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Kinzdor -> (HS) THE DARKNESS KING (11/22/2011 1:10:57)


What makes this villain special is that he is not from this planet! He is from another planet! He was banished from his planet! His mental powers alone make him a worthy foe! He can toss you across the room just using his mind! Be careful what you think about you never know he could be reading your mind this very moment! Beware of what he refers to as his extra arms! Truth is they are not arms! They are tentacles growing out of his head! They can come up and garb you at any moment! His brain makes him a even worst threat! He has his own robot army! He has many more inventions as well! He created a device that he can clip onto his belt and it will allow him to hide in the darkness of the shadows!His lair is a floating castle located in outer space! His goal is to conquer all planets in the universe! Starting with ours!


It was a quiet normal day on Planet Purpleny,but something evil was about to happen. There was a cave. This cave was in the deepest canyon of the planet. Surrounding this cave were robot guards,laser turrets,and a stainless steel door! Inside the cave was the lab of The Darkness King. The king family used to be the royal linage on Planet Purpleny. Until Valtenio King was dethroned in battle by Shockwave President! Most of the King family had forgotten all about this battle. It had been years since they were royal so none of them really cared. Except one! For years now Darkness King had been trying to dethrone the current ruler of the planet. Soundwave President! The cave door opened and out came Darkness carrying a strange glowing,red,ball. He hoped on his purple hover scooter and made his way to the palace! Normally he would have been detained, but he had hacked into the alarm! He made his way to the throne room! He the ball in Soundwaves lap. It began to rattle,whirr,and spark with energy! Darkness grinned sonn the ball would teleport Soundwave to the other end of the universe . Darkness would be free to take the throne! The ball began to hover and glow. Then it fizzled and fell to the ground! Darkness could not believe that teleporter had malfunctioned! Soundwave stood up and glared at Darkness. "I grow weary of your games Darkness Vile King!" He waved his hand and then rose over Darkness . "I SOUNDWAVE PRESIDENT BANISHES DARKNESS KING FORM PLANET PURRPLENY!" Darkness was zapped in the back with stun guns until he fell unconscious! When he awoke he was a empty,cold,and lonely spaceship! That was hurtling towards Earth!


There was a explosion of smoke as the ship hit Earth! "Wonder what planet I got banished to. I hope its not Shmergonia. I can`t stand the egos of those people!" Said Darkness as he began to climb out of the ruins of the ship! He looked around. This planet had sunlight,trees,flowers,animals,and people flying around hitting each other with lasers! Then he looked down at his wrist. The strange hi tech gauntlet he wore seemed to be in working condition. He opened the top of it reveling a screen and a key bored. Then a camera lens reveled it self on the back of the screen. The device processed the picture and, a picture of Earth and a write up of the planet came on the screen! "Lets see Earth beautiful wildlife. The 2 main inhabits are humans and smashers! According to the gps app I am near Super City! The universe`ll databanks prove useful as always!"

"I saw the smoke are you OK!" Said a tan,blond haired, man in a lab coat. Darkness payed him no mind. "Dude what happened?" Darkness looked up at him and pointed to the ruins of the ship! "Wait you are a alien! I am professor Jhono of J No labs!" Said the man holding his hand out for Darkness to shake! Darkness looked at him baffled by what he was doing. The professor put his hand down! Darkness went back to tampering with what looked like a video chat system. "We have some things in my lab that can fix your ship! Want to head down there? " Darkness thought about it then nodded. The two set of towards J No Labs! Once inside Darkness`s tentacles pop`ed out of his head and grabbed everything they could! He threw Jhono aside like he was a rag doll. Then he rampaged though Market Street stealing building equipment,bricks,pant, and computer parts! Then when he got back to the crash site with his stolen loot a group of robots were there to meet him. They had brought down his belongs form his lab on Planet Purpleny! Among them was a cloning machine, his hover scooter, and many other strange deceives!

"Lets begin constriction shall we!!" Said Darkness as he handed one of the robots some blueprints! They began to work. It took 3 days and 3 nights but soon were the ruins of a ship were, now stood a castle! A purple brick castle! It had big wooden doors and purple glassy windows!On the inside it had amazing decor,all purple furniture, lots of computer screens, labs,torture chambers,and much more! Darkness walked towards the end of the main hall He flipped a switch! The lights flickered on as computers ,and machines roared to life! "My new home! Castle PurpleStone!"


