RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (Full Version)

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Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/5/2011 22:46:44)

Yeah, and no worries, I wasn't mad at all.

I was furious.

Celestin123 -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/6/2011 7:28:52)

O.o Um...

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/6/2011 12:04:35)

I like that sense of humor, there. XD

I am sorry I wasn't able to comment yesterday... I was punished for being litterally a few minutes late for bed by not being allowed to do anything but watch TV on the computer the entire day. Well, anything on the computer, that is...

Anywho... To the story...

Hmm... Interesting to note your poorness both back in your previous abode and in America... I suppose it probably would have gotten better, but then again, things happened, and stuff went down, so...

I have no idea why I used that "stuff went down" euphamism... I hardly ever say that...

Statue of a nude man and woman frollicking... A bit strange, but then again, that's probably considered fine art (depends on how well they are proportioned, I suppose), and would probably make the scene slightly more enjoyable for the richer, more aristocratic, folk than one of your character's social status would be likely to meet/associate with often...

The bit about caviar being discusting probably offended a few of the more notable guests of said restaurant... I do love steak, though... nice choice of wine, too, although it depends on your tastes... Not that I have drank wine, as far as I know, in my life, considering I am a minor, but reputations being what they are...

Ah, biotic limbs... Such novel little silly things... I wonder how many different types have been invented off the record by super genii... I suppose not many, but an interesting idea, nonethelss, which makes me wonder how many, or how few, industries have been effected by the budding community of the super intelligent... Surely not all of them would keep the information for their use in fighting/causing/aiding criminal activity/ies only...

Discusting and greasy, perhaps, but Sir Loin is quite a delicasy, I promise you that. /me is ignoring the weightier matters for the finer bits of the situation

Well, you'd probably need a few other things, such as trained medical staff to aid in the revival, due to the brain being one of so many little details that must be helped along to create a living patient that will survive and be able to actually enjoy his/er life... The patient would also have to be prepared for however long it would take to get to one, considering the damage to the brain cells (the ones in relation to memory, that is) could cause the person to either still act like a vegetable, regardless of the brain itself being in fully working order (for a while, at least, untill the body has figured out correct opperations again, ect.), or act like someone far younger than they are/someone with mild to severe memory loss, depending on the case.
It could work, considering the recent advances in certain fields in relation to preserving the body between the time of apparent death and the time it can be medically revived (after surgery, or whathaveyou)... and could be quite a help, considering there is still quite a bit of uncertainty in those sort of cases today, although I would have to know how it actually functions to be sure...

At least you made Mavet seem to be relatively less of a scuzz-bag, and more of the relatively average corporate executive... although they tend to be corrupt many a time, but you know what I mean... more of the blame falling on you intitially, it becoming more apparent how much of a jerk he is later, most likely, ect. Makes for better story telling, IMO. It also makes you look more like the (albeit slightly incompetent/naive) victim, if you are going to make it basically the same in the aspects I expect you to.

Posting now in case of blue screens... I'll edit it shortly.

Also, you can tell exactly WHY Mr.Mavet was so hasty/reckless about the time constraints he added to the process. His company might have gone under do to financial strain if he kept it waiting any longer, or at least had a significant drop in profit margins.

I wonder if that means cryogenics has improved in that continuity...

2 days? That's a bit extreme... You'd think he'd want to leave at least the majority of the month's span for proper testing... Then again, he could have ulterior motives...

Hmm... Yes. You know, doctors are supposed to have a purely logical sense of emotional detatchment about certain things such as likelihoods of survival, and things like that, right? Eh, just kidding you. You can really tell you're in over your head. Even the lay man would have trouble thinking a complicated medical device could be modified correctly like that. I, of course, exagerate on that, and am well aware that sadly, many wouldn't...

And as I have said before, I find the fact that so many scientist refuse to believe in ghosts either existing, or the possibility/likelihood of it, to be insulting, considering the fact that no proof has been shown in either direction, although there are certain things that could point towards them existing, although for the most part, it is obviously impossible to tell, do to the lack of testing, among other things.
I personally am on the fence concerning the matter. As a man of logical thinking, without proof one way or the other, I am of course skeptical, however, I find the complete refusal to acknowledge even the possibility of them existing which many scientists exhibit to be insulting. I do believe in spirits do to my religious affiliations, however. XP
The nature of said spirits is not completely known, though, and whether they are beings from another dimension that is parallel/perpendicular to ours (metaphorically speaking, of course, considering the fact that those spacial concepts would not begin to encompass the relationships between other existing dimensions of reality beyond our multiverse [note I am not using dimension as in a trait of space that would definitely interact with our universe in any way, but as a descriptive term of a possible world/possible worlds which exist outside the multiverse and may have other dimensional laws indicative of their portion of reality]), or the "remains", so to speak, of the deceased, in some form or another. For all I know, both of those could be correct, and spirit could be used as an umbrella term, but enough of my postulating of possible meanings of things which for all intensive scientific purposes are hypothetical...

