RE: Mods on All Time (Full Version)

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Angels Holocaust -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 0:10:42)

@ The ND Mallet Guy

It's still a cool benefit, so why not free ride as much as you can off of your position?

ND Mallet -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 0:10:53)

@latin And does showmanship give you any unfair advantages? No. It's not like extra stars give more luck or increase your stats.

DeathSpawn -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 0:11:50)


Actually mods don't use War Kills at all since it wouldn't be fair.

You ever opened the faction menu and looked at your faction? There's this little doo hiky there that says War Kills with a number below it and beside the mods.....

Yes there's none on the all time boards but whose to say there not getting there varium in the form of Battleon points then using other characters to do this? How would any of the regular paying customers know any better?

If ya don't like it then don't play or just don't waste your money on useless boards like rarity or war kills. They have made it clear multiple times and NightWraith himself has also said if you don't like it then don't play.

As of now for sure that we know of, their advantages are influence and useless boards. Let them have it and be happy that paying customers have something to shoot for lol because they can do anything that's not entirely in the publics eye and get away with it in the end.

Now one thing that isn't affected by their varium is a kill. Other than the fact that they can switch classes and get all the best equipment, there on equal footing. Also they do deserve this feature as a Mod should definitely know the ins and outs of every class to help the players and especially those on the testing alliance to help maintain balance. Although we all know they have failed multiple times there lol.

Good luck guys and lets pray the Disconnects from a player selecting cancel while searching for a 2v2 thus creating a 2v1 match, Turn skips, Connection Lost - Refresh Your Browser, and 2 and 4 turn Buffs and De-Buffs gets fixed in a timely manner :)

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 0:30:06)


@latin And does showmanship give you any unfair advantages? No. It's not like extra stars give more luck or increase your stats.

i like having the stars cuz it shows ur quality and if mods wanna abuse theyre position to make themself who looks better when they werent then they dont deserve it

DeathSpawn -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 0:32:59)

Hmmm don't really like that much....

If stars show quality then why doesn't a mod deserve that?

I just disagree with them abusing war kills and influence other than that they deserve all the uselessness the game has to offer :)

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 0:34:43)

mods r volunteers

volunteers = just like us + green name
which means they r just like us

goldslayer1 -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 0:36:18)


Now one thing that isn't affected by their varium is a kill.

they can brainwash and get 105 wins in 2 hours at 100%

DeathSpawn -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 0:47:40)

ah true forgot about that lol never use that feature as npcing is so boring....

Think of it like this then.....they will get bored and quit playing after so long??? I mean npcing is so friggin boring.....although some of you do love it it seems....

In the end it's a losing fight man I'll look back and pull up NW's post on this...

Lol he posted his thoughts on this and locked someones post then I also copied it and pasted and apparently both threads were removed haha. Wonder why? Oh well anyway they back them 100% and have no intentions of changing diddly squat :D

goldslayer1 -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 0:51:26)

it is boring but with this lagg ur risking a loss against players.
and what we do in 7 hours of npc they can do it in 2.

DeathSpawn -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 0:54:00)

Right but whats the point in a loss in 1v1? You could just npc forever and get none so why care about it if you have more than 0 losses?

sylar67 -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 0:57:25)

ok guys i ddnt read this page but i read about 3/4 the 1st one and i have two things to say :

1st of all moderators have like the best % in the lb due to using the most oped weapons that are rare/ultra-rare ....

2nd the warkills lb ddnt get rid of the moderators just cz its for varium no :) its because if there was moderators in paying lb ( just like rarety ) the ppl wouldnt wana pay to get on those leader boards because how much they pay moderators will still pass them so the reason moderators were out of those lbz is to get more people to pay :)

Xxbbooxx -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 1:04:39)


the ppl wouldnt wana pay to get on those leader boards because how much they pay moderators will still pass them

how so? do mods get unlimited varium or something?

goldslayer1 -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 1:05:53)

they get alot of it.

Xxbbooxx -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 1:12:12)

wouldn't they still have to pay though?

.PinkMoose. -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 1:14:03)


Think of it like this then.....they will get bored and quit playing after so long??? I mean npcing is so friggin boring.....although some of you do love it it seems....

ask Donna she seems to be doing it everyday -_-

goldslayer1 -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 1:14:58)

nope they dont pay for it. they get it free.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 1:18:39)

on topic: i rlly dont think mods shuld fight as much as they do... give the players a chance

Begging for fame is not allowed outside of the F4F topic. ~Ashari

Xxbbooxx -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 1:20:18)

@gold: i thought mods didn't get paid, if they are getting free varium, say 10k per month, thats still $50 per month, so technically they're getting paid?

Shadowlord9k -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 1:21:04)

They fact that they are mods kinda implies that they don't play as much as you, I mean they have a job to do I'm fairly sure they don't just stand around and NPC all day.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 1:23:03)


i thought mods didn't get paid, if they are getting free varium, say 10k per month, thats still $50 per month, so technically they're getting paid?

lol i think they got more than that.
but no they dont get paid with actual money however they do get rewarded with a limited ammount of varium but im sure its way more than 10k.

@shadow being a mod is volunteer work. and they can play the game just like regular players.
how do u think donna, dax, and wiseman are on the all time leaderboards?
because they play aside from doing mod stuff.
theres a difference from mod and developer.
devs get paid. mods dont.

DeathSpawn -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 1:23:55)

NightWraith posted they do get varium and that the topic is not up for debate in the open forum :)

That said I'm sure they get plenty my only concern is whether or not its presented as BattleOn points where they can give to other accounts then use for war kills and what not.

People are people and 99.99999% lie, cheat, and steal. Face it that's the way of the world.

My question would be if the mods watch us whose watching the mods?

Titan and Night are new at the gaming business but there also not stupid to have made it this far obviously so just trust they know what there doing and it will be taken care of :)

Xxbbooxx -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 1:24:30)

first ive heard of this... kinda makes me want to be a mod. but then the thought of everyone pestering you about fixing their account, or giving their items back kinda puts me off. just a little anyway.

Lord Barrius -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 1:26:26)

I'm disliking the tone of some of these posts. It's one thing to have an opinion on this subject (and for what it's worth, I think your complaint has some merit, though you need to consider that you're basically asking gamers to not's what we do :P), it's another to use it as a way to insult game or forum staff.

One and only one warning, folks. If you choose to use this thread as a soapbox to complain about the staff, you can expect your post to be removed and a warning in your inbox. And if it gets significantly nasty, this thread will be locked.

Sipping Cider -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 1:50:47)

Well, i thought that mods were recruited if they are kind and dedicated to helping the game. If this is so, why should we have to worry about Mods abusing their perks (by the way i do not know what their perks are but from what i hear they can get whatever they want)

I would say then let all mods be on any leaderboard, and if they are obviously abusing their perks then they are not worthy to be a mod.

Xxbbooxx -> RE: Mods on All Time (7/21/2011 2:42:07)

I like this reply, expresses my feeling perfectly. except for leaderboards, well.. because they can get their own specialised weapons, so they're ultra rare:

Well, i thought that mods were recruited if they are kind and dedicated to helping the game. If this is so, why should we have to worry about Mods abusing their perks (by the way i do not know what their perks are but from what i hear they can get whatever they want)

I would say then let all mods be on any leaderboard, and if they are obviously abusing their perks then they are not worthy to be a mod.

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