Professor Jhono had just returned from a long day of not only cleaning up his lab but also helping out at the other business that had been attacked. He walked down a long empty hall. The only things in the hall were 3 paintings. The first painting showed a white haired man, in a black and white suit, wearing a red tie,and holding a crystal topped cane! Under the panting was golden name plate which read "Professor Jhono the first!" The professor laid a finger on the name plate and flipped it. Then not only did new words appear on the name plate but the painting changed as well. Now the painting showed a man with gray eyebrows decked out red and blue steel battle armor ,holding a long sword,and leaping form a height the would've killed a normal man! The nameplate now read Accelerator 1G! Powers: Super agility!" A light underneath the name plate lit up green. The next painting showed a red haired man,wearing a pair of reading glasses, and siting at a desk full of papers. The name plate read "Professor Jhono the second!" When flipped the painting showed the red haired man decked out in black and gold metal armor,running so fast the background was blurred out,and holding a bronze combat knife. "Accelerator 2G! Powers: Super agility and super speed!" the light under the 2nd painting flickered green. The last painting showed the current Professor Jhono. He flipped it. The painting showed him wearing a red,gold,and sliver suit made out of metal plate, shocking a bank robber in the jaw! "Accelerator 3G! Powers: Super agility,super speed,and super strength!" All the lights flicked green and the wall slide away! Reveling a howled out room with a metal pole in the middle. He opened a wardrobe. To the left was his grandfathers armor and sword. To the right was his dads armor and knife. In the middle was his suit,and wrist mounted tranquillizer gun! He slipped on his suit,mounted his dart gun on his wrist,and slide down the pole! He landed in his secret lair. He loaded his dart gun,garbed a pair of handcuffs,and took a shield to block any alien ray guns or other tricks.

Darkness was hanging family portraits in his halls. Only of the ones that had ruled Planet Purpleny. Then there was a knock at the door. Darkness opened it Accelerator 3G stood in the doorway. "You`r under arrest for attacking the city!" He said aiming his tranquilizer gun! He fired just as Darkness shut the door. The dart hit the oak door. Then lasers stared to fire from the castles towers! Accelerator 3G ran up the side of the wall,avoided the lasers,and smashed them to bits. He then swopped inside in breaking a window. He landed right in the library. Across the hall from were Accelerator 3G now stood Darkness arose`d from his desk. Darkness charged at Accelerator 3G tentacles flaring in the air. Accelerator 3G garbed a tentacle and karate chopped it in half. Then he aimed his dart gun at Darkness`s neck. "I am going to take down the easy way! He fired a dart. Darkness simply pulled it right out of his neck, and grinned. "Wait What? O h ya your not human. So my tranquillizer don`t work on you. Maybe this will!" He said as he punched Darkness in the face. Darkness picked Accelerator 3G up by his feet and fling`ed him across the room. Accelerator 3G roundhouse kicked off the wall before landing. He did author round house kick off Darkness chest, causing the alien to stumble backwards.

"I am going to deform you so much you will look like a Sneezlefob!" His tentacles formed a fist and punched Accelerator 3G right out of the castle.


Darkness was walking down Market Street with a purple hood hiding his face. He walked down the street for a little while until he was right in front of a giant yellow building. A sign on the top read "OMNICORP!" HE steeped into the lobby. "Wow this place is almost as fancy as the malls on Pleasior 9!" He looked at a sales brochure and then walked up to the receptionist. "I would like to speak with the person in charge here!"

"No one sees The Dealer with out a appointment! No funny business or I`ll call the cops!" She said gesturing towards her cellphone. Darkness smiled and pulled a box out from under his cloak.

"I understand but won`t you try a bite of my famous pumpkin pie?" He grinned and opened the box to reveal a delicious pie. The receptionist glared at him. "Go ahead its fine. I added my own special ingredient." The receptionist took a bite. "Sleeping powder! Muahha!" Laughed Darkness as he walked past the sleeping receptionist and onto the elevator. "Her mistake was trusting me! I am trustworthy as a Funderhound!" The elevator stopped.Darkness got out and entered The Dealer`s office. The Dealer glanced up form his paperwork as Darkness entered his office.

