RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (Full Version)

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GriffinFire -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/25/2011 17:04:28)

I enjoy the multipliers. I haven't really been enjoying the game the past week or so, because I found myself to be losing at least half the time, which made for a frustrating experience. Currently, with the multipliers, I can win most of the time, but it's not too easy, either. I still have to stay on my toes. The game's faster and more exciting. I've been playing a lot and having a lot of fun today.

minidragon -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/25/2011 17:08:51)

How about random 2+ 3+ 4+ and 5+ Orbs? instead of 2x...

You won't get the 80+ damage >_<
Even if you get four 5+ it is only 20+ lol

Lohlaris -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/25/2011 17:20:50)

Is there going to be implementation of a weapon or stat system or something? I just feel when the level cap gets raised again battles will become like pre-sweep Adventure Quest battles, doing little damage against bad guys with high Hp. I think their needs to be a way to add damage to you're character so that the only difference between a level 1 character and a level 20 character isn't just the amount of Hp they have.

As a suggestion, you could have horns do damage. They would have a ratio like 1:6 or 2:13. So every six attack bubbles you collect will add one damage. +6s will to +7, and if you get a +3 and then another +3, the second +3 will do +4. These ratios would get better depending on the level of the shop you buy them from. The horns would also only apply to one bubble type. So you could have an attack horn, defense horn, or a magic horn. Or you could make a stat system that works a similar way.
I don't know, just ideas.

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/25/2011 17:22:24)

Looking at some of what all of you suggested, i can say the following:
1) Having multiples of 2x makes it ridiculous
2) Having only +2 is boring

So perhaps the best solution is to have a max of "one 2x" every chain? (which i think someone suggested)
This way it keeps the excitement level whilst not being extremely overpowered

Oh, forgot to mention, this way, you can strategically avoid another 2x in your currenct chain, thus making it more interesting.

Come on, start the board with a 80 damage hit, that's a level 25 KO'ed in an instant...

I just find the game boring when things gets way too easy
In fact, I bet most of you level 10-15 peeps can beat me (since i'm always using confuse pet too)

Without the 2x, I can safely say i have to be well concentrated to beat a level 14 or 15 (with 100%) pet, and most games i have around 15hp left, so i know it was difficult before

Just saw your comment:
The only thing is, does everyone's pony uses horn? I was checking this one out today on my friend list and seems half of them ponies on their uses no horn!

minidragon -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/25/2011 17:43:08)

@gormans - going to fight your pony. 20 times in a row :P

Aw... No more 2x [:(][:(]

Lohlaris -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/25/2011 17:53:26)

But if they made horns act as weapons (The only way I think they could implement weapons, as ponies have no was to hold weapons), then people would actually use them for their benefits, and not just if they look good on their pony or not.
I also suggested the stat idea though, it's basically the same thing but takes away the requirement of wearing a horn.

GriffinFire -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/25/2011 17:54:26)

@gormans - What's your friend code? X3

Sparticus -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/25/2011 18:21:09)

+2 orb is uninspired and provides absolutely no incentive to change your game play to include the bonus orb at the expense of time. The extra +1 you gain is useless overall. What a waste of a very good game feature, please bring back the 2x orb with the suggestions I and many other players made. The +2 orb is a fail from the outset when compared to the mighty 2x orb. [:(]

Pathetically, it is now easier to defeat player of my own level then it was with the 2x orbs. At least the AI had a shot at winning before with a good orb run but now they are not even doing damage to me before they are done.

Rolith -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/25/2011 21:13:57)

hm, maxing at X2 ... or even having a X3 and X4, and it just uses the max one selected... not a bad idea :) I'm playing with the mechanics of it still. Wanted to nerf the X2 because i got several reports that people were losing 5-10 seconds into a fight, which isn't very fun when it's entirly built around the luck of the board. If multipliers come back they're going to be rarer.

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/25/2011 22:16:50)


On average, a long chain is 8atk roughly on average, so x2 would make it 16, x3 would make it 24.
But I think x4 would be too much, especially noting a max chain would be 21 x4 = 84 atk.
(A Chain being 1 to 21 atk)

Rolith -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 0:38:58)

I'm playing with a couple of different ideas:
Would a wild-orb make things more interesting?
Would the fact that you made a square getting a +1 bonus make things more interesting?
Would getting a bonus every time you lock the board be fun? Let you intentionally brick a board if you don't like the one you have getting you a bonus along the way...

Basically, how do we take this from the simple game we've got now and allow you, if you want, to play it very strategically?

Also keep in mind we are doing all these additions while still trying to keep the game a fun, mindless game for people who just want to make orbs explode and watch their pony attack the enemy. It's a fun balancing act!

I'm also working on adding spells that add affect your board.

Two spells i'm working on:

Power Play - Next 20 orbs dropped will be orbs of a certain type
Multiplier Plus! - add a semi-random count of multipliers to the board.

