The Lady Rogue's Destiny (Discussion) (Full Version)

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Lady Greydawn -> The Lady Rogue's Destiny (Discussion) (9/15/2011 9:40:27)

This is not only the first time I have posted on this forum, it is the first time I have done writing of this type. I hope everyone enjoys it. There will eventually be more, but I will have to wait, as most of the rest of my story entwines with Eric's.

The Lady Rogue's Destiny

Mortarion -> RE: The Lady Rogue's Destiny (Discussion) (9/15/2011 9:43:17)

Ahh then let me be the first to welcome you to the L&L forums Lady, I must say that I ejoyecd your story a lot and hope to see more of it

EDIT: I coudn't resist to share my new sigg

Lady Greydawn -> RE: The Lady Rogue's Destiny (Discussion) (9/15/2011 10:18:53)

Thanks Mort! Glad you enjoyed it.

Mortarion -> RE: The Lady Rogue's Destiny (Discussion) (9/15/2011 10:22:21)

You'r welcome, if it's not much I'll be honored if you checked my own history, btw like my siggy and you remember who I was before being Mortarion?[;)][8D]

nield -> RE: The Lady Rogue's Destiny (Discussion) (9/15/2011 10:27:20)

Like the story so far, Lady, and welcome to the humble halls of the L&L!

3 Vandoren -> RE: The Lady Rogue's Destiny (Discussion) (9/15/2011 12:45:24)

Welcome, Lady!
I just now realized what L&L stands for!
Anyway, I love the story, keep it up!

Lady Greydawn -> RE: The Lady Rogue's Destiny (Discussion) (9/15/2011 16:33:40)

Thanks so much guys! I am so glad you enjoyed it. As I said, there will be more, but it will have to wait until more of Eric's backstory is revealed. In the meantime, I am going to read everyone else's backstories. It may take a while, as I am in the middle of an editing job for a client right now too.

aizenv3 -> RE: The Lady Rogue's Destiny (Discussion) (9/15/2011 16:44:09)

Beautiful writing Lady-sama


Is this the beginning of my destiny?

Hellzya lol. This is good work, better than mines actually IMO

Mortarion -> RE: The Lady Rogue's Destiny (Discussion) (9/15/2011 16:56:37)

As much time as it takes it'd still be an honour, but you haven't answered my other two questions [;)]

Shadow Ravena -> RE: The Lady Rogue's Destiny (Discussion) (9/15/2011 17:35:59)

Welcome to the great halls of the L&L. I'm sure you'll find many comrades here :)
Good story! The arranged marriage surprised me- but given Lore's setting, not too much.
Can;t wait to see whats next, but I guess that depends on super-busy eric. Meh, it will be worth the wait

Lady Greydawn -> RE: The Lady Rogue's Destiny (Discussion) (9/15/2011 18:36:48)

Thanks aizen and tigerlady! Tigerlady, yes... it will depend on Eric, but also on when his zone is released, as that is when his story will really come to light.

@ Mort: Yes i like the sig, and no I don't remember who you were before.

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