"What are you doing in here?" Shouted The Dealer as he tossed a dagger that was designed to look like a business card. It stabbed the wall next to Darkness. "Just because I don`t have powers done`st mean I can`t defend myself!" Darkness grinned and pulled a chair up across form The Dealer.

"I have no interest in hurting you. I believe you would make a powerful Allie." The Dealer raised a eyebrow. "I believe me and you should be business partners. I have experience in the field of evil business. Also I have been doing my research. It appears that the same hero that has been pestering me happens to protect your competitors over at J No Labs!" The Dealer thought about for a while then wrote a contact. Darkness signed it.


The Dealer had sent Darkness down to Pleasant Town to collect antimatter for Omnicorp! In between beating up time sentential`s he would scribble down on a notepad some ideas for the company! Darkness manged to not only gather enough antimatter to fuel a army but also find and capture Ghouldo! When he presented The Dealer with the antimatter,notepad,and Ghouldo he was very pleased. "Here is your pay! we will call you when we need you next!" He then handed Darkness a check."You do have a cellphone right? So we can contact you." Darkness shook his head. The Dealer looked shocked then he noticed the purple skin and tentacles from under the hood. "Oh your new to the planet! Well take these!" He then handed Darkness a Hal Droid,a cell phone with the Onmicorp logo on it,and a book about Earth.

Darkness sat in the bar in Skulldeep. He was still dizzy from getting caught in some smashers unnatural tornado. "I cant belive I got caught in the cross hairs of fight between a weak hero and a idiot robing a bank!" He mumbled under his breath. He began to wander in his thoughts as he sipped his drink. He began to think about the man in a scarey bird mask who had found him on the sidewalk bleeding with a broken leg. He had waved his hand over Darkness`s body healing him. He rushed after some blind dude into a gym before Darkness could respond. He thought about the man`s interesting power. Then about the man`s outfit. As creepy as it was with that mask it was better then what Darkness`s was wearing. He was still wearing the same cloths as the day he was banished. So he went up to the city to look for a clothing store.

Darkness was standing in front of Titanium Threads looking at the display case when he heard a faint laugh. He turned around to see a man walking towards him. "Who are you?" Darkness shouted.

"My name is Star Screamer son of Satan!" Said the man as advanced towards Darkness. He had a Canadian accent the like of which Darkness had never heard before. Star Screamer stopped and looked at the shadow of a street lap. Star Screamer vanished and reappeared in the shadow. "I will kill you now. Why? You are alive!" Star Screamer then shape shifted into a baseball bat and hit Darkness on the head. A dazed Darkness then used his mind powers to toss Star Screamer right though Booming Dale`s window! Star Screamer landed of a pile of weapons. Darkness began walk away thinking Star Screamer was dead.Star Screamer regenerated and hurled a blast of black magic at Darkness. Darkness redirected the blast towards Star Screamer with his mind powers ,but Star Screamer had allredy fired a second blast. It hit Darkness so hard he was tossed halfway down the street. Then a giant alligator jumped out of sewer and bit Star Screamer on the arm. "You idiot you aren`t supposed to attack those alined with chaos!" As Stephen was yelling at the alligator Darkness made his escape.

Darkness ran down the street until he was standing behind a man with a red eyeball in the middle of his chest, purple and black wings, a huge infected sword with a purple eye in it with vines spreading out to all the corners of the sword, a dark red hood and the only thing visible under the hood was two purple eyes, wearing an armor resembling a naval commander except with purple and red everywhere. The man smiled, turned around and asked "Who are you?

"I am Darkness King!" upon hearing this the man`s form changed. He now had on a grey hood and underneath only showed two red eyes,a grey pirate armor, completely black wings, a black shield on his right arm and a big sword that was completely black.

"Hm I will Alie myself with you. I will come to your side when I am needed. Nice meeting you." The man then took his leave and walked down the street. Darkness then stepped out into the road. Where he was hit by a truck.

