=MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (Full Version)

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chisagen -> =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (11/25/2011 20:17:05)

Hiya guys, Welcome to my MtAK :D

I'll start off by introducing myself since I don't post here often.

For everyone who doesn't know me yet my name is Chisagen the fishmonger! and I'm the new AK in the AQW GD forum, and I like fish..... a lot :D
What's a fishmonger you ask it's a warmonger who fights with fish instead of swords yes that's right FISH!

Now that the introduction is out of the way now it is time for the fun to start :D but there are some rules of course haha
1. All standard General Forum Rules and Guidelines apply.
2. Only 15 questions per post please.
3.Only 1 post per page please

Basically this thread is for you guys to ask me all kinds of questions and for me to answer them in all sort of funny ways, so make sure to have fun and ask away :)

I'll be editing posts in this "this color and font" the color of the sea where the fishies live.

ultimatenoob -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 8:43:03)

Gratz Chisagen!!
I only have 1 question=
What kind of fishies do you fight with?
All kinds of them depends on the situation as well!
Thats all from me!
Later and thanks for visiting!

Joulz -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 8:44:41)

Hello Chisagen :3
Heya there Jules nice to meet ya!
I smell something fishy
>.> it's twig!
Thats all Bye bye Awesome Fish Monger :D
Thanks for stopping by :D

Lord_Amaron -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 8:46:29)

Thanks :D
Thanks again!
Here's an ink cookie.
:O it's ink in a cookie... amazing!
Do you have a pet?
I have a puppy :D
That's all from me, bye!
Later and thanks for stopping by!

daylight_alex -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 8:46:36)

I am not sure what to ask, but maybe questions will come as time passes. [:)]
K hope to see you post some questions soon!

Boa Baron -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 8:48:24)

Just don't eat me, please Dx
:o I don't eat fish I just use them to fight >.> sometimes

Anyways. I only have two questions:
1: If I am a Fishy Baron, then what are you? :0
I am Chisagen The Fishmonger!
2: Do you like my new siggy? C:
I like it :D and nice guitar!

Agart -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 9:01:29)

just 1 question,
one one one one!
Do you come in for a replacement of any other AQW GD AK's, or just an addition to the team?
Nope I'm an addition to the team!

Tiago X -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 9:05:40)

/fix jawbreak
So your here too now o:
Yuppers good to see you again ^-^
Oh well, may the fun begin:
(Quoting Digi X ) Does fish put you in your PLAICE?
It puts me in my PALACE!
Did you know that codfish tastes better in Portugal >:D ?
:O that's interesting!
So , that's about it , I'll see you around here and DFGD.
See ya there!

ProblemSolver1026 -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 9:06:24)

Thanks for coming!
No problem :D
What was that?
it was >.> <.< *whispers* Twig!
So, I'll get more questions in time to come.....

Hope to see ya later!

Boom u doom -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 9:08:14)

Hi there
Hiya nice to meet ya!
You're kinda like Twig, fish lover :P
Well we're best friends :D he comes over to my house every Sunday to eat fish and Icecream!
You like sushi and sashimi don't you.
Sushi is pretty good never tried sashimi yet
Will you swim with a shark if you had the chance to? (99% of being eaten)
Of course I would! then I could use it as my pet and TAKE OVA DA WORLD BUAHAHAHAHAHAHA I mean watch over the AQW GD >.>
What kind of fish do you like the most?
Sharks for sure!
That's it lol :D Have fun, adiós.
Thanks :D

Felkaranos -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 9:21:33)

1: Do you post red herrings?
red herrings yummy.............. sorry what was that again?
2: What would you do if you accidentially triggered the apocalypse?
I would probably laugh and then try to find a way to fix it!
3: Do you like ponies?
I am the PONY SLAYER!!! >.>

Zakristone -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 9:32:04)

Hi there.
Just one question:
Fish, or fishes?
Fishies for sure when you only have one fish then you can't do the fish dance!

The Forgotten -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 9:47:32)

OMG A NEW AK .... wait ... I know you >.>
<.< these new AKs and their oh wait..... I know you as well!
Anyhoo ... congrats on the new board. ^^
Thanks TG!
*waves* :D
*waves back and throws you a fish*

Melissa4Bella -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 9:53:13)

YAY! A new MtAK!
I know :D if only we could get *coughs*CRAZE TO MAKE ONE!!!*coughs*
Soo... where shall I begin?
we begin at the end of the begining of knowledge!
Where shall I end?
it never ends TT you should know that *sips some lemonade
Does anybody else know what "TT" means?
Nope just me and you :D
Should we keep that a seek rat?
Of course nobody can handle what it means
What color is currently taking over bloo?
Alright, I won't harrass you too much. For now.
AWWW no fair Q_Q
*sips some lemonade*
*sips some lemonade*
See ya Chis!
Later Mlissy! thanks for stopping by :D
*flies off to the Purple forest*
*walks off into the AQW GD*

Giviet -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 9:55:08)

Hi chis!
Hiya Keru!

