=HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 6 & 7) (Full Version)

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mturf -> =HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 6 & 7) (7/20/2011 16:37:53)

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 6 & 7) (7/20/2011 17:26:30)

Finally a villain! =D

~Lady Zafara

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 6 & 7) (7/20/2011 17:45:01)

That's a nice sword.

Condor -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 6 & 7) (7/20/2011 19:15:38)

oooo shiney

UnityDestroyer -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 6 & 7) (7/21/2011 4:13:23)

A White Circuit Breaker,Helm and Sword was cool!

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 6 & 7) (7/21/2011 4:27:44)

Hrrrm. I get the feeling from this one that there will be no subtle villains or dicrotimies and talking over the nature of good and evil, and rather just heroes smashing villains and villains smashing heroes. I like the idea of Arcadia, but I feel there will be no subtle and complex sagas or villains other then "DERPAHERP I WANT TEH WORLD!"

...Not to say that this is a bad comic, because it's quite good, but I fear for those of us who like complexity and subtlety.

UnityDestroyer -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 6 & 7) (7/21/2011 4:29:56)

So its like balance of good and bad?
Yeah your right!

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 6 & 7) (7/21/2011 13:54:53)

Kyle: You never know, I'm betting it will get better.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 6 & 7) (7/21/2011 14:28:14)

I'm not saying the comic is bad, because it's not (Though I feel it could do with some more colour in places), it's just... I fear there will be no villains who just talk over possiblities like the balence of good and evil ather then resort to violence first, and even if there are the heroes will just go "You talk too much!" and try to hit him rather then have a rational conversation.

But hey, you are right. Maybe it's too early to make such assumptions. I would just feel a lot better if Mturf could ally my fears on the matter somewhat.

mturf -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Pages 6 & 7) (7/21/2011 19:10:38)

the villains will certainly all have their reasons for doing what they do, it just might not be obvious from the start. however our robber friend here wants moneys. i think he might be rather new to the whole bad guy role. by the end of this issue you should have a good feel for their motivations ^-^

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