Niki -> Phantom Skies Stave (9/24/2011 15:32:29)
Phantom Skies Stave A deadly blade embodying powerful wind magic. (No DA Required) Location: Teral's Gear Price: N/A Required Items: 1 Tamach Wings & 5 Sky Charm Sellback: 1,800 Gold Level: 65 Damage: 63-91 Element: Wind Stats: Dodge +1, Crit +6, Magic Def +4, Pierce Def +4, Melee Def +4, WIS +6, CHA +4, LUK +4, INT +8, Bonus +6 Resists: Wind +7, Stone +7, Immobility +2 Rarity: 15 Item Type: Staff Damage Type: Magic Equip Spot: Weapon Category: Weapon [image][/image] Thanks to Silver for image. M31K for entry information. Jay and Stephen Nix for corrections.