=HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (Full Version)

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mturf -> =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/27/2011 11:43:52)

Fools rush in.

Next page on friday.

Goldstein -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/27/2011 11:51:35)

A new opponent has come forth!

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/27/2011 12:01:27)

That has to hurt the glove!

~Lady Zafara

master mix -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/27/2011 12:26:08)


My thoughts exactly!

GriffinFire -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/27/2011 14:28:30)

I'm most interested in the girl with the flower powers and the fourth-wall-breaking guy. Hope we get back to them soon. Unfortunately, this comic completely fails the Bechdel test so far.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/27/2011 14:37:18)

I just want two things:

A: Some subtle villains.

B: To have a contest where our own characters get in the webcomic, but written entrie to make up for the Other contest.[>:]

A may have some hope from this quote from an ealier thread:


the villains will certainly all have their reasons for doing what they do, it just might not be obvious from the start. however our robber friend here wants moneys. i think he might be rather new to the whole bad guy role. by the end of this issue you should have a good feel for their motivations ^-^

And B MAY be possible. I think Mturf basicly said he had a few personas for the first few issues but would look into it with staff.

Tthe Bechdel test?

Goldstein -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/27/2011 15:32:54)

Megakyle, the Bechdel test is a test to states

1. There must be two women
2. Who have at least one conversation
3. About something other than men.

Katrianah -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/27/2011 18:26:14)

@GriffinFire - there has been one character presented as female, and two as male, and two robots of indeterminate gender (excluding background characters such as the prison guards). So far there's been two conversations. I think it's a bit early to be claiming it fails the Bechdel test based on eight pages.

UnityDestroyer -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/27/2011 18:53:48)

I'm interested on Arcadia or as I call The 4'th Rule Breaker.

master mix -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/27/2011 18:58:05)

I'd like to see a snuggle bear hero in a valentines day issue, or at least holiday special issues.

UnityDestroyer -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/27/2011 19:00:36)

This year we will be having HeroSmash's birthday.
My suggestion is make an issue for it. ^^

mturf -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/27/2011 19:40:03)

is there a test like that for male characters? i think i'd fail that one too :P
i was going to make some of the guards on page one female, but thought it looked too forced when i drew them, so decided to make them look more like clones.
if it makes u feel better the flower girl was the first character i designed specifically for this issue. the only one i had created before then was arcadia that i originally designed as a character that might help a player through a herosmash tutorial, training them and talking directly to the player to tell them what to click ^-^. the very next page actually has her and arcadia in it. they're very nearby the action.
i haven't finished the artwork, but i have about 30 pages planned out for this issue. i tried to aim for a similar length as a real comic.

as for subtle villains they will come, but for my first comic i though action was the way to go.

UnityDestroyer -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/27/2011 20:13:03)

Go mturf!

GriffinFire -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/27/2011 20:20:17)

There doesn't need to be a test like that for guys, because guys are pretty much automatically predominant. However, the comic already passes the "reverse Bechdel test".

There are four apparently-significant human characters, only one female. Are there more yet to be introduced? Because that already seems like a lot of characters in such a short space. The only other female seen so far is the hero getting knocked out in the first panel. Not to mention the sole significant female character, Rosey, pretty definitely fitting into the "The Chick" role.

I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to make this a big deal or anything. It's just a bit of a sore spot with me in general. ^^;

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/27/2011 20:26:39)

I suggest you read other story based webcomics and see the gender ratio of the first 8 strips. Many characters don't appear until a few weeks in, usually when the writer/artist/whatever-the-correct-term-is-ist feels like more characters are needed. Give it time.

mturf -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/28/2011 7:08:48)

aha, i see the issue. u'v defined the non humans as male. gender balance was actually part of my original notes before i started the comic, hence my immediate interest when it was brought up (if anyone could be said o be making it a big deal it wud be me :P). i first made one strong female role, then decided to use arcadia as the strong male role after i'd wrote the first and last pages in my head based around her. after that i wanted to make a neutral character, that's the one with the sword, i just haven't had chance to explain that he/she is a robot (it's bio will be the next i post) . then i made the machine from page 1&2. the bank robber was the first to tip the gender balance, but i made him male for a reason that would include spoilers. there is still one main character to come who's gender is yet to be determined.
by the by i knew that there was no "reverse bechdel" (sounds like a wrestling hold, lol), i was pointing out the comic would not pass it, but i didn't realize that the character with the sword isn't immediately identifiable as a robot.

u might be interested that one of the other comics i'm working on has a currently entirely female cast. i'v only just realized because u brought it up. girls are usually what i start with when i'm designing characters / drawing armors / etc. i'm not entirely sure why.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/28/2011 7:17:50)


one of the other comics i'm working on

Do you mean for Herosmash or for something else? Because if you are planning on doing comic runs for different characters or something like one of the big comic things, then that would be PERFECT for a contest or something! You could have it star a hero and villain from it![:D]

...But you probably mean for something else don't you?[:)]

mturf -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/28/2011 7:32:51)

i definitely want to make a few different comics, using different art styles and focusing on different characters. i already have more story for these guys than 30 pages, so i will come back to them, but after about 30 pages i'll be starting a different comic for a while. it'll be a good chance to get some feedback about art styles and characters.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/28/2011 7:57:19)


UnityDestroyer -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/28/2011 7:58:58)

[:-] New stories coming.

GriffinFire -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/28/2011 9:23:11)

Fair enough, I assumed "the one with the sword" was a human. It is a male-shaped robot, though. :P And the robber converses with a male bank worker, thus passing the "reverse Bechdel".

But my apologies, I definitely made a fuss without much ground to stand on.

mturf -> RE: =HS= Webcomic Update (Page 8) (7/28/2011 10:22:12)

no fuss, all's well, and u'r right about him talking to the teller, i totally missed that ^-^

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