pay real money just to change class. Well devs. You guys do care about us indeed... NOT I am so totally disapointed in epic duel. I really lost any respect left for the devs.
@Mirxx Did you just call me and every other non varuim lazy? Dude I been working since september to get the over the 2500 wins I have now. You can get 300 wins every 5 days? Well I am sorry that I have a life and have better things to do then play ED 24/7. Also how are we lazy? We have to work twice as hard a varuims. We have to work way harder then a varuim does to get to level 33 or even to level 28. I can't believe you could say such a rude thing even when you once agreed with me that angels was being harsh to non varuims and that you cared about them. Yet now you trash talk them? That is indeed contradictive and I am disgusted by that. [:'(]

StriderAigis -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 20:41:54)

u guys asume to much it may be non var

beastmo -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 20:58:28)

This is pathetic as usual

helloguy -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 21:02:15)

i am not surprised you guys shouldn't either

dont get youre hopes up

The Shadow Dragon -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 21:11:24)

Arnt variums OP enough?!?! They get 3 new classes to own us even badlier then now -_-.

xxmirxx -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 21:26:54)

IsaiahtheMage I said this to reply to T.600

don't think that the non varium players should feel left out because if these classes work like the other classes, you should be able to create a new account to try the classes! The advantage of being a varium player is that we don't have to make a new account in order to test out the new classes.

I agree with you there just too lazy thats all.

I ment what said here and Im sorry Jonathon for all this. Your doing good job keep it up.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 22:06:44)

@xxmirxx You also said

As far my concern those who quit should stay like that because Jonathon doesn't need you guys anymore. ED gets more people that replace you.
that is completey rude and sounds like you are trying to put others down saying the creators of ED don't need them anymore their useless even after them paying hundreds of dollars on this game then quiting. Also you just said all of us non vars are lazy. Many have proven you wrong about that(Including me). Your comment appeared(To me and probably others) to be very ignorant,rude and a attempt to insult others. Note: I am not calling you ignorant.

xxmirxx -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 22:19:54)

You guys are rude ones you are making choice to buy varium. I don't see gun to there heads . You guys always put titan and dev's down they work hard every week and you guys call them bad names even now. I was like you until I just ask nw question about this site. It is not easy running Epic its very much hard work and many hours.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 22:26:07)

@xxmirxx I am a Non Var not a Var. Also what you said was rude don't try to get around it by changing the subject. Also their is a reason why people due that and they have a good reason to. I am sure many Var players who payed hundreds of dollars on this game and been here since Alpha or Beta or both with definatly flame you. So prepare to be flamed by them. Just a hint to let you know.

Nexus... -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 22:31:28)


Yes it is hard to run a game, but that is not an excuse to neglect the players. If they are having trouble running EpicDuel with the staff they have, they should hire more. The player should always come first, and this is something we have seen very little of as of late.

-Lets try and stay on topic, no I am not a mod, but as the OP I would like to hear discussion about the upcoming release, rather then banter about whether or not xxmirxx is an insane, non-varium nazi sympathizer. He isn't, so lets move on. Take your fight somewhere else...I hear their is this game called EpicDuel where you can challenge someon-...It would be perfect for you two.


IsaiahtheMage -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 22:33:49)

^Your right Nexus my apologizes for going off topic. I think I already spot my opinion on this matter.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 22:34:01)

well mir u do know that your comments are kinda rude non varium play a part in this game too so basically i do hope there are options for us to evolve or something. I m still clueless about class evolution are they totally new classes or are they upgrades for mages ,bh and merc.

xxmirxx -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 22:37:58)

IsaiahtheMage you don't even know whose getting the money. I am glad I was rude to those people. Some have point but some don't. You can't talk on there behalf you don't even know whats like. let them come at me IDK. But titan and dev's are just ones come up with ideas not price. Were lucky they give us pomo's.

Calogero -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 22:41:36)

@ Luna

According to the VERY little info that we gotten here and the info of the Mechquest Board

So if you started out as a Mercenary, Tech Mage, or Bounty Hunter, you can officially upgrade to a Tactical Mercenary, Blood Mage, or Cyber-Hunter, respectively.

I would have the impression it is an Upgrade of classes we have now... Wether it be Non Varium...
I highly doubt it because this has ' Money ' written al over it

StriderAigis -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 22:42:35)


class evolution are they totally new classes or are they upgrades for mages ,bh and merc.

Both, they have modified skills like, plasma grande but also new skills like frenzy, well thats my guess

xxmirxx -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 22:48:03)

I think should cost varium for class change. I think if you want try other class just make account try. what if you guys change to that class free and you end up haing it then what.

Nexus... -> RE: New Classes Will Be Varium (6/26/2011 22:48:37)

This is how I think it should be NOT how it will be. However I hope it is something along these lines.

Initial Class Change - 1250 Varium

Changing back to a previous class - 500 Varium

Class Evolutions - 1500 Battle Tokens & 20,000 Credits

Lets me explain.

- If you changed from Mage ----> Mercenary you would have to pay 1250 Varium. Once a Mercenary, if you wanted to then become a Bounty Hunter, you would have to pay an additional 1250 Varium. However once you had paid 1250 for each class, switching back to a class that was already "bought" would cost you only 500 Varium.

- Class evolutions could be bought with BT and Credits, as they are something that you are earning. It makes no sense for an "Evolution" to cost Varium. If you were a non-Varium mage, changing from Mercenary to Mage would still cost you 1250. However evolving from Mercenary to Tactical Mercenary would only cost you 1500 Battle Tokens, and 20,000 Credits, something which a Level 33 Non-Varium can attain through hard work. Another thing to take into account, is that if you were a non-varium, you could only evolve into the "Evolutions" of your current class.

With this system, Varium Players would have access to all of the class and evolutions (given that they payed the price), but Varium players and Non-Varium Players alike would have to work to Evolve their class. Obviously Evolutions would not be attainable from the "Character Creation" window, but this would be negated by the fact that ALL players would have access to their base classes Evolution :)

This seems completely fair to me. Now, before you go labeling this as a SUGGESTION!, let me make something clear. For all I know, this is how it COULD work on Tuesday, so with the information given, this is in no way a suggestion (although it easily could be if things don't go this way Tuesday), but rather a SPECULATION at what COULD be.

Hopefully this is how it is, but judging by the snippets we have gotten from Twitter, it seems highly unlikely.

Please consider the players when making such decisions Titan, Artix, Nightwraith!

We have been left out of your grand scheme for way to long, which is ironic considering we make your scheme possible =/


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