Not going to say what type of green goop the organs are suspended in, are we? Tsk, tsk... lol

/me eats a cookie :)

O.o circuit hub... THE LEECH IS A LEECH, I SAY!!!!!!!!!

Ugh... Opperating without gloves? Dispicable... Do you know how many things could go wrong because of that?!?!?!?! (I am now going to stop yelling/talking/arguing with a wall, for the moment)


Soda... that makes me think how badly it could go wrong if you say... spilled it on the machine... Better hope the finer opperating mechanisms are sealed off water/air tightly...

Oh, and using the same frog throughout the experimentation process could also have ruined the test, considering the effects of one test bleeding into another would be a good possibility...

This reminds me that you could very well be flooding the room with radiation, and the majority of the particles would be more likely to effect her because you are messing with the controls behind part of the machine itself, although you'll still be effected by radiation... It will just be more concentrated where she is for at least a significant amount of time, unless I am incorrect, which I could be, in that assessment...

I had assumed that was her reason... poor girl... I am still assuming that she will be a martyr to science... If you could use that term to describe non-religious related deaths when refering to someone dying for that cause, idk.

I won't even get started on the amount of radiation to time ratio again...

That makes me wonder if he actually bothered to drain the enbalming fluid from the frog, and whether or not that would have an effect on the chemical reactions occuring...

Alive, and still most likely having the little metal impaling pins in its limbs to hold it down. CONGRADULATIONS, YOU HAVE JUST MANAGED TO INVENT A NEW MEANS OF TORTURE!!!!!!!!! <- Meant to be a joke.

And did you turn the machine off before poking and proding the creature to see if the effect was permanent, or if the machine would have to be on to keep it alive? No, you just managed to dose yourself with MORE radiation... XD

O.o Nice to note you use nanobots to assist to process... That makes me think the super community HAS helped in some way, considering non-bots, while existing, were/are very primitive without the interference of the super genii.

Oh, and what are you going to do with the felon once/if you bring hm back to life? If he escapes, you could get jail time, and if not, they might have to execute him again... which would be somewhat costly, let alone the scheduals it would mess up... never mind, you killed him again... I wonder if that counts as murder/manslaughter when the man was already dead...

Pancuronium bromide... Hmm... I haven't heard of that one... at least in those terms. For all I know, I could know it, but in mundane wording.

Which jugular? XP

Ah, the presumptuousness of it all... hehe...

Posting for blue screens again.

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/6/2011 12:11:28)

^ I was about to comment but Drakkoniss said pretty much everything I was thinking about saying so I'll just say that you make a excellent story and I accept you as one of three doctors who I would trust with my friend's lives. Despite your strange methods.[>:]

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/6/2011 13:14:01)

Oh, I'm not done yet. XP

I just edited my post on there, btw...

Am I included as one of those doctors, even though I don't have a medical license? lol I have healing powers and the mind for it...

Anywho... Back to commenting.

Religious Obligations? Might wanna change that... and I can see where they are coming from. Who, pray tell, do they think you are, claiming to be able to raise the dead with science? The problem is that that is already done in hospitals today, but at much closer times to when the life ended. Ridiculous, some might say... but I can still see how some might have genuine objections to it other than it supposedly insulting God, or something.

So the LEECH itself is only the power supply? That, my good man, is interesting...

Interesting how quickly viewer amounts can increase...

And it seems Sarah, as was expected by me, and certain colleagues of mine, is indeed probably dead... a great shame, really...

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/6/2011 15:20:09)

@drakkoniss: well yeah seeing as blackshock is no where to be found,even though I trust him as well.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/6/2011 15:28:37)

I have like-wise missed Doctor Blackshock... I have seen certain messages by him on the forums every once in a while, but he's been missing quite some time, if you do not include those.

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/6/2011 19:45:52)

Oh, Sarah isn't dead, mostly because the blue light isn't radiation, but a new way to deliver energy through diffusion. The energy harmless passes through the body and is absorbed by the nanobots. Nanobots require vast amounts of energy to operate, and it was impossible to power the nanobots through conventional power sources. Strebor's tampering has altered the intensity, however, and may just have crossed a threshold that proves to have a fatal effect on organic material.

Or that's just paranoid babble. Who knows?

