RE: =ED= DNS August 10, 2011 - Coding Mania, and what’s next to come... (Full Version)

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frogbones -> RE: =ED= DNS August 10, 2011 - Coding Mania, and what’s next to come... (8/12/2011 15:42:51)

@ yo:

True. I guess I'm just saying that if they raise the level cap, they should also release level 34 weapons.....

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= DNS August 10, 2011 - Coding Mania, and what’s next to come... (8/12/2011 15:44:16)

Well of course there are a lot of weapon gaps e.g. hypertalon (15 months old) compared to the energy stun gun which was a recent promotion. Point said, I wouldn't look forward to this update if the level cap got raised to 34.

voidance -> RE: =ED= DNS August 10, 2011 - Coding Mania, and what’s next to come... (8/12/2011 15:48:09)

I'm a varium user with the delta gear and still not looking forward to a level raise so soon.

Rayman -> RE: =ED= DNS August 10, 2011 - Coding Mania, and what’s next to come... (8/12/2011 15:58:41)

If they raise the lvl cap We need 2 new npcs like lawman and admin 11 (lvl34) so we can farm them at power hour for more Exp.

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= DNS August 10, 2011 - Coding Mania, and what’s next to come... (8/12/2011 16:04:07)

I would just farm on the normal ones for maximun credit gain.

rej -> RE: =ED= DNS August 10, 2011 - Coding Mania, and what’s next to come... (8/12/2011 16:07:56)

level cap raise... when i have a computer that is imcompatable with epicduel... oh boy [:'(]

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= DNS August 10, 2011 - Coding Mania, and what’s next to come... (8/12/2011 16:08:28)

Maybe Delta should not have easily farmeable NPCs for full variums ^^

Just a question, are we still getting the change to static charge?

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