(AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Elryn -> (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/25/2011 11:13:16)

Discussion and comment thread for Tales of a warmonger. Prologue up. Both threads in the works.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/25/2011 11:57:45)

Nice story you have going there, Elryn. Although I must say that I find it a pleasant way to read, it's not very original thus far.

Be sure to drop by and criticize my story, if you have got the time.

Elryn -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/25/2011 13:03:29)

I did tell them that it was not anything special. They still wished to hear it however, so I went ahead with it.

Should I have time, I would gladly do. Though I have quite a few things to attend to.

.Discipline -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/25/2011 13:29:57)

Hmmmm... quite an interesting character you have there. I'll be happy to see you write epic adventures for him... perhaps battling alongside some unlikely allies? ( Or Else) I'll be glad to see war documentation from his point of view and good expansion on his exploits.

Mortarion -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/25/2011 15:55:35)

Uhhhh you should make a chapter for each war in which you have fought, including DF ones, still waiting for the 13 war storie

Shadow Ravena -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/25/2011 16:13:46)

Hmm, I'm with DD- its good, but not highly original, but then again, beginnings seldom are. Keep it up, there are the threads for a great story there.

Mortarion -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/25/2011 16:49:24)

hEy clasic and normal doesn't means bad

Shadow Ravena -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/25/2011 17:26:38)

I didn't say it was bad Mort, just not very original. Its a begininning I'm sure I've seen the like before, but how Elyrn makes it his own is what counts in the end.

Argeus the Paladin -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/25/2011 21:53:38)

Thirded that it is not very original. The technicalities has little that I can complain about though, so that's definitely a huge plus.

Also, maybe it's just me and my current obsession with Gundam SEED, I'd go ahead and fanon that your warmage is actually a coordinator in Lore. Calling it now [:D]

Cataclysm -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/25/2011 22:53:41)

@above: Did you just verb "fanon," or just typo? Fanon's dictionary definition certainly doesn't fit, and I don't recollect "fanon" (portmanteau of fan and canon) being a verb... Though if you're verbing it, it doesn't really fit.

I've been looking forward to getting your background for awhile. Certainly, I've had my share of queries, and hopefully these will be answered sufficiently. I've already PM'd you a bit about the story, not particularly interested in restating what I've already told you. Got my hopes for this tale, and I suspect you'll live up to them well enough.

\/ Huh, never heard fanon used as a verb before. Glad to have gotten that cleared up.

Argeus the Paladin -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/25/2011 23:07:21)

^ Yep, I was using fanon as a verb there. It's kind of a slang in the community I am frequenting lately to refer to pure, unadulterated silly speculation about a story not in the speculator's jurisdiction.

I know, that community is weirdly awesome like that.

Elryn -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/26/2011 9:04:03)

I am starting to have second thoughts.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/26/2011 9:44:50)

@Elryn: Second thoughts about what? The story, while not original, is fine. You can leave it as it is or continue, that is all up to you.

Elryn -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/26/2011 10:15:03)

*Elryn sighs*

I resolved to tell my tale for the enjoyment of others. If it needs be original to be enjoyable, I can in no way guarantee that (I am a warmonger amongst others, not a legendary figure) and the general opinion seems to be falling in favor of lack of the former.

Mistermafio -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/26/2011 10:37:16)

Seems to me one should write for his own enjoyment, not that of others. And share it to be criticized, and thus learn, not to have it be loved instantly. What is the point of writing only good things.

Furthermore, it seems, most people (me included) do like your style of writing. Which is always superior to originality as far as enjoyment is concerned. To give up on writing, just because someone else had the idea before, would be a terrible waste of talent.

Though, there is also the point of you wanting to learn. You have to want to learn at least something, posting here, otherwise there is indeed no point to this entire endeavor.

.Discipline -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/26/2011 11:01:07)

Personally, I really enjoyed your character development so far and you appear to be a very skilled writer with a great grasp of lots of literary techniques. I see no reason for you to give up on this, a character fanfic always makes an epic project that I'm sure you'll enjoy. Also, I was fed up of 'Godpower superwarrior' characters that keep appearing around here, yours appears much more down to earth, which in the community here is quite an original feat.

Keep it up! ( Or Else)

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/26/2011 11:10:48)

@Elryn: Originality =/= Enjoyment. Read my first post.

@.Discipline: You mean like Dalarai?

.Discipline -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/26/2011 11:36:26)

Yes, to be fair Dalarai is overpowered, I'm aware of that. But he has several quite important weaknesses that will be revealed later.

Elryn's character, however, is great because he starts from very humble beginning and is likely to grow more powerful as he continues. Looking forward to seeing him grow to be on par with the rest of us, tbh. But as he starts within no real advantages he'll progress through sheer determination and effort.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/26/2011 11:46:52)

@.Discipline: Well to be fair, thus far my character is the only one (or the few) I've seen to flee or cower in battle.

Elryn's character would be of similair stature, perhaps. Although the story gives me the impression he's fairly adept at magic, allowing for him to defeat my own character with ease, who is mostly reserved to level 1 mage spells (right now). What confuses me though, is that while he's adept at magic he doesn't seem to be very powerful till he comes across a village(?) I believe to be Battleon.

lordkaho -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/26/2011 11:56:30)

If you read the chapters written by Eukara and Kellehendros on the Book of the Rift, Elryn's writing style reminds me of that. It's down-to-earth, classic fantasy. We can't call our warmage a flat, stock character just yet as it's only the first chapter. I'm sure Elryn will develop him into a well written character soon.

Though, Elryn I think what threw most people off is that you wrote the intro in a very typical, (as DD calls it) seen-it-before scenario.

Elryn -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/26/2011 15:27:34)

I am one to tell if so others wish and should they enjoy it, Mafio. As one might tell a tale around the campfire. As for improvement and learning, this may help improve to tell tales in a written form. As said previously, I am one to rather tell them orally for there is a certain way and feel to it that I prefer. This is what I attempted to reflect in the Prologue.

And Dwelling, I only cower in battle (even back then) once in a purple moon with yellow polka dots.


grow more powerful as he continues


he's fairly adept at magic


he doesn't seem to be very powerful


If all goes well (and depending on how fast I write), there will be something on the matter fairly early on.

I think, Lordkaho, that that may be due to the fact that I wanted to tell it as I would around the campfire. I think the introduction should clear that up.

Mortarion -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/26/2011 15:36:17)

I support the fact that you continue this, oh and please, if you were so kind, check A Path to Madness, my own history

Varen6398 -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/26/2011 15:51:05)

'Lets gather round the campfire and sing our campfire songs... The story is great so far! I like the idea of being taught by an archmage, who gives him great gifts. It reminds me of Dumbledore and the gifts he gives to Harry, Ron and Hermione in his will. I am one of those people who doesn't care about originality, but more how the story is written. And boy, is this story written well. Keep it up! I don't want this story to be left in the dark...

Elryn -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/26/2011 18:51:27)

The Introduction is up. Hopefully, this will clear up the background out of which the Prologue is told. I gather it is also an preview of how I write.

I will try to, Mortarion, when I have the time. I have Dwelling's story to read as well. Thank you kindly, Varen.

Sierra_Nocturne -> RE: (AQ) Tales of a warmonger Comments and Discussion Thread (10/26/2011 20:18:53)

Pretty cool. I intend to continue to read.

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