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/6/2011 20:24:45)

Well, technically speaking, the blue light IS radiation, but what it is a byproduct of, on the other hand, is another question. Does it come from the energy transfering "substance", or the LEECH itself, as a waste product due to the process not being able to create only the substance?

And yes, I did realise that you were not supposedly using radiation this time around after that was stated in the story, but at the time of post, seeing as I post while reading, I had assumed you were using radiation because you stated as much last time. Oh, and by the way, the definition of radiation is the transference of energy via waves or particles through an intermediary medium. That means you are using radiation regardless of what you say, although the LEECH may be emiting a gas charged with radioactive particles to accomplish the effect you desire, albeit I am not sure about how well that would allow the energy to be absorbed, if a respirator device was not used... and even then, I do not know for certain what the effects would be... especially considering you'd have to have the heart working first, before the brain... and if the heart is damaged...

And yes, as I you say, you may have passed the point where the energy transference process is safe to human beings. Most anything in excess can be deadly the consumer.

My idea concerning how it could be deadly is that the energy that is not absorbed by the nanobots could somehow damage the cellular structure of the recipient... I cannot be certain exaclty how it could do that, though... Energy saturation is very dangerous, but it might take quite a bit of exposure to get to those sort of levels... Perhaps it could cause spasms in the body, or general hyperness/gitteriness, but sadly, I cannot say, as it is purely theoretical at this point...

Vector -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/14/2011 20:21:58)

ouch... that briefcase must've been seriously loaded if it hit strebor that hard...
i sense that experimental will show up soon... or maybe strebor will just be in skulldeep (wandering, mayhaps) trying to find... ah, i gotta stop guessing, i'm wrong half the time when i do that... :P


EDIT: when you do have experimental show up though... try to have him eventually reveal his little 'problem' (regarding his possible girlfriend) after strebor discovers that something is a bit 'strange' with the cyborg. the fact that strebor seemed to know about that issue in the original story (possibly from the insanity) didn't quite sit well in all honesty :/

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/14/2011 23:48:30)


Aaaah... Nothing like the SWEET smell of decay in the morning!!!

Well, at least the L.E.E.C.H. would be good for bringing back the dead for last messages to their family, or in the CSI field...

I like Edwin... He seems awesome.

Ah, women... By far too emotional in many cases... I'd say I hope she'd give you a chance to appologize and maybe make things right, but I know that will never happen... at least not for a long time...

On another note, it is nice to finally know your middle name... Ovan... has an interesting feel to it.

You skipped past a few words that should have been there in a few sentences, and made at least one typo, but at least it is still legible.

Also, if the correct chemical suplements are used in addition to L.E.E.C.H., you may be able to keep the arteries from contracting completely... I would say what chemeical, but although I just recently finished biology, and was good at it, I was not good enough to memorize everything... Also, a machine could be implanted into the body which administers the chemicals needed when it detects the contraction is starting. Arterial constriction does happen... But I have never heard of something that bad...

You could have potentially been right, of course. It could have been amphibian only, due to their different type of blood, and different organ arangements, along with different nervous systems and a more seemingly primative heart... I find it strange that we use the word primative... it sounds like we are saying something is primate-like, which would be a compliment for such an organism...

I have to log off now... and my father is being a ridiculously stubborn headed curr about now, so I will not be able to come on tomorrow. Please comment on both this post and my last one.

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/15/2011 2:59:29)

I fixed those typos...I think. And I'm sure that a lot of blood thinner could be used to combat the dilated arteries, but Strebor doesn't want anyone to die, so he kind of overreacted. And I meant to say obligations. Some people worshiped it like a God. That's going to be in the comic series. Duh.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/15/2011 21:12:38)

Forgot to comment yesterday. Oh well.

Is it bad if I find this story to be pretty funny? Anyway onto the commentary-ish bit:


do not value my intelligence. These are all things I never I'd say about you,

"I never I'd say" ... And you want me to think you are extremely smart...heh (I am assuming that was Intentional, if not then no offense) and the one of the earlier chapters said

“It certainly is big,” Sarah said stupidly as she sat perched on a lab table next to it, a binder full of D’s and F’s on her lap.
Not only can I make a obvious-ish* joke but it is implied That she is failing.


the Grim Reaper's silver bullet! You'll be, pardon the pun, immortalized!

I've always thought of Death closer to a Vampire then a Werewolf.


his insides knotting up, like a tangled string of Christmas lights that never would work again.
Just like the person who just died, just metaphorical.


Strebor asked, looking up from his zombie-hands.

I wonder if you could "infect" other people by using your Zombie hands...thus making more zombies.


