(AQ) Story of The Archiver (Full Version)

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The_Archiver -> (AQ) Story of The Archiver (11/14/2011 21:54:31)

Chapter 1

It was a bright and sunny day in Battleon. A calm wind was blowing in from the east. As Artix and Yulgar stand outside the Inn, both telling tales about their many adventures here and abroad. Suddenly the wind picks up violently, The two men stand and turn towards the strange gusts as they see a silhouette of a man dressed in a robe. As he abroaches them, they notice that he carries a bulky picture frame and a dagger with a trigger mechanism. He walks up to them and pauses.

"Pardon gentlemen, but do you know the way to Granemor?" The stranger lifts his head, but only enough for Artix and Yulgar to see his mouth.

"Yeah, its up north from here, and off a little to the west of the crossroads." The stranger looks at Yulgar, then jerks his head in thanks. He then starts walking north.

"What was that about?" Yulgar and Artix stare at each other, then drop the conversation and continue talking.


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