Mutants: Attack of the Mutants! (Full Version)

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moneybags -> Mutants: Attack of the Mutants! (9/4/2011 14:43:07)

Mutants: Attack of the Mutants!
Quest Location: Sick Bay > Dr. Mendas > Missions > MUTANTS!
Quest Given From: Dr. Mendas
Requirements: Level 55


Dr. Mendas: Oh, goody! It's nice to see you. I need some help! I've been working with Gravlax lately, and we have been trying to determine the function of some of the new technologies we have found since our journey began.
Dr. Mendas: Many objects are just so far advanced that we can't tell WHAT they do. However, one of the objects we recently were able to figure out has gone missing! If it was an alien salt shaker or toaster oven, I wouldn't be concerned...
Dr. Mendas: ... but this thing, for all intents and purposes, seems to be a cellular mutation device. We don't want it to fall into the wrong hands. Or claws. Or tentacles. So please, find it, and get it back to us!
  • Find the Device!
  • Back

    «Scene: The LSS Alteon flying through space. New Scene: The Bridge.»

    Admiral Amada: Ah, «You», what brings you to the Bridge?
    «You»: I was hoping to enlist some help from Captain Daian. I need to search the ship for some missing equipment for Dr. Mendas.
    Captain Daian: Okay, is this the missing MUTATOR DEVICE?
    «You»: Um, yeah. Gravlax had half of his engineering crew looking for it all day and still nothing.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Intriguing. Any idea as to WHO might have stolen it? Or even IF it was stolen?
    «You»: None, Queen. I'm hoping it was just misplaced, because in the wrong hands it could do a lot of harm.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: I'd like to go with you to help.
    Admiral Amada: Well, uh, I really don't think a QUEEN should be involved in something like th--
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Admiral, I am the only individual aboard the Alteon to possess healing magic powerful enough to use in space. I think that could be quite useful.
    «You»: It would be an honor, Queen. Shall we?
    Captain Daian: Let's head back to Sickbay first. I need to ask Dr. Mendas something.
  • Go!

    «Scene: The Sickbay.»

    Captain Daian: Doctor, we are going to find this mutation device for you.
    Dr. Mendas: That's good to hear!
    «You»: Is there something important you wanted to ask Dr. Mendas, Captain?

    «A little white chihuahua with a large head runs by, stopping at Captain Daian's feet.»

    «You»: !?!
    Captain Daian: Oh, right-- Doc, would you watch Ruffian for me while we search for the Mutator Device?
    Ruffian: Grrrrr......rruuff! Ruff!!
    Dr. Mendas: I definitely will, Daian! Dogs love to gnaw on my ears!

    «Pause, during which a stretcher rolls pass.»

    Ruffian: GRRRR!!! Ruff ruff!!

    «Ruffian chases after the stretcher.»

    Captain Daian: Ruffian! Get back here, boy!
    «You»: Looks like Dr. Mendas won't have to pet-sit after all.
    Captain Daian: Hmf. Well, we'll find him while we're looking for the missing machine, anyway.

    «Scene: A corridor in the Alteon. Ruffian approaches from the left and runs to the middle.»

    Ruffian: *sniff sniff*
    Ruffian: hrrmmrrrr.....
    Ruffian: *sniff sniff*
    Ruffian: grrrrrrrrr

    «Scene: The Sickbay. Ruffian sniffs at the Anti-aging Cryo-suspension Healing and Emending device.»

    Ruffian: *sniff sniff*
    Ruffian: hrrmm???

    «Scene: The LSS Alteon flying in space. New Scene: The Hangar Deck.»

    Warptrooper: *whistles*

    «The Warptrooper walks forward. As he does so, a machine appears behind him and zaps him.»

    Warptrooper: AARRRRGGGGG!!!!!!

    «The Warptrooper mutates. The same thing happens to four other similar Warptroopers. New Scene: Engineering Deck.»

