RE: [Sigs][Plushies][Avvies] AE Sig and Plushie Shop (Full Version)

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Pink -> RE: [Sigs][Plushies][Avvies] AE Sig and Plushie Shop (8/18/2011 2:50:05)

Ah, I hope Carly can get to that, because
a. I hate Miltonius (Nulgath) and Dage items, along with a few other ones, pretty sure Carly does too :o
b. I'm tired (o. oll)
c. ...I'm still tired D:

Edit: Yaaaaaaaaaay page 8 :D
-goes to sleep ._.-

bsteiny16 -> RE: [Sigs][Plushies][Avvies] AE Sig and Plushie Shop (8/18/2011 8:46:09)

Okay, Pink, thats an amazing job. But his hair in the front on the sides aren't that long. They are short, if you look again......

Edit: Kristeen taught me how to render a while ago.

So, I went ahead and thought up of what she reminds me of. So then I got a nice pic of it, rendered it, and gave it ti her as a present.

How did it turn out?

sajid9 -> RE: [Sigs][Plushies][Avvies] AE Sig and Plushie Shop (8/18/2011 13:59:53)

ok if you cant do that, then can you do a different one.
eye color: red
hair color: Incubus head morph
armor: vampire lord incubus do the male version
skin color: whatever is on the armor pic

Pink -> RE: [Sigs][Plushies][Avvies] AE Sig and Plushie Shop (8/18/2011 16:18:54)

Well, if you're adamant on me doing it, then I will, but then go on a hiatus for ~1 week.

Oh BTW, I hate demonic stuff, and things that cover the hair/head. Just sayin.

Edit: Sai keeps crashing. Whoop de day. You can try to fix your own plushie b, but if you can't, I have an MS Paint version of it.
I can't work on the request ._.
-throws Carly :D-

bsteiny16 -> RE: [Sigs][Plushies][Avvies] AE Sig and Plushie Shop (8/19/2011 6:28:42)


Carly will work on it......


*Holy light comes through the window and lands on some random hobo*

Wait....I'm the one with the idea! Give me the light!!!!!!!

*Beats up random hobo and takes the light*

Take that, random hobo!!!!!!!!!

Sorceress555 -> RE: [Sigs][Plushies][Avvies] AE Sig and Plushie Shop (8/19/2011 15:12:02)


bsteiny16 -> RE: [Sigs][Plushies][Avvies] AE Sig and Plushie Shop (8/19/2011 15:39:01)


I did that on purpose. :D

mulberry777 -> RE: [Sigs][Plushies][Avvies] AE Sig and Plushie Shop (8/22/2011 22:18:39)

Eye color: red
Hair color: dragonfable pheonix doom helm
Armor/Armor color: sepulchre armour
Backround (Optional):
Skin color: umm human skin color

bsteiny16 -> RE: [Sigs][Plushies][Avvies] AE Sig and Plushie Shop (8/22/2011 22:32:58)

Pink, that's your cue!

Pink -> RE: AE Sig and Plushie Shop [Hiring!] (8/22/2011 23:24:35)

I dislike "cool" helms.
Pick a helm that DOESN'T cover the whole face and DOESN'T have 9001 details, and I'll think about it.

bsteiny16 -> RE: AE Sig and Plushie Shop [Hiring!] (8/23/2011 21:10:06)


D1F3 taught me how to make a drop shadow!!!!


D1F3Forum -> RE: AE Sig and Plushie Shop [Hiring!] (8/23/2011 21:33:31)

I did???
I did!!!

YAY!!! [:D]

Ooo...I'm in an AP Computer Science class for school and eventually we will program a brick breaker game on the computer...
Maybe I'll be able to program a game like DF someday...*Imagines life as an AE programmer*

bsteiny16 -> RE: AE Sig and Plushie Shop [Hiring!] (8/24/2011 16:48:56)

Yeah, like that will happen. How about you wait another 5 years, then they'll see? Oh, and look at meh new siggy that I made! I'm almost pro!

D1F3Forum -> RE: AE Sig and Plushie Shop [Hiring!] (8/24/2011 20:38:14)

Are u serious??? Five years???
Your being leniant my friend...programming is rly complex and time consuming...I'd have to learn how to do it for quite some time before I could do DF quality work...

But its not impossible!!!

bsteiny16 -> RE: AE Sig and Plushie Shop [Hiring!] (8/30/2011 6:52:00)

True, true....

Okay, so I've gotten better, I'm in 3 shops (including this one), and my power's back. What could possible happen that could make this all terrible?

Mysterious Wanderer -> RE: AE Sig and Plushie Shop [Hiring!] (8/30/2011 20:13:22)

Can I request Bsteiny16 for a sig please.

Main Image:
Main Image Placement: On the right, character facing left. If possible, edit the gun to appear as if being loaded.
Background: Dark blue sky, with stars, calm. Is possible, a sky sample from AQW such as /join nexus
Text: Mysterious Wanderer
Text Color: White
Text Placement:Left
Font: any text that's rounded, your call.
Sig proportions (Size of sig): same size as examples given.


V Nevermind, just simple rounded text. Yes that's fine.

bsteiny16 -> RE: AE Sig and Plushie Shop [Hiring!] (8/30/2011 20:32:10)

By any chance could I have a link to the font? Thanks.

Edit: Rounded? You mean kinda like a Times New Roman?

Edit 2: Can't make it look loaded....sorry.

bsteiny16 -> RE: AE Sig and Plushie Shop [Hiring!] (8/31/2011 9:04:21)

Wow, that's....simple. Okay, I'll get started on both you! I just woke up, because I went to bed at 12 in the morning. Hint: When D1F3 and bsteiny16 collide, they make poniesandponiesandponiesandponies......[;)]

Oh, and MW? The size is 500x100. I just made it appear smaller. It's called a "Drop Shadow Sig".

MW, here you go:



It was too much file size to make the whole thing transparent into a .png, so i made the background the forum's color, so it looks transparent, and into a .jpg.

Mysterious Wanderer -> RE: AE Sig and Plushie Shop [Hiring!] (8/31/2011 12:15:36)

Awesome, thank you so much Bsteiny16

bsteiny16 -> RE: AE Sig and Plushie Shop [Hiring!] (8/31/2011 13:21:11)

No problem. :)

Stachu, I'll get started on your's in an hour or so.

bsteiny16 -> RE: AE Sig and Plushie Shop [Hiring!] (8/31/2011 19:12:36)

Well, because your username is Stachu......could I get started on the sig tomorrow? You might have it tonight as a surprise.....

Edit: Woops! I'll get started!

Finished. It looks better with this font than Times New Roman.



bsteiny16 -> RE: AE Sig and Plushie Shop [Hiring!] (8/31/2011 22:29:44)

500x100. No need to test it, because I always do. It's okay.

Stuchu -> RE: AE Sig and Plushie Shop [Hiring!] (8/31/2011 22:57:45)

Bsteiny One More Question WHen Someone PResses My Siggy How Do I Make It Goto My Chracter Page?

D1F3Forum -> RE: AE Sig and Plushie Shop [Hiring!] (9/1/2011 8:48:34)

Link it...
Add [url=Blahblah][img][/img][/url]
This will add a link to your Char page through your sig...

bsteiny16 -> RE: AE Sig and Plushie Shop [Hiring!] (9/1/2011 9:46:39) what?

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