WhiteTiger -> RE: Would it be fair if Assult Bot got sold for credits? (7/14/2011 3:14:43)
I don't think the Assault Bot itself should be turned into a credit only bot due to its high varium cost, but an new, physical version of it should be available for non-varium players. Also, for everyone saying it's already non-varium, you're only half right. The arcade only works if you win battles and usually if you win a lot of battles since most players don't get it on their first win. With that said, most non-varium players can't win due to the fact that the majority of varium players at their level are essentially a couple levels higher than them statwise. (Ex. At level 33, I have 70 stat mods (Including 17 enhancements). The average level 33 varium player I face has 90-115 stat mods, usually near the 100-110s. At 4 stats per level increase, that means he/she is 5-11 levels higher than me.)