48 Weeks Later (Full Version)

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Peachii -> 48 Weeks Later (10/15/2011 2:51:16)

48 Weeks Later

Location: Mogloween 2011 -> Dornalca -> 48 Weeks Later
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Last Year
Release Date: October 14th, 2011

Objective: M.O.P. is working hard to relocate and house all those who were displaced by the infection last year.
Objective completed: Hope that Andy doesn't bite....

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(17) Zardbie

Eric Ravenwing
Girl (Zardbie)
Lady Ravenwing
Lord F.A.L.
Moonridge Knight(s)

Loud Chainsword
Crashing Chainsword
Roaring Chainsword
Raucous Chainsword

Loud Chainstaff
Crashing Chainstaff
Roaring Chainstaff
Raucous Chainstaff

Loud Chaindagger
Crashing Chaindagger
Roaring Chaindagger
Raucous Chaindagger

Last Year an infection raged through the woods near Moonridge.

Originating in a secret underground lab located under a mansion on the edge of town, the virus raged through the surrounding humanoid and animal populations, turning them into savage zardbies.

31 days later the infection met a sacchariferous end through the Cauldron Sister's candy cure.

Now, 48 weeks later, MOP is repopulating the mansion with those displaced by last years mayhem....

Prius: How goes the relocation?
Knight: The refugees are still coming in by the dozen, but we are finding places for them.
Knight: This eyesore of a building is actually of good use for once.
Knight 2: More refugees incoming!

Grinder: *sniff-sniff*
Refugee: Whoa, hey! What's he doing?
Knight: He's just making sure you're not infected.
Grinder: Arf!
Knight: Ok, you're good. Please proceed to the medical tent.
Knight 2: Next, please!

Chisagen: Booooooooriiinnnnnnng...
Prius: Are we getting paid for this?
Dornalca: Come on, guys, we have work to do. All of these people need to be scanned through.
Chisagen: Note to self: Swat Dornalca with a smelly fish, and pretend Josh did it.
Prius: CHIS!
Chisagen: Coming!

Knight: Finally... that took forever.
Knight 2: We need to screen them, though.
???: Does it hurt?
Knight: Wh-who?
Knight 2: Oh, hello there little guy.
Grinder: *whine*
Knight: By the Avatars....
Josh: What?! Are we under attack?
Lady Ravenwing: Terrible monsters?
Eric Ravenwing: Where?!
Lord F.A.L.: We must defend the town!
Chainsword: *(chainsaw sound effects)*
Lady Ravenwing: It... It's just a child!
Chisagen: Boooooorriiinnnnng...
Dornalca: Is the Grinder broken or something?
Knight 2: I... I don't think so.
Child: *(sob)*
Lord F.A.L.: Let's take him in for more screening.
Dornalca: Come on, little guy, everything will be ok. What's your name?
Andy: A... an... Andy.

Chainsword: Hey, are you almost done with your paladiny testing thingies?
Dornalca: No.
Dornalca: Hmm...
Dornalca: Eyes of green and blue. I've never seen that before.
Lord F.A.L.: Wow, cool....
Chainsword: Not as cool as the CHAINSAW ON MY SWORD!
Dornalca: Oh my... Lord Forgets-a-lot, get the others.

Dornalca: There's no doubt. The boy carries the virus....
Eric Ravenwing: How is he not a zardbie?
Dornalca: I don't know. The key to a more permanent cure might be within him though.
Josh: We can't risk keeping him here.
Josh: The virus is gone. Wiped out by the candy cure just in time.
Josh: The Cauldron Sisters aren't around right now if it breaks out again.
Lord F.A.L.: It spreads so fast....
Josh: Right. If that kid is a carrier, we'd be overrun with zardbies.
Lady Ravenwing: There has to be a safe spot to transfer him to. Someone guard the boy, we need a mage... or a hero.
Lady Ravenwing: What do you think <Character> is up to?
Chainsword: Find him/her.
Chainsword: I will guard the boy with MY WICKED CHAINSAW SWORD!

Moments later...

Chainsword: zzZZZZZZzzzz.....

A "girl" entered the tent

Andy: Wh-who's there?
Girl: Hi!
Andy: Uhh...
Girl: Are you in trouble?
Andy: I... I don't know.
Girl: You don't look dangerous.
Andy: I... don't think I am....
Girl: Your eyes are pretty.
Andy: What... what are you doing?
Girl: Heehee!
Girl: Mmmmuah!
Andy: No! NO! I don't want girl coooties! EWW, you kissed me!!! GROSS!
Girl: *gag*

Girl transforms into a Zardbie

Chainsword: OMGwhatlamup.
Andy: No! No! HELP!
Chainsword: !!! The kid!

Chain: RUN!

Chainsword is attacked, the girl Zardbie exits through the flap. "Chain-Zardbie" is seen appearing from the forest behind the tent

Lady Ravenwing: Monsters! We're under attack!
Josh: Finally!
<Character>: Zardbies!
Prius: Hey, is that.. Chain?!
Eric Ravenwing: We have to contain them!
Prius: Dang. He owed me money.
<Character>: ... Dibs on his sword.
Dornalca: Look! The boy! We need to get to him!
Chisagen: MOP assemble!
Chisagen: <Character>, you go after the kid, try and get him to the Cauldron Sisters.
Chisagen: We need to get the grounds secured so the infection doesn't spread. Hurry!

Once you've found Andy:
<Character>: Come on, kid.
Andy: No! Please... I don't want to be bitten again.
<Character>: Don't worry, I'm going to get you someplace safe.
<Character>: There are some amazing sisters who can cure this. We just have to find them first...
Andy: O-okay...

Outside... the remaining members of the M.O.P., along with the Moonridge Knights, fought valiantly to contain the outbreak.

But some have slipped through...

  • Complete Quest

    Thanks to Jay for corrections.

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