Traveler (Location) (Full Version)

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Peachii -> Traveler (Location) (7/1/2011 22:17:06)


Traveler (Location)

Location: Soluna City -> Traveler

Locations Available:

Missions Available:
  • Missing Note
  • Note Delivery
  • Assistance
  • Decoy
  • Smuggle

    Shops Available:
  • Traveler's Rare Weapons
  • Traveler's NG Rare Weapons
  • Missing Note Rewards
  • Note Delivery Rewards
  • Assistance Rewards Shop
  • Decoy Rewards Shop
  • Smuggle Rewards Shop

  • Traveler

    Traveler: You seem like a smart fellow. Perhaps you would like to purchase some of my wares? They won't be here for very long.

  • Star Captains!
    Traveler: Select your mission and I will brief you on the details.

    Missing Note
    Traveler: Your mission is to collect the pieces of the note that was taken. Upon completion, you will have access to a reward.

    Note Delivery
    Traveler: Your mission is to deliver the note to Maria. Upon completion, you will have access to a reward.

    Traveler: My associate that you met on Gark has run into trouble and I need your help to help him.

    Traveler: My associate that you met on Gark has run into trouble and I need your help to help him.

    Traveler: My Associate needs your assistance again. Meet up at the usual location...

  • Who are you?
    Traveler: I am exactly what you see. I'm a salesman that travels the galaxies in search of rare weapons and sells them.
    Traveler: I seek out buyers that enjoy collecting powerful and difficult-to-attain weapons and sometimes more than that.
    Traveler: My weapons are limited and I doubt I'll have repeating items in the shop but nothing's impossible.
    Traveler: It's best that you just assume that these weapons are only going to be here one time so grab them while you can.
    Traveler: I think that's all the information you need to know about me for now.

  • Wares
    Traveler: These rares won't last long so be smart and get them now before they are gone forever! Yes sir, right smart purchase.
    Traveler: Open the Front Arms shop first! If you don't, a stray Gremlin makes the other shops come up empty! Sorry for the inconvenience.

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