Welcome to the AQW GD!
Thanks :D
Salmon or Tuna?
Signature class?
mmmmm Dragonlord!
That's all from me, bye....

AugustoCP -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 10:02:41)

Just one question:
Where do you buy your weapons?
good question don't really have a specific place where I buy stuff usually just get drops.
I wantz moar fish.

:D so do I!

Laos -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 10:07:01)

Hey Chis!
Hiya Laos!
I'm guessing this is your new board, so congrats!
Yup :D and thanks!
Have fun and cya around.
haha thanks and cya around!

frogger3456 -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 10:24:26)

Hiya Frogger!
Congrats on the new board!
Does fish go good with ice cream?
it goes excellent with ice cream just ask Twig!

Do you eat the fish or only fight with it?
mmm both really although I try to only fight with it :P
Do you know the definition of wumbo?
hmmmm the opposite to obmuw!
Well me done now! Again congrats!
Thanks and hope to see you later!

coolboypai -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 10:38:03)

so... fish i see...
well let me start by saying congratulations! and welcome to the general discussions
Thanks :D
to be honest i dont really like fish that much... but hopefully i'll get to like you :D
Haha I sure hope so :P
hope to see you around! and good luck!
Thanks and hope to see you around as well!

1412. -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 10:44:30)

Congrats on being a AK here too!
...Now to the insanity that comes with every congratulation...
HAHA can't wait!
...No! No!!! The fish have invaded the AQW GD!!! D:
...Wait a minute that may be a good thing..
hmmm good idea guess I should put away this shark >.>
...No! No!!! The Ponies are invading AE! Run for your lives!!!!!!!!!!!..
*equips his pony slayer class* Bring it on!
Have you heard of Fish Slayers?.. They are everywhere... *Looks at people fishing and eating fish.*
:O oh noez they are eating my weapons!
Pyromancy or Hydromancy? (You know you want to pick fire...)
hmmm Pyromancy for sure seeing Xan in action was pure win!
Like my new avy? Normally I wouldn't pick it but...it has the word "Hot" on it and "Hot Chocolate"...and a moglin!
I know DUM would like it :P
If your fish is fishy and so is blue then what is red?..
that would mean that I am green and the world is tickled pink!
On another note...The MS just ate the sun in DF Even Fishies can't save us now o.o
Haha I wouldn't be so sure!
...Or can they... Do you have some sort of Fish that is bigger than the planet?.. Or...something? o.o
haha that's a seekrat ;)
Who is your favorite moglin?
Twig for sure!
Why does everyone want to punt Twilly? o.o
hmm good question probably because he isn't KEWL
...Lets...Kill...MS WITH FIRE! We don't need any Divine Intervention, kill it with Fire!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah well, that is all for now. Enjoy the Nice congratulations and the terrible mindbreaking torture questions that will tear you limb from limb! Be Exciting! :D
haha thanks!

Fear Scythe -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 11:27:57)

Hey pal nice to see you in my zone[;)]
Nice to be here :)
now for the fishes :D
HAHA now you are talking my laungage!
1.Fill in the blank: I wanted_Fish______________________ to_________Fish_______________ but__________fart____________.

2. Can you increase my salary?
hmmm I can try!

3. Wanna help me get the 5th juggy item?
:o sounds like fun
4. Or what about helping me buying some jumbo shrimp in wallmart?
only if I get to slay some ponies!
Thanks good luck pal[;)]
Thanks :D

Beowolve -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 11:29:34)

Hi Chisagen!
Hiya Beowolve nice to meet ya!
Congrats on the promotion!
Thanks ^-^
How does it feel to be an AK in both DF and AQW forums?
hmmm Nice I suppose two of the games that I play most.
I don't have much else to say...
Anyway, congrats!
Haha thanks!


Fallen Crest -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 11:39:56)

No questions, just a Congrats' and a welcome to the AQWorlds General Discussion! :-)
Haha thanks and hope to see you around!

Phoenix Myth -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 11:43:00)

I have one question... Do you like Fried Twinkies?
Actually never tried one although I have friends who say it's good hope to try it one day!

Kaizoku -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/14/2011 11:44:00)

Hey, gratz for the promotion!
Haha thanks!
1. Is death sentence wrong?
only when the death sentence is where you dance the FISH DANCE!
2. If you're an ArchKnight, can I be a Knight?
I hereby dub you knight of the Fish Army!
3. What kind of pie do you like?
I love all kinds of pie have to say that it's a tie between chocolate and apple!
That's all, good luck!
Haha thanks again!

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