Shadowscythe Fleet (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Shadowscythe Fleet (10/11/2011 19:53:24)

Shadowscythe Fleet

Location: Dropship --> Enemy Fleet!
Objective: You navigated through the Shadowscythe Fleet!
Requirements: Completion of Dropship Battle
Release Date:


  • Worsh

    Worsh: Okay, you've got the controls again. I can't believe Sys-Zero is letting you pilot through the Shadowscythe Fleet...
    Worsh: We're not at all prepared to handle a threat this big. They haven't noticed us yet so maybe they never will.
    Worsh: Fly through the ships carefully. You don't want to hit or shoot any of the or else they'll be aware we're here.
    Worsh: The more aware they are of us, the longer we'lll have to deal with them. When the blue bar is full, we're in the clear.
    Worsh: Why Sys-Zero wants you for this is beyond me but the pilot seat is yours.

    After completion of minigame
    Worsh: I guess Sys-Zero was right about you. Your piloting skills are certainly note-worthy!

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