Sweeney Pood, headmaster of Sweeney Pood University, was dead. Again.

I wonder what would happen if somebody tried to use the LEECH on him again...

Previous Chapters:

“It certainly is big,”


"You certainly finished fast.”
...Do I really need to put anything here, I mean even if this humor wasn't intentional it is still there.


“Blasphemer! Unnatural, evil, heretic!” someone yelled. 


I really expected more objections to it, or atleast a "Well then prove it" from such a large crowd...

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/15/2011 21:27:14)

Ah! Quote tunnel! And I thought I made it clear that Sarah was a TA like Strebor, and that those were her students' papers.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/16/2011 1:29:13)

Goldstein: I fixed the quote tunnel, sorry. I guess I missed/forgot That Sarah was a TA.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/16/2011 9:55:36)

Personally, SL9K, I thought Strebbor meant to have written "...never thought I'd say about you..."... Oh, and the "It certainly is big" comment was probably meant as a joke, sarcastic remark, or statement in awe, and was not indicative of her intelligence. It also could have possibly been meant to imply she was either skeptical, or scientifically reserved, wanting to see it in action before she thought anything about it one way or another... Hard to say for sure, although the stupidly adjective may be there to imply she said it in awe specifically. Makes me wish that emotions were easier to express via writing.

I've always thought of Death as having nothing to do with Vampires or werewolves other than the fact he may have no hold over, and is thusly shown to be annoyed by, The Damned.

I would like to point out that what he meant by "zombie hands" is that they looked as if they should be dead and non-functioning, but still worked, although I am pretty sure you are aware of his meaning.

Yes, that would be extremely funny, having him reLEECHed. XP

I do believe the words of outrage he indicated the crowd was shouting are only choice samples of the greater cacophony.

Posting in case of Blue Screens about now. I shall personally comment on the story and not just the comments shortly. Oh, and I don't understand your "That's going to be in comic series" bit...


Well, if people are going to condemn you verbally to Hell, then they are wasting their time. The only real person who can do that is God, and I do not know of any place in the Bible where it is indicated to be evil to raise the dead other than the brief line condemning necromancy somewhere in the Old Testiment/Torah, or whatever you want to call it. For one, we have been doing things in recent times which many, many people back in the Dark Ages would have thought is heretical, yet condemnation is not eshewed upon anyone who practices medicine for saving the lives of people who would have otherwise died by using mixtures of various herbs which are found naturally in the world, nor should it be condemned, for it is not some magical potion with which to cure someone, which has been crafted by a sorcerer or awitch, but a gift from God, which was hidden abroad in the world to be found and used by man, and in many cases tribal man has been using remedies involving such herbs for ages; Heck, we've been using extracts of the poppy plant for ages as a pain killer before it was even turned to mophine by modern science! Alexander the great had his men use it to such an effect.

Also, as I said, we've already been bringing people back to life in modern times relatively often, it's just that the LEECH would make it much earsier and convenient to do so, and leave not as much up to chance, albeit it still has its downsides and problems which could be fixxed by testing. It is merely corporate greed, or at the very least corruption, which is the evil behind this, as the glitches and problems behind the LEECH could probably be ironed out with better testing, and probably will be once future generations look back at this machine hailed as an abomination, which killed so many people, and experiment with it for scientific advancement. Pity this earliest device is destined to cause such pain and misery indeed.

Nice to see you edited the chapter a bit to include what was happening on your way to the forensics class.

Hmm... Even more's the pity that an agent of the FDA would be susceptible to bribes, considering their position of strict regulations and long testing; Their DUTY to protect the public from harm from dangerous machines and medicines such as this! It makes me seethe with anger to even think of such a thing!!!

Posting caustiously again.

Your plan to expose them is noble. Pity things shall not work out the way you plan, because Mavet and co. have thought ahead...

I hate the trick where they are gone when you look behind you... So annoying... Makes you look like a fool...

I assume you meant a new wave of human undestanding of its own mortality rather than morality...

You should have stayed there and called for someone to phone for an ambulance... that would have made you look much more innocent and victomized...

*nostaliac sigh* I remember when Zafara had just made that little poetic thing of hers... brings back memories of ages gone by... and makes me wonder what happened/s later...

The assumption on your part about people that are/were not dead dying when being treated with the LEECHes is ammusing... although it proved/s to be correct...

I know the feeling... The brewing anger set against someone who apposes your will- who seems to morally or intellectually be ridiculously... wrong. It is not something I would wish upon others... especially if it is impossible to excercise it in a way that has any effect that isn't detrimental...

