Should disconnections be not taken as losses? (Full Version)

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King FrostLich -> Should disconnections be not taken as losses? (8/12/2011 10:20:26)

What's the worst thing that can happen when you're about to win? A disconnection. Why? It just takes up all your hard skills and suddenly out of the ring, your net slows down and you logged out. Isn't it annoying? shouldn't it be disregarded as a loss because its just the internet of the person.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Should disconnections be not taken as losses? (8/12/2011 10:22:04)

Of course they should not. Like when a new update comes while people are NPCing and it disconnects you. -_-

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Should disconnections be not taken as losses? (8/12/2011 10:22:11)

You right but its imposible to separate a disconnect and a refresh :/

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Should disconnections be not taken as losses? (8/12/2011 10:29:35)

well even if some refresh "by himself" coz he noes he will lose .

that match shld not count for him as loss nor win .

n if some1 leaves or refresh games more than 3 times " they wont be allowed to battle for next 24 hrs"

this should fix the prob. i guess soo.[8|]

8x -> RE: Should disconnections be not taken as losses? (8/12/2011 10:37:15)

Yes discnoonect shouldn't count as losses, but if that happend people would just press f5 all the time (since it wouldn't count as loss).

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Should disconnections be not taken as losses? (8/12/2011 10:39:23)


i think u shld read the other post !!

i pretty much gave a solution for that thing!!!

Omni -> RE: Should disconnections be not taken as losses? (8/12/2011 10:39:43)

As mentioned above it's impossible to separate a disconnect from a refresh, thus if we adjust it so losses aren't counted for disconnects than many people will start refreshing to avoid losses, this also creates slated Win %'s for the day. We also can't punish for disconnects because someone might legitimately be having a terrible day with their internet and keeps disconnectng, an issue like that isn't their fault, thus they should be allowed to keep playing if it gets better, but if someone is playing on that shaky of a connection they are willingly running the risk of taking a loss for a disconnect.

There is no simple solution to this issue and thus the system we have now is in place, if you have any suggestions please put them in the suggestions board, other than that there is really no discussion value of this issue thus it's being locked.

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