RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (Full Version)

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Laceration General -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (2/17/2012 1:14:06)

updated my request, seeming as people keep saying to change it..

steel blade -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (2/17/2012 5:52:59)

Hai, fellow clanmates.

Specific Artist?: Sainsbo
Art Type: Signature
Render: Sora (Wisdom Form) (Right focus of siggy)
Background: Anything that fits Sora in his appearance.
  • Main Title - Steel Blade
  • Subtitle - A Phoenix Risen
    Font: Kingdom Hearts
    Font Color: Blue
    PM When Complete?: No

  • Sainsbo -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (2/17/2012 6:36:31)



    steel blade -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (2/17/2012 8:05:42)

    Thanks Sains.

    Starstruck -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (2/18/2012 10:18:59)

    I have just found an acceptable render for my signature. This is an acceptable render, right?

    random fun 12 -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (2/18/2012 10:21:17)

    It should be. It is saved as a png, which is perfect for a render. Even opened up photoshop just to check, but yeah, zumosmorph should be able to work with it.

    Riprose123 -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (2/18/2012 21:27:30)

    Laceration, people have lives outside of the forum, believe it or not. I've waited for three weeks for a sig, and i know someone who waited longer.

    100Rob123 -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (2/18/2012 21:44:11)

    Specific Artist?:Nope
    Art Type:Siggy
    Render: Click! Please put the char on the left.
    Background: Click!
    Text:100Rob123-Crystal Bearer
    Font: Click!
    Font Color:Black
    PM When Complete?:Yesh
    Thank you!
    I'm Sorry, but that's the best thing for a render I could find. So Extra Thank you for whoever makes mine.[;)]

    Laceration General -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (2/18/2012 21:56:27)

    The fact being the one guy got his on the same day it was posted annoys me..

    Obsiidianz -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (2/19/2012 1:45:08)

    One question first,am i able to do sig. and avatar?(If i can't,ill just do avatar.)
    Specific Artist?:Anyone
    Art Type:Avatar.(Can i do sig. also?)
    Render: Click. (use part of the body.)
    Font Color:Black and Red
    PM When Complete?:Yes.

    zumosmorph -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (2/19/2012 2:56:54)

    Sorry, everybody. I have real life stuff to do, but getting lippy isn't going to get your signature done faster. If you specifically requested me, I'm sorry but I'm opening the request to everybody.

    Laceration General, here you go. I apologize for the wait.

    From now on, if you make a request and post a .jpg or any improper file for a render, we WILL NOT make your request. Simple as that. I don't know how many times I'll have to say it, but read the title post before you make a request so that you know what a render is and where to find one.

    Riate -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (2/24/2012 8:27:14)

    Riprose, sorry for the long wait: [image][/image]


    Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (2/27/2012 9:08:51)

    Specific Artist? Zumo (Whenever you can get around to it)
    Art Type: Signature
    Render: Blue.
    Background: Up to you
    Text: Shadows Morgenstern, A Phoenix Risen
    Font: Wolf's Rain.
    Font Color: Whatever suits!
    PM When Complete?: Sure

    muhijsjaps -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (3/7/2012 12:48:42)

    Specific Artist?: Just the least busy one.
    Art Type:Signature
    Render: Not really rendered
    Background: Background, sized 100x500
    Main part with bigger letters: Muhijs
    Smaller: A Shadow in the Light
    Font: Doesn't matter, you decide.
    Font Color: I don't really know, but kinda glowing
    PM When Complete?: Yes.
    And one more thing, Please put render in left side!

    1st Horseman -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (3/7/2012 15:20:26)

    Specific Artist?: nope
    Art Type: Sig
    Render: Not sure if this will work.
    Background: I'd like something black and red.
    Text: 'Power is in the hand of the brave.'
    Font: This one or This one.
    Font Color: If the background is mainly red and black then I'd like purple.
    PM When Complete?: Yes please.

    felixossom -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (3/10/2012 2:55:40)

    Specific Artist?. random fun 12 ( or who ever available)
    Art Type: sig
    Background: or anything that fits
    Font:Lucida Calligraphy
    Text: African Warrior @top left, Owning Freaks @top right and A True Warrior Does Not Flee A Battle!! @ bottom centerd
    Font Color: Gold or anything that is bright and i mean bling :P
    PM when Complete? Yes Would Appriciate

    zumosmorph -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (3/12/2012 8:18:07)

    @Shadows Sorry it took so long, mate. I've been busy. I hope you enjoy it. I can't say its one of my better signatures.


    100Rob123 -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (3/19/2012 18:10:23)

    Um, I just want to ask, is mine done? I've been waiting for a month and a week, and I really want a new siggy.[:)]

    zumosmorph -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (3/20/2012 14:30:31)

    100Rob123, your request doesn't provide a proper render.

    100Rob123 -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (3/20/2012 19:29:04)

    Oh sorry, but can you please render it too? If not, then I'll open a thread asking to render it, right?
    Okay. :)

    zumosmorph -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (3/21/2012 18:01:06)

    Sorry, Rob, but I've just put in a request to lock Pulse. We've gotten too busy to keep running this shop, honestly.

    white out727 -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (3/22/2012 11:27:27)

    Specific Artist?: Anyone who isn't busy
    Art Type: Signature
    Render: (sorry if this isn't completely right, all i want is my character none of the other stuff)
    Text: White out727
    Font: surprize me
    Font Color: white
    PM When Complete?: Yes please
    Sig Size: 500x100 sorry if I added this, just wanted to make sure it'll fit on the forums I'm going to use it to

    THANK YOU! [:D]

    Navorus -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (3/22/2012 17:38:19)

    Wanted Artist: Anyone Available
    Type: Signature
    Render: Click Here
    Render Placement: Where it looks best
    Background: I would like a lot of lightning, Like THIS for example, (the white lightning in the background), i want some of the lighting to be white and some to have a red glow...if that is not too much to ask for. Also, just a solid color; which ever looks best to the Artist, for example grayish black, to be set as the background.
    Font: Click Here
    Font color: Red, White, or black, depending on what looks best
    Text: Bestowed Upon Darkness
    PM when done? Yes

    Theo -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix 2.0 (3/22/2012 21:57:18)

    This Shop is officially closed by OP's Request ~ Theo

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