You still seem to have a few inconsequential typos every once in a while, but whatever. It still makes for good reading.

Makes me wonder what gun that is... My random guess would be a .50 calibur Desert Eagle, but it's relatively difficult to be sure.

I still find it funny that you entertain the possibility of Zombies, even when you do not believe in ghosts... although they are real, though more human slaves than like in the movies... The movie version could very well happen if a viral psycho-active plague spread to the general population... The undead version is rather unlikely, and they'd be unable to survive more than a few months, thus allowing govornment officials, at the very least, to be able to survive. In the world we are in, though, there is a good chance they wouldn't be able to spread to every continent, either. No, the human race would be able to survive a Zombie Appocalypse...

Oh, yes, very unsettling indeed. Then again, that's how the corporate world works: bloodthirsty mogals willing to do anything to gain profit if they feel safe enough in doing so.

Yep, that's what happens when you deal with radiation for so long without lab gloves. You may still claim it is not radiation, if you want, but whatever.

O.o H.P. Lovecraft...

Your talking about skin flaking off and associating it with your brow made me wonder if the necrosis also effected your face... although maybe we shouldn't call it that, considering slight differences... eh, whatever.

The scene at the last makes me imagine the goods whistling while carrying you away, watching the news feed while they went and finding it humorous they are taking you, the man who brought him back to life, away just after the man you "saved" from death died. Very funny. XP

Vector -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/16/2011 11:26:07)


Hmm... Even more's the pity that an agent of the FDA would be susceptible to bribes, considering their position of strict regulations and long testing; Their DUTY to protect the public from harm from dangerous machines and medicines such as this! It makes me seethe with anger to even think of such a thing!!!

i sense some satire in that section of the story, drakky, but i think the pity is sorely misplaced. what depresses me is that i have the same feeling against the RL version of so-called 'government regulations'

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/16/2011 11:43:24)

Yes, obviously there are still problems with the system in real life, and quite a few things need to be improved, but to have virtually no testing at all, like the LEECH apparently has had, but still pass into the public's use? Unforgiveable.

I edited my earlier post, btw.

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/16/2011 13:52:51)

I don't like to delve into the technical side of things when it comes to weaponry, I think it weighs the story down. Strebor's no gun expert, and to him, it was just a big, shiny death machine.

As for my typos, I use Google Chrome, which has a built-in spell checker. If I don't see any red lines, I post it. I usually miss the small stuff, though. I'm trying to be better at proofing my work.

As for Strebor's face, no, it has not been affected, it's just that the act of rubbing his brow caused friction that in turn caused a good chunk of the dead skin to slough off.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/16/2011 15:17:47)

Yeah, I agree with you. Too much detail makes things boring. One must learn to be discreet with those sort of things.

As I said, I don't mind the typos and such too much, anyhow.

It is nice to see you have a reason in the story for the nondesciptiveness in regards to the gun. That makes it much more convenient.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/21/2011 22:23:43)

makes sense that the... um, what was it? romeo, oscar... bah, whatever. makes sense that it acts like a child seeing that it was apparently made recently. though i cant help but wonder why Cram is deathly afraid of it [>:]

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/21/2011 22:25:39)

NATO Phonetics: Romeo Oscar Bravo Oscar Tango. Get it now?

Vector -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/21/2011 23:07:53)

ugh, do they have to make it so confusing...? :/

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/21/2011 23:32:56)

And robots are always evil...

I'll comment tomorow on the chapter.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Who Needs a Medical License? *Revised Form* Discussion (10/22/2011 1:57:35)



 Project Romeo Oscar Beta Oscar Tango
The P threw me off, I though Probot meant something. But then I read your comments thread. (/facepalm)


Mr. Mavet wanted me to check up on..." He couldn't see him, but Strebor had a feeling he was motioning towards him.
I think he was talking about Cram, or the plants.


Strebor grabbed a pen and lashed out. He couldn't break free from his shackle, but managed to impale Dr. Shriner in the stomach. He gasped and fell to the ground.
Death by pen. The only worse deaths I can think of are "Death by being stabbed by a delicious cake*" and "Death By being run through the spleen with a toothpick". Still I can think of a one-liner for this....

Previous Chapters:

 was dead. Again.
One more death and he gets a free prize!

I do wonder how the later chapters will go. How will the characters be portrayed? Will WP2 still have few lines, will other characters get more characterization, will some even become Strebor's friend if they were previously a enemy, will one or more even die?

*I know that's not how the reference is, but still...

Drakkoniss: well that depends entirely on the programming.
Vector: I am guessing cram fears the claws, and it isn't that complex.

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