RE: Good News! (Full Version)

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Retrosaur -> RE: Good News! (6/28/2011 22:35:01)

Class change should be 65k.

That's fair enough. The cost of armor, and updated "suggestion" shop weapons are about the same price.

19,000 = Armor
11,875 = Maruader's Boomstick (currently BEST nonvarium weapon)
11,000 = Neutron Blaster
24,500 = Bike or Enhancements (usually enhancements)

65,000 = Class Change = Set of Items

So they can essentially choose. Because it's still really a long drive.

Polandor -> RE: Good News! (6/28/2011 23:21:18)

Look at the credit cost for juggernaut, class change should be near or lower 15-20k.

Non varium lose a lot, and most do not have the best non varium weapon already, and far from being enhanced, a high credit cost for class change will make them even weaker.

We do not want the gap to be bigge but smaller than now.

xxmirxx -> RE: Good News! (6/28/2011 23:26:06)

I want way is now against non varium players.

kelvin112233 -> RE: Good News! (6/28/2011 23:29:12)


If each class change was 100k then 10 class changes would be a 1 million credits. It's suppose to be hard not impossible. Even at 50k it would be hard to abuse. Including all my purchases, I still haven't collected 100k credits from all of my fights. How will lower levels even come close to collecting 100k. You keep treating the community as all 30+ players, but the community is made up of more than just level 33 players.

Your price of 20k for class evolution is fair and a price that i would also support, but 100k is a little ridiculous. Personally I won't use class change features because I'd rather spend credits on equipment and retraining, but for those who want to be able to use the feature they can't at 100k.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 0:01:51)

well i dont think class change is meant to be abused by non vars.
lets say class evo is 20k. class change is 100k
u class change into merc. u try it for a while, u evolve it later so let me ask u this. are u really paying 100k if ur changing classes twice?

kelvin112233 -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 0:19:01)

What if i evolved into Blood Mage. Then i decided I wanted to become a Cyber Hunter. I would then need to Class Change for 100k then evolve for 20k. To change from a BM to a CH i would be spending 120k. 1 Class Change would then be 120k.

I don't understand your question at all. You still are spending 100k to change your class and 20k to Evolve it

goldslayer1 -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 0:20:49)

well technically its just class changing. from what i see variums have to pay 900 to class change but they didn't say anything about evolving it.
idk about the credit case tho. i will find out soon.

kelvin112233 -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 0:24:11)

I also agree with you that we don't know enough yet. Class Evolution and Class Change could be the same thing or they might seperate them. I hope they seperated them and that might be a reason why they lowered the Varlum price. IDK, but it's almost the 29th anyways, so we don't really need to guess anymore.

Goony -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 1:30:35)

My bet is 90k credits!

War kills prices 1 varium = 100 credits and enhancement used to be about the same... Doubt it will be less than 75k ;)

goldslayer1 -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 1:32:07)

thats around the price i suggested
100 var = 10k credits
originally i said 100k-150k until they changed the varium prices
so 90k to be nice.

Mr.MuF1N M4K3R -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 1:54:09)

I think it wouldn't be that expensive... Non varium players take long to get credits. Im thinking around 30k for a Class change

goldslayer1 -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 1:57:30)

yeha u know what
heck forget 30k lets make it 10k
ill be using the credit class change instead of varium even tho i have varium ;)
let all the varium players use the credit system instead and save that little $8 for the class change and just use the 10K that anyone can get in 1 day :D

xxmirxx -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 2:03:19)


I think it wouldn't be that expensive... Non varium players take long to get credits. Im thinking around 30k for a Class change

why not make it free varium for non varium lol.

kelvin112233 -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 2:36:06)

I hope you understand that just because you can change your class with credits doesn't mean it is a complete loss for the staff. Most varlum players will have to buy new equipment if they change classes unless a bounty hunter can use a staff successfully or a mage can use wrist blades successfully. Not to mention all the Varlum needed to enhance their new weapons. It's quite simple for the ED team to make money if they want. If they didn't give the 10k Varlum Package weapons for every class they could have made alot of money by selling them seperately in-game, yet I haven't seen Gold saying it was a bad idea for the staff to bundle them together...

goldslayer1 -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 2:41:57)

most "variums" have armors that are uniclass armors (meaning they dont have class requirements. just lvls)
and some of the best weps in the game are swords and those are widely used with 5 focus.
so any new player could have came about a month ago. gotten eggzooka, bunny borg, and then stuns guns. get a sword primary and BAM they got a full set of gear in just 1 month and they have top notch gear and stay competitive at its maximum.
then he class change to any class using 5 focus with gamma bot. so in the end the guy has a 90%+ build and only played for a month and has top notch gear.

kelvin112233 -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 2:49:28)

I'm saying that if the ED team decided to make uniclass armors they would be making more money off that than class change,but you wouldn't want that would you. You keep saying credit class change is bad economically for the ED team, yet alot of opportunities for the team to make money have been neglected and you don't seem to want to bring attention to those opportunities. If you want the ED team to make money, tell them to make weapons and armors class specific. they'll make MORE money off that than any other feature they can implement... If they started making class specific items, you would be against it simply because it would be detramental to you, which is exactly what your doing with the credit class change feature.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 2:53:27)

im just saying that if people want to tell titan that credit class change should be cheap
then by all means go ahead and tell him it should be REAL CHEAP so that variums can class change with credits. after all variums have the easier way out with uniclass armors.
also uniclass armors were made so that they could release weekly content more.
idk if u were around here before in 2009 but they had releases every 2 weeks because it would take NW longer to draw 6 armors (1 for each class and 1 for each gender = 6) and the releases would be smaller. so ask urself this do u want the release to be every 2 weeks with much smaller content and then u be charged more for buying armors after class changing?
now u know why uniclass and unigender armors were made. to save time and allow the staff to make more content.