I'm planning on spells that will mess with an enemy's board, but that is more difficult, interacting with the mapping of the board is causing some fun visual bugs like orbs swapping boards.

I'm ALSO still trying to track down the lag that is introduced the longer you play the game. We know the cause, but Flash memory management isn't always simple. Ponies stay in memory as long as the game is loaded, and while we're doing everything to erase them, there's something keeping them alive.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 0:54:37)

Do sparkle gem battles still stack, or is the cap now 5 sparkle battles for a non-upgraded player?

BurningFlames -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 1:02:55)

I'm really starting to like this game, Add me 14527-5CF6

Rolith -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 1:04:25)

should still stack, as long as you log in, you'll get your 5 battles a day!

Also - I'm trying to figure out a nice reward for fighting your friends, an extra SG battle is too big, but i want to make sure you're checking in with your pals. Double Exp? Triple? Keep in mind, i'll be adding better friend management before we do this change.

Brisingr Blaze -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 1:07:14)

Pony stickers (instead of badges, everyone loves badges right?) just take it a whole step above badges..stickers! Maybe with different NPC ponies on them. And maybe even each sticker having a different boost (if even possible) like a +1 attack boost for a sticker stating you achieved a level 5 pony or maybe a +6 to health for a level 10 pony sticker. Giving more incentive for people to wanna play their ponies more and level them.

* On a side note is anyone else having trouble with pet attack animation?

PlanesWalker -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 1:28:49)


Ponies stay in memory as long as the game is loaded, and while we're doing everything to erase them, there's something keeping them alive.


dan782 -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 2:56:08)

Hmm those two sounds like interesting spells, but how about a healing/defensive spell to counteract the damage dealing spells we have already?

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 4:33:12)

We already have a healing spell!
In fact, i didn't know when the animation was changed, but it looks awesome now :)

Still some bugs with it tho (Healing spells), will report when i get round to tracking it down exactly what they behaviours are

No, I wouldn't agree with bonus fighting your friends. In fact for most people, they gain the highest exp already from friends
On the other hand, shouldn't we get more gems against higher level opponent?

I'm not sure what you meant by wind orbs, but if its something that mess up your opponent's board, then i think other ways of doing this is better.

A locked board giving some sort of bonus and charge sounds awesome
In fact, what if we have a charge system?
For example, every time we have a locked board, we get charge +1
And we can buy charge skills in the shop that gives certain skills at certain charge level. e.g charge 3 can give power play for example

Which brings me to the next point in saying, those 2 ideas are awesome (Power play and the other)


One last thing may I suggest would be a rainbow chain
A rainbow chain would require the use of 3 colors in sequential.
Half the orbs but same effectiveness.

How it works:
1) It requires all 3 colors
2) It can be any order
3) It has to be done in sequence (R = red, B = blue, Y = yellow)*
- Sequence one: RRBBYY
- Sequence two: RBYRBY
4) It only takes two orbs to do what usually takes four orbs to do
5) You get all 3 effects

*For sequence one, you can go RRRBBBYYY or RRRRBBBBYYYY or RRBBYYRRBBYY
For RRRBBBYYY = 2 defense, 2 candy (magic), 2 atk
For RRBBYY = 1 defense, 1 candy, 1 atk
For RRBBYYRRBBYY = 4 defense, 2 candy, 2 atk
*For sequence two, minimum is RBYRBY, and continous to RBYRBYRBYRBY etc.
For RBYRBY = 1 defense, 1 candy, 1 atk
For RBYRBYRBY = 2 defense, 2 candy (magic), 2 atk
* Sequence one and two cannot combine, e.g you cant have RRBBYYRBY

Let me know what you all think and feel free to ask for an explanation
(Tho this might make the game too complex)

Rolith -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 4:55:46)

Rainbow orbs lack focus, i think. We want the player to be able to quickly find their way into playing the game and know what they're doing instantly. Getting random chains together without any clear explanation as to why would be confusing and make the game seem even less focused then it does currently.

Wild Orbs would be orbs that'd be able to be any orb type, so if one of the wild orbs was mixed in the board, you'd have to pick which color it'd be used for. This is actually REALLY difficult to code, sad to say, but I think it'd be a lot of fun and make the game change radically in the direction of more strategic.

We want players to play with their friends, we want them inviting their friends in the first place, it's key to this game growing, so I'm asking what'd get you to check in with them every day? even if you didn't actually have to fight them. Would a medow where you got to see their ribbons/stickers/buttons/badges make sense? would tracking how many times you battled friends, and giving you a reward every time you fought 50/100/150/200 make sense? We're just trying to find out what would get you to come back every day.


Bricking the board on PTR gives you ~50% bonus to get spawned orbs of the type that you used to kill the board. It's actually a LOT of fun to shoot for board kills, and if your last moves an attack? it's a death sentence!