Darknes woke up in a doctors office. "Hmm oh you have regained conciseness. Well first off my name is Doctor Blackshock. Don`t worry I have healed all your injures using my regenerative power. Now you should be fine just don`t go walking in front of trucks anymore!" Said the witty doctor as he flipped through his clip bored. Darkness then left the hospital and picked up a copy of the newspaper. Apparently some hero was jumping in front of cars. This caused many accidents such as people getting by trucks.

Darkness ripped the paper in half. "THOSE STINKING HERO`S. They think there all good but all they do is ruin my day! If only I could destroy there fortress or something." The man from earlier that day appeared beside Darkness.

"Perhaps I could help with that. I'll let you borrow a few of my BioHazard Drones. They are like robot minions but much more advanced. I'll leave a couple of my BioHazards to you but once they have done their job you must tellaport them back to the space ship and bring the remaining BioHazards back to me." Darkness thanked the man as The Biohazerds were loaded onto the ship.

Later that day a bunch of Aerotypes which are the air attackers began to drop gas bombs on Herospire. Then the Toxigen's which are the walkers began to create gas clouds. The assault on Herospire had begun!


A giant robot hound with a nuclear green glow, lunged at a winged hero. Darkness laughed as he watched the duel. The hound shot out a puff of gas and grabbed the hero's wings with it`s claws. Darkness smirked as the hound ready his darts. Then the hero did something that shocked Darkness. The hero glanced at a sledge hammer that belonged to a hero who had been killed by these beats. Then just by looking. at it he caused the hammer to rise and whack the hounds head of. The robot dropped to the ground. The hero turned to face Darkness. At first he started at Darkness with a stern look,then one of confusion,and finely one of Thurston. "Who are you,are these your beasts,and why can`t I read your mind?" Snapped the hero.

"Those powers,those wngs,it can`t be. No they died out. Could it be? It has to be. You are a Seraphian!" The hero was taken back by shock.

"Wait how did you know? Are you psychic?" Asked the hero as a hound switched into Roller form and ran over Maxeman.

"Yes I am physic but that not is how I know. Don`t ya know that a Psychic can not read the mind of anther physic? I knew because my planet is in the same galaxy as your`s was. Judging by your age I can guess that you were sent away during the early parts of the war! Now if you will so kind what is your name?"

"Celestin!" Shouted the hero as he socked Darkness in the jaw and threw him into a the path of fire of a, Heavy Hazard`s dart turret. As Darkness rolled into the line of the Hazard stopped firing and began to shoot at Celestin.

"They are being controlled by remote by my good freind Voldo!" Darkness smirked and then lifted a finger to his ear as a transmission came over his ear piece.

"Break into the buildings and let the BioHazard Drone`s do there thing!" Voldo commanded over the earpiece. Darkenes began to smash the doors and windows of buildings. As he did the BioHazard`s would rush into the building,and attach there wires to the computer network access points! Shutting down the electricity and releasing a horrible computer virus. The first to notice was Doctor Strebor Oven Goldstein. He had set up a clinic on the edge of Herospire. Where he was treating injured hero's. He was treating a hero of gas poisoning when his equipment began to act all strange. He found a Hound shutting down his acess point.

Kinzdor -> RE: (HS) THE DARKNESS KING (1/21/2012 19:50:15)

Soon the hazards had shut down, Herospire’s entire computer network. The medical area lost all access to medical equipment. “DARN IT! The MRI, PET scanner, blood analyzers, and blood chromatographer have all shut down!” Shouted Doctor General in outrage! He then grinned. “No matter, my powers, still work, and my LEECH hardware is not connected to the same computer system!” He looked around the medical area; it was jammed packed to many patients for just one healer! He looked over at Celestin who was dropping a limp body off at the medical area. “Wait Celestin are you well enough to fly?” Celestin nodded his head. “Good fly down to the city, and get my peer Doctor Blackshock, tell him I need him to help handle things up here!” Celestin nodded and flew towards Super City Metro Hospital.
Accelerator3G was sitting in his lair underneath, Jno labs. He was checking the tracking devices he had put on villains. He moved his cursor and clicked on a golden icon, with the words “Herospire Computer Network!”A 404 error appeared on the screen. Then the virus over took and shut down his computer. “Well that can`t be good!” Said. Accelerator, as he slipped on his golden dome helmet! Accelerator went over to the intercom “Artie when you are done making that new batch of acid bombs, meet me at Herospire. There’s trouble afoot!” A door like that in a garage opened, and in the blink of an eye. Accelerator was gone.

