The Pyromancer Woes (Discussion and feedback) (Full Version)

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Zarkalor -> The Pyromancer Woes (Discussion and feedback) (9/15/2011 11:35:08)

Link to the story.

Alright, this was originally meant to be an entry to the BackStory contest, but it was too long, so I'm writing it here, instead.

Doubt I'm gonna get anyone to read this, but even still, this place is here for your little comments that I love to read.

Constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated :)

Mortarion -> RE: The Pyromancer Woes (Discussion and feedback) (9/15/2011 11:51:34)

Most excellent history

Zarkalor -> RE: The Pyromancer Woes (Discussion and feedback) (9/15/2011 12:00:47)

Thanks, Mort!
Anyway, going to start part 2 pretty soon.

Mortarion -> RE: The Pyromancer Woes (Discussion and feedback) (9/15/2011 12:12:39)

you are welcome, now why is it called the Pyromancer Woes?

Zarkalor -> RE: The Pyromancer Woes (Discussion and feedback) (9/15/2011 12:18:20)

Pyromancer- Because it revolves my character as a Pyromancer
Woes- You'll find out.

aizenv3 -> RE: The Pyromancer Woes (Discussion and feedback) (9/15/2011 17:33:38)

Yes yes YES!

One thing, I love Pyromancy more than any other magic art. Im gonna pay close attention to this story as it progresses. Its cool when you say woes I get anger and revenge and fire is the right element associated with such emotions

Zarkalor -> RE: The Pyromancer Woes (Discussion and feedback) (9/16/2011 16:32:28)

Alright, posted a very short update. I started typing, played DF, and when I was gonna continue, I was bored, so I'm just gonna leave it there for now.

god of insatily -> RE: The Pyromancer Woes (Discussion and feedback) (9/20/2011 12:54:09)

now hands of doom and all hydromancers should enter the House of death
now the only thing better than fire is air enhanced fire, the black flames,the gold flames and of corse chaos(there purple) flames

Zarkalor -> RE: The Pyromancer Woes (Discussion and feedback) (9/25/2011 13:01:42)

Updated part 2. Not by much, though.

I managed to give you guys a cliffhanger, regardless.

Zarkalor -> RE: The Pyromancer Woes (Discussion and feedback) (10/4/2011 16:47:00)


I have a request. It's quite large, so I'd be eternally grateful to whoever manages to do it.

I want to change the settings of the story from first person to third person. It'll make the story easier. I've edited a little portion myself, but I find it difficult to find every single "I", "us", "we" and "me". All you'd have to do is quote the story and bold the parts that need editing. If nobody wants to do it, that's fine. I completely understand. I'll do it myself if that's the case. Sorry if I come off lazy, but eh, I just need a little help. The only part I don't want editing is the first part where Castem is born.

Again, incredibly sorry if this comes off lazy-like and I'd show great respect and thanks to whoever decides to complete this request is anyone ever does it. For now, I'll concentrate on continuing the plot itself.

Mortarion -> RE: The Pyromancer Woes (Discussion and feedback) (10/4/2011 16:48:20)

I'd do it, but I am not that good at grammatical, sorry

Zarkalor -> RE: The Pyromancer Woes (Discussion and feedback) (10/4/2011 16:49:46)

S'alright, Mort. The offer is very much appreciated, though.

Mortarion -> RE: The Pyromancer Woes (Discussion and feedback) (10/4/2011 16:50:49)

You'r welcome, is it wierd that I think your name would sound better with an F rather than a Z, you know like Farkalor :P, I dun know why, I like to pronounce it like that

Zarkalor -> RE: The Pyromancer Woes (Discussion and feedback) (10/4/2011 16:54:16)

Really? Personally, I like taking the Zar away sometimes and leaving it with Kalor and sometimes change the K to a B to make Balor.

The name Balor is a very old story, a name that's been popping up in RPs with some of my friends on various sites from 2007 at least.

Mortarion -> RE: The Pyromancer Woes (Discussion and feedback) (10/4/2011 16:56:23)

Nice, so I hope you get someone to change it to third perspective soon ^_^

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