    Gravlax: Jubum neeble! Now that you are all here, let me tell you that I made sure that EVERY security protocol was followed regarding the mousetrap device that--
    «You»: Mousetrap--? Uh, we're here about the missing MUTATION machine.
    Captain Daian: Is there something else you need to tell us, Gravlax?
    Gravlax: Oh, uh, NO, not at all. Yes, about the MUTATION device--
    «You»: Has there been any suspicious activity among any of the engineering crew? Or ANYONE at all that you've seen lately?
    Gravlax: None that I've noticed. But I am rather busy most of the time. Zorboz, on the other hand, is rather idle most of the time, AND he records everything he senses on a daily basis.
    «You»: Oooh... Like a walking security video thing! Can you go through everything you've seen in the last 24 hours, Zorboz?
    Zorboz: Okay.
    «You»: WHile he's doing that, the rest of us should finish looking into every nook and cranny of the ship and--
    Zorboz: Done.
    «You»: ......Great! So, anything?
    Zorboz: I noticed two different states of the Sickbay's storage compartment. The first was the proper state for the appropriate hour: All mechanical and robotic items were properly stowed for the evening.
    Zorboz: However, before morning arrived, the storage compartment exhibited a lack of some devices.
    «You»: Wait. So you're saying you actually SAW that the mutation machine was actually stolen?
    Zorboz: I saw that it was MISSING, not that it had been stolen. But, it wasn't the ONLY device missing.
    «You»: What else was taken?
    Zorboz: One of the MediDroids--
    Ensign Fisher: Captain! Emergency on Deck 7! Reports are coming in of-- of MONSTERS wearing WarpForce uniforms, running around trying to EAT people!!
    Captain Daian: That's something you never like to hear!! Come on, we need to go!!
  • Battle with Queen Pra'Mithia's help!
  • Battle with Captain Daian's help!
  • Battle by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE: Mutant Crewmember
        Level 55-74: MegaZard (75) <-- Bugged! Should be Mutant Crewmember (55)
        Level 75-94: Mutant Crewmember (75)
        Level 95+: Mutant Crewmember (95)

  • Battle with Queen Pra'Mithia's help!
  • Battle with Captain Daian's help!
  • Battle by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE: Mutant Crewmember (as above)
      Full Heal

  • Battle with Queen Pra'Mithia's help!
  • Battle with Captain Daian's help!
  • Battle by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE: Mutant Crewmember (as above)

  • Battle with Queen Pra'Mithia's help!
  • Battle with Captain Daian's help!
  • Battle by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE: Mutant Crewmember (as above)
      Full Heal

    «Scene: Hangar Deck»

    Queen Pra'Mithia: I think we can all agree that those crewmen were affected by the mutagenic power of the device we've lost.
    Captain Daian: Without a doubt.
    «You»: This is where the attack spread from-- The mutation device must be nearby.
    ???: (off-Scene) Ruff! Rrrrufff!!! Rufff!
    Captain Daian: !!! Ruffian! We've been looking for you! Come here, boy!!
  • Battle with Queen Pra'Mithia's help!
  • Battle with Captain Daian's help!
  • Battle alone!

      1 BATTLE: Mutant Ruffian

      Full Heal

    Queen Pra'Mithia: Is THAT the mutation device, Captain?
    Captain Daian: It is! Looks like all of its energy source has been used up.
    ???: (off-Scene) Rrruff!!

    «Ruffian runs on-Scene.»

    Captain Daian: Good boy! Sorry that we had to fight with you, Ruffian, but you were trying to EAT us!
    Ruffian: Rrr owhrr rraw.
    «You»: So we have the mutation machine... But what not whoever started this whole mess!
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Why don't all of you regroup in Sickbay. I will let the Admiral know what's been going on.
  • Go!

    «Scene: Sickbay»

    Dr. Mendas: Thank you all so much for getting the mutation device back!
    «You»: It wasn't easy. But we still don't know who stole it in the first place...
    Dr. Mendas: While you were gone, I consulted with Zorboz and we tracked down the culprit... Come on out!

    «A MediDroid enters.»

    «You»: ??? That's the missing MediDroid, right?
    MediDroid HR7: Actually, I am the guilty party. I stole the Mutation Device. I... have been a very bad boy.
    «You»: What? WHY? You mutated crewmembers!
    Captain Daian: And my little Ruffian!! Why would you do that??
    MediDroid HR7: I was hoping it might improve all of you imperfect organic entities. I am sorry to say that I was wrong. The way you are all NOW is far better than how you were AFTER mutation.
    «You»: Well, uh, thank you. I guess. So Dr. Mendas, what are we going to do with HR7?
    Dr. Mendas: Well, first he is going to help me examine the remaining MediDroids to see if any others have the same "malfunction", and then we will be uninstalling and reinstalling his software.
    MediDroid HR7: I am afraid. But, I do not want to mutate any more of you. It yielded undesirable results.
    «You»: Great. Nice to hear that you were displeased with your mutant creations. So, how long before you uninstall HR7's software again?

    «Scene: The LSS Alteon flying through space.»
    Mission Debriefing:

    Thank you for helping to solve the mystery of the mutating crewmembers! Well, okay, you didn't really solve anything. But you definitely stopped the mutants before they could do damage to the ship!

    I am still very puzzled by MediDroid HR7's behavior. Gravlax and I will examine the robot's hardware and software in as much depth as we can, but we will probably need an expert in artificial intelligence to help us. I hope this doesn't become a common problem. We have an awful lot of A.I. robots in the fleet-- nearly one for every single crewmember!
  • Play again!
  • WarpGuardian Tower!
  • Exit

    Mutator Mk-55Z
    Mutator Mk-75
    Mutator Mk-95G

    Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf

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