With the computer network shut down, air crafts and electronic vehicles couldn`t be used and the antie gravity gentoraters, that kept Herospire from falling were failing! Doctor General and Blackshock were tending to the wounded. Accelerator, and Celestin were leading the front lines, and Herospire was titling! Then a boy about 12-14, who was wearing a rubber neon green suit, was riding a viper green skate bored over the rooftops. It was Accelerator`s young sidekick Chemical Reaction aka Artie Fishkiller, a intern at Jno Labs. He was throwing acid bombs from the rooftops. Just as he was making a jump, Herospire tilted, and sent Chemical ramming into a stone fountain!


Chemical woke up in the Supercity Metro Hospital. Chemical groaned and rubbed his head. “Huh oh you’re awake careful don`t touch the stitches!” Chemical sat up, and looked down at his body with shock.

“Ok doc why are there wires all over my body?”

“I had to run some tests on you. The fountain you rammed into is where Herospire kept there Emergency stash of malachite! You absorb quite a bit of the minerals power! You should be experiencing some power bursts soon. “A nurse came in with a wheelchair. Blackshock, bent down to take the wires off of Chemical’s chest. “It was too dangerous to treat the casualties, on Herospire. Me and Doctor General, split them up between our faculties. Most of them came to my hospital being the bigger of the two. There is no room for you here, but there should me down at his clinic.” Blackshock flashed Chemical a smile.

“DON`T EAT ME! HELP!” Blackshock was puzzled at first. “HELP A VAMPIRE!” Blackshock just chuckled.

“Oh these.” Blackshock said causally grabbing his fangs. “There new, don’t worry I won`t eat you!” It took a while to get him calmed down, enough, to be loaded into the ambulance. About an hour later he was at the clinic. After a few hours at the clinic, Chemical began having power bursts. Doctor General recognized the power as Elemental Transmutation the power to change or alter the chemical compounds of a substance by mentally rearranging its atomic structure. At such a low level Chemical was limited to a single chemical source or target. He was able to transform solids into liquids. After the power burst`s had settled Doctor General, tried to connive Chemical to train at Professor Smash`s academy, but Chemical wouldn`t have it. He needed to help in the war. He bought a jet pack at Boomingdales and made his way to the golden city.

Accelerator and Celestin were corned by a mob of Biohazards. All the sudden they turned to liquid. Baffled Accelerator looked up and saw Chemical soaring down to meet them. “Somebody`s got a new power!” Whistled Accelerator, Chemical just grinned. Chemical walked over to one of the doors, and turned it to liquid. Inside the building was a work table. On the work table was a mettle power enhancing suit. The suit charged the malachite inside his body, thus enhancing his powers! Chemical pointed towards a sliver elevator.

“Accelerator take that elevator and go down to the core. You should be able to reboot, the system, and clear the virus from within Herospire`s main core!”Accelerator nodded and hoped in the elevator. Chemical adjusted some of the dials on his suit and walked out onto the battlefield. He shut his eyes and shut out everything around him. When Chemical opened his eyes, a shaft of energy shot out from them, bathing the Biohazards in its glow. The next instant, they shattered into fragments. Chemical knew that he couldn`t do that again without resting, and more Biohazards were approaching! Chemical clenched his fist, and then opened it. The Biohazards began to overheat and shut down! Soon there were only a few biohazards left, and Aerator had fixed the computer system!

“Release the kraken!” Voldo hissed over the ear piece. Darkness nodded and pulled out a remote, with a big red button. The space ship flew over Herospire! A ball dropped from the ship. It transformed into a giant robotic octopus. . Its tentacles spread out into the buildings and attempted to shutdown/send the virus into the computer system in each building. It used its remaining tentacles to smash Heroes and buildings to the ground. Chemical, moved swiftly. He knew it was trying to release some kind of deadly gas. Chemical, jumped in front of the beasts face. He stared deeply into it`s mechanic eyes. The BioKraken turned to stone. “Biohazards fall back!” Command Voldo. There was a flash of golden light and the Biohazards were on the ship. The ship rocketed off leaving Darkness behind!


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