Worst Case Scenerio. This Is Important! (Full Version)

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Chosen 0ne -> Worst Case Scenerio. This Is Important! (8/12/2011 19:07:36)

If One day titan was taking a pleasant walk through the park and he got ran over by a car and died, would this game be dead?

During a tragic accident like this, would artix help ED?

Would he just let it drop?

Stop funding it?

What if the same happens to Artix, are all games officially dead?


InceptionAE -> RE: A important discussion (8/12/2011 19:08:55)

Even if the company CEO dies. The company still remains on- going. Take Coca Cola as an example. Their founder died years ago, company still not dead.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: A important discussion (8/12/2011 19:10:27)

^But ED has one lead code maker. We only have one, and artix doesnt supply us with more. Im not sure if nightwraith knows how to code.

Would Artix finally give us more staff?

InceptionAE -> RE: A important discussion (8/12/2011 19:11:15)

If both Titan and Artix dies. Im pretty sure the company will elect/hire a new CEO who will then hire more staff.

pokepwner -> RE: A important discussion (8/12/2011 19:11:18)

Well ED could just get another coder, same as someone else would take Artix's place/

Chosen 0ne -> RE: A important discussion (8/12/2011 19:12:11)

So you guys are saying that artix would give us another one, even though he hasnt really helped out our game much before?

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: A important discussion (8/12/2011 19:12:47)

Wow I never thought of that. Thought that would be horrible case scenario.

InceptionAE -> RE: A important discussion (8/12/2011 19:15:05)


Basically yes. But why are we discussing this when Titan's birthday was yesterday. LOL!

Fay Beeee -> RE: A important discussion (8/12/2011 19:15:38)


What a morbid topic.

My view is
That Ed would carry on. May be in a slightly different form (as all coders vary)

But it would continue. :0

Chosen 0ne -> RE: A important discussion (8/12/2011 19:18:40)

^ Allright, so most of you guys say it would continue, now ill bring this up, would this help the game? Or would it not? Would this make players leave?

Lol at how i post this after titans birthday, NOTE to ak's if this is against the rules delete it. I think this is a good discussion lol.

Is this scurrilous or what lol.

AQWPlayer -> RE: A important discussion (8/12/2011 19:21:16)

If any of them died I would rage.

Mohandas Gandhi -> RE: A important discussion (8/12/2011 19:26:57)

What an interesting topic. This could be a way for Epicduel to get a new programmer or programmers.

Although it would be tragic if Titan died, he has a family you know?

InceptionAE -> RE: A important discussion (8/12/2011 19:29:36)

It'd be tragic for the family. But maybe not for ED. Lol.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: A important discussion (8/12/2011 19:29:39)

^ I know lol. But its an odd thing you may not think about. I would be pissed if titan died lol. I just want to know what the community thinks about it. I wanna know if you guys think the game would benefit from it.

Calogero -> RE: A important discussion (8/12/2011 19:29:54)

wether it happens or not, the game is allready dead.

CivicChaos -> RE: Worst Case Scenerio. This Is Important! (8/12/2011 19:31:49)

If titan dies... who will take his account???

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Worst Case Scenerio. This Is Important! (8/12/2011 19:32:56)

^ill step up to that responsibility lol.

Liz Vicious -> RE: Worst Case Scenerio. This Is Important! (8/12/2011 19:36:12)

As Fay says above. This is a tad morbid don't you think?

King FrostLich -> RE: Worst Case Scenerio. This Is Important! (8/12/2011 19:37:17)

They can ask a good person though. Or they can hire a guy who just went to Disneyland since they're in Florida.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Worst Case Scenerio. This Is Important! (8/12/2011 19:37:32)

If he did die... NW would take over then Tuna would take over then the game would be dead. Then ill take on the game n make it pleasently entertaining and implement the nyan cat. nuf said

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Worst Case Scenerio. This Is Important! (8/12/2011 19:40:56)

^ Awesome. Cant wait! Jk lol.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Worst Case Scenerio. This Is Important! (8/12/2011 19:41:40)

Then we will hve a crossover with the pony vs pony game!!!!!!!!!!! :D

edwardvulture -> RE: Worst Case Scenerio. This Is Important! (8/12/2011 19:42:19)

Then his toddler son will take over.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Worst Case Scenerio. This Is Important! (8/12/2011 19:45:21)

@Latin, epic. Ill be the leader of an ancient pony tribe lol.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Worst Case Scenerio. This Is Important! (8/12/2011 19:57:03)

Id seriously do that... this game would own

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