Level Range to high (Full Version)

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Hiddenblade -> Level Range to high (6/27/2011 0:10:37)

Is the level range to high? 5 level difference is to big of a gap. What if it was decreased to 4-3 how much of a difference would that make? It would be fair for lower level players and more of a challenge for higher level people (kinda). What do u think?

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Level Range to high (6/27/2011 0:11:44)

for lower lvs its ok but for higher levels its a prob

AQWPlayer -> RE: Level Range to high (6/27/2011 0:14:42)

Before that, we will need more players in this game.

Polandor -> RE: Level Range to high (6/27/2011 0:14:50)

This had been requested many times, it would benefit all.

3lv range would be a lot better.

And this is from a lv 33 full varium.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Level Range to high (6/27/2011 0:16:46)

i think lvls need to be alot harder to reach before this happens, and there would need to be way more players online. so for now, no.
once we get to lvl 35-36 lvl 30-31 will be the lowests lvls we can fight
and to lvl up by then it takes about 1000 wins. not counting power hour.

xxmirxx -> RE: Level Range to high (6/27/2011 0:18:15)

I think should be for 2vs2 its fair. but 1vs1 you can always npc that makes up losses

Sipping Cider -> RE: Level Range to high (6/27/2011 0:22:24)

Even if we can not do it now due to community size, this would be a great addition to the game.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Level Range to high (6/27/2011 13:31:36)

I agree the LVL 27 Non Vars vs the LVL 32 Vars must stop. That is why most Non Vars who have no knowledge of the Forums or the Wiki quit when they hit that level. They are sick of being tossed around like rag dolls.

Wraith -> RE: Level Range to high (6/27/2011 13:39:08)

^Life isn't fair. We all went through that.

Don't quot me, I'll ignore you.

He Who Lurks -> RE: Level Range to high (6/27/2011 14:23:14)

Guys, your not thinking rationally. The escuse as for why the level range hasn't been lowered because, as stated by staff "There's not enough players within the game" or somewhat of the like. However, what purpose do more players serve with a limited server occupancy?

ajs777 -> RE: Level Range to high (6/27/2011 14:24:37)

lol i cant believe this is even being discussed

Drago9999 -> RE: Level Range to high (6/27/2011 16:14:16)

The level cap is actually beneficial if you ask me. While battling, you get wins for your record. Also tokens and credits.

Etrigan -> RE: Level Range to high (6/27/2011 18:54:24)

Ever since I could fight those with the cap level I've been winning a lot more. So it's not too high.

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