Draygin Moonbane (Discussion and sich) (Full Version)

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jamesxman -> Draygin Moonbane (Discussion and sich) (9/6/2011 2:28:42)


It's something I hope will evolve into maybe a big ol' book, but I dunno. I have some ideas about the end story, but I need to fill in the big gaping hole in the middle. I also don't have the names of otherwise fully developed characters. Despite the working title ("Draygin Moonbane"), it's not about Draygin Moonbane specifically; it's about several heroes. Some of which I have yet to name. Even Draygin's surname is in the works, but "Draygin" seems like it's gonna stick. Anyways, I'm writing it piece by piece, not really sure what's gonna come next. IF you have any names you wanna pitch at me, please PLEASE do so. I have some in mind, but I feel they're not worthy of their characters. Anyways, ya. That's that. Oh, and I'm willing to workshop my writing style if a lot of people don't like it. I'm not sure I like it either...

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