Retraining (Full Version)

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DeathGuard -> Retraining (10/3/2011 13:01:38)

How many times you retrain by week? I have always know about how many times does other players retrain their builds.
I do it like 10 times to 15 times per week, since I always find adjustments, fail builds, or sometimes I got bored of it[:)]

Darkeroid -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 13:32:36)

2 to 3 times per week.Sometimes i stay the same build for a month or so when I really like it.Yeah ik that I do not change builds that often,but once i retrained 30 times in 1 week.

Fay Beeee -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 13:36:31)

If I am doing new build, it can be like 8/9 times in one day.

Then more the next day as I adjust it.
Otherwise not much. If I like my build and it is winning some, then I stay like that :)

goldslayer1 -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 14:18:38)

i retrain around 5-10 times when trying to find a build.
i usually just retrain, try the build a couple times (players and NPCs) then fix any problems and fine tune it.
then try another and keep on going.

Matgon -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 14:33:08)

When I was active I always had to retrain several times because I always went over 1 extra stat.... Fortunately for me I had around 600k credits those days.

DeathGuard -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 14:38:50)

@Darkeroid: I did that when I was out of credits
@Fay Beee: Same here, I adjust it after 50 battles, because if I prove it in 10, it won't be helpful.
@GoldSlayer1: I always mix or do random builds for fun, and sometimes that random builds work for me.
@Matgon: that says to me you quitted :/

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 15:00:09)

normal week 0

balance update week 10 to 20 times just changing my last 10 points so next update should be great for me

Celestine -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 15:22:45)

Fortunately, I don't get bored with my builds easily so I don't retrain much in a week.

Perhaps 2 or 3 times every other week. I enjoy my build, it's original, effective and I don't see a point in changing it. :P

DeathGuard -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 15:27:21)

@OWA: Same here, is a great opportunity to approach it.
@Celestine: I'm a really strategic guy, I fight a lot and like to npc bosses. I know your build is original, but it is not bad to prove different things [:D] Sometimes I even use a build without armor xD

Ashari -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 15:43:48)

I usually retrain every day to try new builds. I like putting in a few battles with a build before I go and adjust it, but I often tweak builds 4 or 5 times before they get just right (or just fail horribly sometimes >.>).

I'm always trying to find a way to counter my current build's weakness with my next build so I get through some pretty creative and whacky builds sometimes and you'd be surprised how effective some of them are!

Joe10112 -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 16:00:02)

I usually retrian every 2 months.

Unless I'm beating up on NPCs that give cheevos.

The Death Trap -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 16:01:20)

maybe twice a day

Matgon -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 16:02:22)


@Matgon: that says to me you quitted

I'm still around only just not nearly as competitive as I used to be, don't have the time to perform at extremely high levels right now.

9001WaysToLaugh -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 16:17:30)

Depends... sometimes I retrain 5 times a day other times once a month.

Algorithm -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 16:19:07)

Whenever it's needed.

voidance -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 16:20:12)

Depends, sometimes I don't retrain for a month, sometimes 5-10 times a day, and I've even done about 45-50 in a 24 hour period.

redxtra -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 18:11:29)

not at all until they change something with the stats

Illuminator -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 18:19:35)

I usually retrain 4 to 5 times a week, that's my best guess at least. Of course if I manage to build up a bunch of credits I might go on a spree and retrain 25-30 times in 1 day trying new builds, of course about half of those are just balancing stats.

Infinity Everlasting -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 18:25:02)

Too much... I retrain when I randomly think of a build that might turn out interesting so it costs me a lot of gold.

Soldier 1124 -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 18:26:46)

Havent retrained since frenzy became club only [:D]

WhiteTiger -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 18:28:18)

I don't really retrain as much as I used to. Now I just retrain whenever I purchase a new weapon to move some stats. So I'm at an average of 1 retrain per 2-4 weeks.

Wootz -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 18:39:25)

I rarerly retrain.
Only when I need it desperatly.
Last time I've retrained was to tweak my CH build which was around 2 weeks ago.

Master Volcon -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 18:47:46)

I will retrain normally 10-15 times a week. I often just do it to it to make small changes, lol its kind of a pain but i like doing it

DeathGuard -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 18:53:04)

Seems more of the one who replied of this only retrain few times and they hardly get bored of it, others are hyperactive like me and change builds really fast[8D]. Also Many said that they adjust some builds and they actually work out really awesome. After all, tweaking ideas is part of life[:D].

AQWPlayer -> RE: Retraining (10/3/2011 18:55:19)

I normally don't retrain, but recently I have tried out two builds, and I won't be retraining too soon again.

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