RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (Full Version)

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voidance -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/11/2011 16:41:01)

Not looking forward to it because the delta gear will probably still be better then all the primaries, Eggzooka's will be better then the aux's, and there is no sidearms.

.Nikzat. -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/11/2011 16:45:45)

Guys i've made something to DragonCon ( The Dragon Eye ) ( )

luop70 -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/11/2011 18:52:42)

Hmm dragon con actually might perswade me to buy the 10k varium package again (for like the fifth time xD)

Though to non varium ppl dragoncon kinda sucks since they have no non varium weapons

rej -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/11/2011 18:54:18)

i'm personaly hoping for a dragon buster buff. even though i rarely use it (azreal bane is superior in every way unless you're planning to use large ammounts of strengh)

Wasalu M. Jaco -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/11/2011 19:18:37)

i really hope cyber dragon gets a better buff then stars and strips [:D]

BinV2 -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/12/2011 2:09:56)

i have enough varium for cyber dragon and dragon buster.
i really hope they get buffed and hope that dragon buster doesnt
get a varium rise [like frostbane].

voidance -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/12/2011 2:33:31)

Then again I might just buy cyber dragon for the achievement.

FrostWolv -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/12/2011 2:54:19)


i really hope cyber dragon gets a better buff then stars and strips

@Wasalu M. Jaco


Minus123 -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/12/2011 3:01:12)

Cant wait for the graphite gun, I need to get it at the start, because since carrier zooka came back, a bunch of people started getting physical armor :/

T.600 -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/12/2011 6:06:34)

I already got the Dragon Buster, Dragon Master Staff and Cyber Dragon last year. I sold the staff and I won't buy it back, I'll keep the aux and I can't wait for Dragon Buster to be buffed. It's my favourite sword and it's still a great sword after a year, I'm still using it :).

I think that the promotion should be a one-time only offer, a mighty dragon weapon that is a class specific weapon that changes with you when you change class. The new code changes do make it possible for them to make more class-changing primaries, so it could be a possibility. No need for the Dragon Buster to be a promotion like Frostbane, we've had enough sword promos items already.

Ubear -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/12/2011 6:30:41)

I hope the items get buffed because there's nothing worth buying there for me

LambO -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/12/2011 6:34:15)

There will be a new achievement right?

AzZratuSS -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/12/2011 9:20:32)

when will the dragoncon event begin i mean not in gam normaly cause idk :D

T.600 -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/12/2011 9:22:29)

@above: In early September, probably on the 2nd or 9th of September, assuming the update is on a Friday.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/12/2011 9:47:02)



ani seasonal update in "august"???

GoldenNeo -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/12/2011 9:47:56)

I hope there's non-var weps of DragonCon Thingy this time. D:

Basicball -> RE: DragonCon Dragon Weapons (8/12/2011 10:03:39)




ani seasonal update in "august"???

prob not

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