RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (Full Version)

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sajid9 -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/16/2011 1:24:27)

Your Plushie is finished. Hope you like.
This one was a bit of a challenge

SM0US3 -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/16/2011 11:01:49)

Hey guys, I think it would be a great idea if we make a "preferred artist" option, because we would be fighting over requests.


sajid9 -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/16/2011 11:50:56)

I agree with you

My Vacation has started, and im doing nothing. :S
So, Please add as many requests as you want!

SM0US3 -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/16/2011 12:12:00)

@Sajid Lol mine has too ^_^ No School for 3 (or 4 - idk) weeks :)


SM0US3 -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/16/2011 13:20:08)

@13 Souls Your plushie is done!


13 Souls -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/16/2011 17:07:35)

It's ok, you did a great job. Better than expected, so nstread of the Twilly helm, could you make it the Nekko-Waifer helm instead? Apologies if this is too much to ask for.

Trankwil -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/16/2011 19:19:28)

Your wish is my command! A "Preferred Artist" has been added to the template! Also, when someone does not request a specific artist, please post and let everyone know that you are taking that request.

Shao Kahn -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/17/2011 12:27:08)

How has my request been coming along?

Trankwil -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/17/2011 13:15:20)

@Shao Kahn - Your plushies are finished. Enjoy!

Plushie 1
Plushie 1 Mini

Plushie 2
Plushie 2 Mini


Shao Kahn -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/17/2011 13:33:20)

Thank you they are both very good.
Would you mind if I asked someone to put the mini ones into a signature since they're both so good? Unless you guys wanted to do it or something.

Trankwil -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/17/2011 13:42:58)

Not at all. Go for it!

13 Souls -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/17/2011 13:55:10)

Thanks so much for the plushie <3 You did an amazing job on it, I /bow down to your skills :D

Stevs10 -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/17/2011 19:29:37)

Hey guys could I have plushie that has

Armor: Void Knight
Helm: Unidentified 9 (Ordinary Iron Wing Helmet)
Skin Color: #CC8E55
Eye Color: #333333


sajid9 -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/18/2011 0:27:42)

Im working on yours

Your plushie is done. Here it is

Stevs10 -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/18/2011 15:38:14)

Thanks and has it been sent to Seahawk?
oh and could I have it avatar sized?

sajid9 -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/19/2011 0:18:00)

I already sent an avatar pic of the plushie to seahawk
Here is the avatar

Stevs10 -> RE: [Flash][Plushies]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/19/2011 1:17:13)

Oh ok thx for the great work

random fun 12 -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/19/2011 10:05:09)

Requesting myself as a work-hand on deck, cap'n.

Worker Banner: Fixed!
Artist Name: Random Fun 12 (Random for short)
Makes: My speciality is sigs and banners but if someone requests an avvie I'm more than happy to have a go
Experience: 6 months
Program(s): GIMP
Examples: (Please provide at least three) No.1

Yay! Accepted!

Sam0035 -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/19/2011 15:36:41)

Been waiting for a plushie for a while on a other shop D: so i hope it won't be to much of a bother to create a plushie for me.

Armor: Platinum Naval Commander (Female)
Helm: Mystical Warrior Coif
Hair Color:#EACD8A
Skin Color:#DCA46B
Eye Color: #0000FF
Preferred Completion:when ever posible
PM When Done?: Yes please

Trankwil -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/19/2011 18:59:08)

@random fun 12 - Welcome to the shop!

sajid9 -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/19/2011 23:51:50)

Im working on yours

random fun 12 -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/20/2011 3:01:33)

I noticed that Varen's sig on page 5 and Drakath's request on page 5 as well has been done, so I'm taking those.

Varen: Yours was too sketchy so I could make it because I'd end up wrecking it.

Drakath: Your's is here - I haven't sent it to SeaHawk yet because I don't know if you think it's good enough.

Drakath: Re-did it to your liking.

Drakath -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/20/2011 3:24:02)

Preferred Artist: Just asking, but who makes siggys? First person to reply get their name here! :3
Signature, Banner, Avatar: Signature.
Render: UW3010
Render Placement: Left.
Background: Legion type colors, please?
Text: Drakath
Text Placement: Center-Right
Font: Anything you see fit.
Font Size: 25
Font Color: Grey
Dimensions: 500x100
PM When Done?: Yesh.

Tanks vewy much!


random fun 12 -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/20/2011 3:25:21)


And Finished!

Without scratchies

With Scratchies

Xavier Oriel -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio[Hiring!] (12/20/2011 3:44:53)


Armor: Platinum Naval Commander
Helm: Ranger Hat (Same Color Scheme as the PNC Armor)
Hair Color: #FFFF66
Skin Color:#FFCC66
Eye Color: #000066
PM When Done?: Yes Please!

Armor: Pink Rogue Armor
Helm: Ranger Hat (Same Color Scheme as the PRA Armor)
Hair Color: #FFFF66
Skin Color:#FFCC66
Eye Color: #CC0066
PM When Done?: Yes Please!


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