moneybags -> Celestra (8/16/2011 17:23:16)
Celestra Level: 95 XP: 27182 54364 Gold: 9062 18124 Element: Fire COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 43 Ranged: 43 Magic: 43 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 0 Dexterity: 200 Intellect: 200 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 75 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 80% Water: 130% Wind: 70% Ice: 90% Earth: 120% Energy: 80% Light: 130% Darkness: 70% DESCRIPTION The Devourer The'Galin has taken control of Celestra the Huntress! How ironic that the woman who has dedicated her life to destroying the Devourer has been taken over by him... And now you have to fight her! EFFECT If she has at least 362 MP, she will use it to cast a two-hit Fire "spell." [image][/image] Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf