=WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (Full Version)

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Galanoth -> =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (7/28/2011 14:53:23)

Hello everyone! On behalf of the AQ/WF team, I would first like to thank every one of you from the bottom of our hearts for your support of WarpForce for the past couple of years. We have all enjoyed creating these new stories for you and seeing your reactions to them.

Unfortunately, WarpForce never gathered enough followers or financial supporters for AE to afford more resources to help strictly with producing WarpForce content. Over time, the added workload of creating constant WarpForce updates on top of AQ updates became too much for to continue on a monthly basis, especially considering that we have to make sure we commit a certain amount of time and effort solely on AQ to continue to improve it and build bigger and better releases (which many of you have seen this year).

To help remedy this, and to give some relief to the very dedicated and hardworking AQ/WF team, I decided to move WarpForce to a bimonthly schedule. Therefore, the next WF release will occur in August, and the one after that in October, etc. There may also be occasional item releases in in-between months, depending on the team's resources that month.

I always knew that something like this was a possibility, so I made sure the main storyline of WF was completed beforehand. There is quite a bit of story and gameplay in WF currently (more than most console games), and we still have new stories we want to tell-- but starting now they will just be told every other month.


I'm going to sticky this at the top :) ~$b

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (7/28/2011 15:12:57)

I knew this was coming. >>

Mayhap you want to take a look at the Gameplay Feedback?

moneybags -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (7/28/2011 15:45:57)

Thanks for letting us know Gal.

sunblaze -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (7/28/2011 15:55:20)

Alright I understand and approve. AQ gets the major workload and WF gets continued (even if slower) that seems fine.

Memory of a Nightmare -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (7/28/2011 16:03:19)

Not really a big deal, I think I'd enjoy WarpForce more if monsters didn't gave such ridiculously low rewards at early levels, and if I could train stats, which I currently can't since the Trainer is too strong. Thumbs up for the nice art and all post-sweep items though! It would have been nice to be able to use your Adventure Quest character in WarpForce at the same level, with the same stats but without the equipment and upgrades, it's called an expansion after all...

Now keep up the good epically awesome work on Adventure Quest...and work on WarpForce when needed.

neo_manni -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (7/28/2011 16:10:51)

I am with you gal your workload was humungous to say the least. I am good to go for a year before I catch up to what's there.

SIGMUND -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (7/28/2011 19:37:52)

I think we all understand Galanoth.
Thanks to all the staff for their hard work.[:D]

Personally I have almost no interest in Z costing Equipment. Both here and in AQ.

However I would have paid for a Space Ship run like an Estate in AQ ...... or for a planetside House and Estate on Novus. Mega World Portals would also have been worth buying. [:D]

Making Tokens available in-game could have helped create a wider player base, as might a few more WF Wars and Low Level side Events.
However I do appreciate that the staff were trying to tell a comprehensive story with the releases.

It has been a fun rollercoaster ride over the last two years trying to keep up with the character levels and the story.

I hope that some of the filler months will help to fix a few of the bugs that still remain in the game.

Arithonne -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (7/28/2011 22:14:34)

That's certainly understandable. Thanks for the heads up, it's very much appreciated.

neo_manni -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (7/29/2011 0:59:14)

SIGMUND @ OMG! I so get what your saying I sooo concur with you about what you just said, yea it was to bad there wasn't many low to mid level wars i WF although I gotta love the depth to WF they had put it must of been a totally different ball game when they made revolving worlds for us to look at was amazing. sometimes I get the feeling the staff did to much to fast, I think they were better off doing stuff strategically like how they make releases for AQ. maybe when I catch up in WF I will see the whole picture but I don't see t right now. good luck with the bimonthly releases I hope I can catch up soon I wanna get exp like I do in AQ, I hope....

afsoc4life -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (7/29/2011 8:47:29)

Ok. I can finally catch up to lvl 99. It is understandable. As for stat training - it is difficult initially then becomes so easy.

Doomsday -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (7/29/2011 8:55:34)

I was really hoping to get to 100 this month, but yeah the quality of AQ's releases lately have been nothing short of amazing, and I understand that it's better to have no release at all than to have a lousy one.