kelvin112233 -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 3:03:13)

If the ED team wanted money they don't need to draw different armors for different classes, they just need to change the stats and put class requirements on them. That would take maybe 5 minutes longer for him to code. If he doesn't want to draw all the items he can use suggestions like the items being implemented into the suggestion shop and simply give artistic credit to whoever might've drawn it. They don't need to make money off Class Change there is ALOT of ways for them to make MORE money, but the other routes for them to make money would make the game harder for you. Your so anti credit class change because you don't want to share a feature with other players not because you want the ED staff to make more money. We haven't had weekly content for the last 4 weeks. All they needed to do to speed up the process was to get more testers...

Most people agree for a price around 30k - 50k credits which is around 1k - 1.5k 1vs1 victories, which is ALOT for non-varlum players to achieve, but you want it at 100k...

goldslayer1 -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 3:10:25)

im talking about regular releases not a super release like delta -.-
and titan already said its gonna be a super-expensive.
and im not saying im against it, i mean if the non vars wanna change their class into a class they possibly dont know how to use and then have to buy armor and class specific weps again. then thats up to them.

its not that i want them to make more money. its that they want to make money from a feature and i fine that fine since the feature was suppose to be varium only to begin with. if it costs 15k-30k credits then i can already see varium players using the credit option instead of the varium option. and thats not good for ED economically for them and they wouldn't want that.
plus they dont want too many class changes going around either. so making the price high gives non vars a chance, and keeps variums using the varium class change.

like i said if its 15k-30k variums wont use the varium option unless it brings other benefits.

and when u make a suggestion and u want them to consider it u also need to think how it affects them economically and have a way for them to make some money of off ur suggestion or else they coded and spent all that time for nothing.

sylar67 -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 3:21:22)

90k or 100k not less -_- we paid 1500 var it should be 150 k and 2 years later it gets to 90k :)

kelvin112233 -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 3:23:06)

there's a difference between expensive and outrageous. I'm level 31 and ALL of my equipment and the credits i have now doesn't even come close to 100k.I don't see how anyone can expect lower levels to even come close to scrapping 100k together. Class change was meant to be varlum, but they never told us that Class Evolution would be and to be truthfully honest i'm predicting that Class Evolution and Class Change will be the same option in game. I doubt they'll be 2 different things. I'm only saying this because they said you would be able to evolve/upgrade using the Class Change feature. I also don't understand why all non-varlum armors are class specific, if they said it takes too much time for them to design different armors.

30k might be nothing to you, but for lower levels and non-varlum players it's probably everything they have. They also reduced the Varlum price by 40%. I don't understand those actions at all, unless they're trying to lose money.

Economically if they wanted to make money they would've implemented more class specific items and they woudln't have reduced the costs, yet they've failed to do either.

sky222 -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 3:29:10)

Ok lets say the player is lvl 33 and is trying to save for class change
He uses jugger since right now its the fastest way to make creds
His W/L ratio is 7/2
A win in jugger is 70 credits and a loss is 7/19 credits(average that to 13 credits a loss)
That averages to 57 credits a battle and 100000/57 = 1754 battles
The top players on Juggernaut all time barely have that and their battles are quicker than a nonvariums battle
And jugger was released when?A month ago?
Playing for 1.5 months with no life just saving for class change and nothing else is rather insane...

goldslayer1 -> RE: Good News! (6/29/2011 3:33:17)

without the expirience of fights and lvls. not to mention that fact that most non vars aren't smart and save up tokens. its impossible to get 100k because its not meant for them to get that many credits at those lvls.

and their not trying to loose money by making the armors class specific and gender with the non var items theres a reason why the last non var armor that came thats decent for lvl 33s was released over a year ago. so their not loosing time if they only do it like once a year.
and the reason why they lowered credit prices is because non variums complained and complained about the prices for days, weeks, months. and then even some variums complained. so for me if i were the staff the sooner i get the complainers off my back about that subject the better so reduce the credit prices.

no actualy u see uni class armors sell more because they had more stats than the class specific armors and because they were able to do it more often. and players didn't have to worry about class reqs when they changed so the ones with sword did it often because they didn't have to worry about reqs = more money from all those departments. if they had class specific weps and armors the player would most likely not class change at all and not buy the gear because it would be to much to buy something new all over again and then enhance it to its maxx that includes armors and weapons. plus the class change and enhancements. thats a whole lot and not everyone would do it and most would not even consider it at all.

actualy people think that jugger is the best way to get credits
but while u do 1 juggernaut match u can do 6-10 1 vs 1 matches in that same time.
1 vs 1 is alot faster
and if u stick to strict 100-200 wins a day for 1 vs 1 not counting power hour or losses, u get 3200- 6400 credits a day.
do it for 15-30 days and theres 100k

endtime -> RE: Class Change Pricing (6/29/2011 3:41:33)

Even though the quest system would have been awesome, this is very good news! However, by super expensive, I am expecting below 50K and not some exorbitant price. Also, there should be a lower price for shifting into the same base class (e.g. merc to tactical merc, tech to blood mage, or bounty to cyber hunter).

goldslayer1 -> RE: Class Change Pricing (6/29/2011 3:46:35)

i think it will definetly be more than 20k
jugg card was 20k but they said that wasn't so expensive.

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