I'm also working on making the AI aware of multipliers and board bricking, no promises on the second, but I have a good shot at the first being fairly simple.

Also tonight I've made huge strides in getting adventure mode in game. We're making progress on basically all fronts tonight -- when did it get to be 5am?!

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 5:52:53)

On that note, the idea of rainbow orb makes alot of sense to have it denied

And I have no idea how i read that as "wind" when you meant Wild
As long as the spawn rate is not too high (especially noting about bricking the board), then wild orb is just awesome

To be honest, if you mean battling your friends actually referring to fighting the person (not the AI), then it makes sense in a way
But then I can just open two accounts and "abuse the bonus" this way?

How about some sort of login bonus?
AQ has a bonus where if your friend plays, you get extra exp when you play too.
Or Maybe a one off invitation bonus (per friend), where if you invite someone and they reach level X, you get Y (suggest:3000) gems. (level X prevents "fake" accounts)

To be honest, right now what keeps me playing the game daily is because
1) The new features being added consistently (thumbs up)
2) The items that i still wish to get
3) The game's excitement (to a certain extent)

This game has a lot of potentials, and i am happy to see where its going (great job) and especially the involvement in the community for ideas, suggestions etc.
But at the end of the day, its a board game, and people don't tend to keep playing a board game as long as, say, an RPG. But if the game can satisfy the excitement level, whilst having more RPG elements in it (skills, equip, quest) then i can guarantee most of people will play at least 20 games daily.

Maybe, just maybe, if this can be linked to other AE games!
I would love to summon my pony to fight alongside me in AQ from time to time... (or to ride on)

The other thing really to think about is multiplayer environment
Perhaps an idea of beating up your friends with your pony will be invitational enough ;)

Sparticus -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 7:46:15)


Would a wild-orb make things more interesting? It depends on what the wild orb did for you? If all it does is substitute for "any" other orb then no.

Would the fact that you made a square getting a +1 bonus make things more interesting? If I made a square on my board out of red orbs and it were to lock out that square on the opponents board for a short amount of time as a defense then yes that would be very cool. Gaining +1 anything for work that takes time is not worth the time it takes.

Would getting a bonus every time you lock the board be fun? Let you intentionally brick a board if you don't like the one you have getting you a bonus along the way... I have no clue what this means.

Basically, how do we take this from the simple game we've got now and allow you, if you want, to play it very strategically?

1)Bring back 2x orb, make it rare. Make it only appear in yellow orbs. 2) Make a bonus shape that sits in the center and if you can make the bonus shape with any color orb set you get some bonus, preferably credits not XP or damage. 3) Make some random magic orbs that do some cool things, your choice as to what they do since you alone are aware of the coding involved in making such things happen. Anything I could make happen to cut the mundane task of killing other ponies would be helpful.

Battling other players ponies shouldn't carry any bonus as far as XP but might make sense if it carried a credit bump. Making it easier to level isn't fair to those with limited friend options.

BlueKatz -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 9:15:07)


How about some sort of login bonus?
AQ has a bonus where if your friend plays, you get extra exp when you play too.
Or Maybe a one off invitation bonus (per friend), where if you invite someone and they reach level X, you get Y (suggest:3000) gems. (level X prevents "fake" accounts)


I kinda like the Wild Orb, the thing about Wild Orb that if you think ahead you can make some very damaging combo, cool strategy.

Also can have have some kind of Changing Orb? You know, you are chaining Pink Orb and hit the Changing Orb your chain will be changed to the color of the Changing Orb. So it's kinda like another kind of Wild Orb.

And yep, multiply Orb can be back with better system.


Would the fact that you made a square getting a +1 bonus make things more interesting?

Idk... I think it would be unnecessary


Would getting a bonus every time you lock the board be fun? Let you intentionally brick a board if you don't like the one you have getting you a bonus along the way...

I don't understand it at all :l

I hope we can have some better interface addition like Explode (destroy group of Orb) when you click it. Or destroy enemy's Orb (by clicking on enemy's.
I guess that system is possible, but that mean you gonna need a Manual Button to Order pet

minidragon -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 10:08:19)

It can be interesting if we could unlock badges (stickers??) by matching a large amount of orbs, like "24 Orbs" badge.

Sparticus -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 10:14:49)

OK the return of the 2x multiplier with the suggested corrections, ie: only the first 2x doubles the score and every subsequent 2x has no effect, has greatly enhanced the game play. It took a good long while of trying(and some luck) to make a string of damage this high.

I'm enjoying the 2x orbs but the frequency might still be set a bit too high. They come out all the time. There is almost never a board where the 2x isn't available at some point.

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 10:17:25)

Badge reminds me of kongregate hehe, interesting idea tho

What Rolith means by locking the board, he means when your board has 0 moves left, you automatically get "refreshed" with a new board. In that case, your board was locked and refreshed automatically.

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