Maybe when AQ's releases have slowed down a little, WF can have some of the more recent balance changes added to it.

nosey123 -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (7/30/2011 3:35:53)

...well, this really is unfortunate. [:(]
But at least you all already had a plan before hand so good job to the staff. [:D]

While i know this might not be a possible request, but i would hope for gap fillers (er, those that the other forumers would know more about than me >.>) to be released once in a while. It would be really useful.

Anyway, national service now, not like i will log in daily to check. XD

steven11113 -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (7/30/2011 21:58:33)

[8D] why 2 months,it like every 8-9 releases of AQ and 1 release of WF [sm=kab_smilie.gif]


Manga Maniac -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (8/1/2011 10:24:21)

Sad to hear, but hopefully it'll be for the best.

KERED -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (8/1/2011 14:03:30)

^ exactly.

Kenrae -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (8/3/2011 16:58:08)

I was wondering why there wasn't a July WF release :P.


Personally I have almost no interest in Z costing Equipment. Both here and in AQ.

However I would have paid for a Space Ship run like an Estate in AQ ...... or for a planetside House and Estate on Novus. Mega World Portals would also have been worth buying.


Oh well, it is what it is.

candy.man -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (8/3/2011 22:07:14)

Not surprised about this announcement but I guess most people more or less knew that an announcement such as this was inevitable. Warpforce was a clasic case of good intentions, bad decisions. I reckon if the team actually fixed bugs, maintained meaningful monthly updates (instead of the recent 1 quest monthly updates which were roughly equivalent to a run of the mill weekly update from other AE games) and removed the strict (and weird) level requirements on main storyline quests, Warpforce would be a lot more popular than it is now.

Hopefully AE have learnt from their experiences with Warpforce and hopefully the same fate doesn’t happen to Herosmash. I think the moral of the story is that success is not automatic without good direction.

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (8/3/2011 22:11:38)

^The level reqs were somewhat alleviated of late when the Cap'n doubled EXP/Gold.

candy.man -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (8/3/2011 22:31:43)

Rhubarb’s update is a start but ideally the level requirements should be removed altogether. Grinding for a couple of weeks to a month just to experiencing 1 new storyline quest (only to grind again to see the next quest in the chain) is still a terrible mechanic.

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (8/3/2011 22:37:29)

I agree. Hence "somewhat."

candy.man -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (8/3/2011 22:45:30)

Hopefully with bimonthly updates, the team has more wiggle room regarding the quality of the updates. I'm hoping the bimonthly updates will be along the lines of “crises alleviation”, focusing on bug fixes, gamplay and functionality. If the bimonthly updates are still along the lines of “1 new generic quest with 1 new item”, I can see Warpforce being cancelled (or downgraded further) within a year.

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (8/3/2011 22:49:37)

Yep. For example, the obscenely long (due to lag) travel scenes really need to go, because they're mainly in the lower-level quests, which turns newer players off.

candy.man -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (8/3/2011 23:10:31)

I definitely agree.

I’ve noticed that most of the quests have at least 1 unnecessary space travel scene, usually at the beginning. I suspect it’s because partly, the writers are following some kind of template and partly because it’s a cliché plot device stolen from Star Trek.

Mechbuster1 -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (8/17/2011 14:18:24)

So Warpforce is unpopular and being left behind? I am a long time Mechquest player who started playing Warpforce last week and I can point out a few serious flaws in game design as compared to other AE games.

1. There is no walkaround world. This game playes like MQ if you never leave the dropship having only 5 rooms and the Guardian tower unless you are doing a quest, and is very claustrophobic. Also, unlike other AE games new releases aren't seen by most players especially new players (I think).
- The Space station should be a visitable walkaround area and the Alteon needs a growing fleet. If the game has the appearance of expansion it might grow or stabilize.

2. All of the quests are level locked. This is not a problem at lower levels but then the quests start skipping ten levels. My character is level 28 and has completed all level 25 quests, am I supposed to push the battle button for 7 levels to get to the level 35 quests? If I am ready to quit already maybe other players not on the forums are as well.
- Either leveling (like MQ) or level gap quests are needed. These could be added to the station or additional ships referenced above if such were implemented.

Essentially this game needs to grow laterally not just receive the next higher quest installment to improve gameplay to the level of other AE games. Since there are only bi-monthly releases this seems unlikely now. Perhaps work time can be taken from the long travel scenes that most people want shortened.

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= WarpForce going bimonthly (8/17/2011 14:20:40)

I agree with your points except in that this game, like AQ, doesn't need walkaround.

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