collection of short stories (Full Version)

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sysdragonfable -> collection of short stories (11/24/2011 18:13:45)

as the title says it is a collection of short stories that come to mind whenever I feel like it(also I have no book writing skills.) Most short stories are either going to be tales of heroism or hatred since love and mystery are not my strong suit. Please enjoy reading!

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sysdragonfable -> RE: collection of short stories (11/24/2011 19:14:51)

The Tyrant

Son and mother sit silently at the dinner table, keeping there eyes down there dinner plates. At the end of the table sits the king, child of the mother, stuffing his face with a chicken leg the size of a newborn baby. The mother and child dare not say a word as the wrath of the king is random and vicious. Once the king's wrath was brought about from a cook forgetting to give him a simple cup of water, and the end result was the immediate crucifixion of the cook.

Of course there were whispers of revolution but unfortunally the king, no tyrant, deprives his people of food, shelter, money, hope. Not only that but the Tyrant also tortures his people if he believes they are conspiring against him. In the night you can hear the screams of agony of the townsfolk as they are whipped again and again for confessions of conspiracies that do not exist. Not only does he suppress his people but also the family he is supposed to love as well.

Most of his wrath is directed towards his mother with his tantrums of rage and his words that are sharper than any sword. Every day the mother must endure as she knows the younger brother can not withstand the wrath of the Tyrant, thus she must sleep with a tear stained pillow every night. But little does the mother know the younger brother is affected by his brother, as the shouts towards his mother echoes throughout the chambers and leaving small scars upon the child very soul.

Over the years the mother grows increasingly older, now looking as though death has come and gone. The younger brother, now matured, has grown strong and still hopes for the day that someone saves him from his brother. The tyrant has only grown more wrathful and a few external disfigurments. Started out as the Tyrant became puggier then warts began to appear across the Tyrants once angelic face. It would appear as though the mask of lies has finally been removed and the true face of the Tyrant was revealed.

Now, as the brother returns to his chambers, he hears the tantrum from his brother towards his dear mother once again. No matter how long he hears the tantrums and the cries of his mother the child still feels the helplessness and abandonment every night, but neither does he have the courage to face his older brother.

But this time it will not be tears streaming down her eyes, but blood oozing from her throat. A loud shriek was let out and the younger brother ran towards his mothers aid only to see her lifeless body lieing on the floor, and the Tyrant standing over her with a crimzon stained dagger in hand and a maniacal smile acrossed his face, mocking his own mother. Seeing this, the younger brother no longer sees the Tyrant as family but as a foe that must be slain! The younger brother lunged towards the Tyrant, knocking him to the ground and having the dagger fly out his hand and slide across the floor.

The younger brother grabbed the Tyrants throat, yelling at him, "You are nothing but a child! Whenever you do not get your way you either scream or punish those who do not deserve it! You are unfit to be king, no, you are unfit to be human!"

The Tyrant knocked him to the side, grabbed the dagger, and stood over him saying, "What would you do? You are nothing but a boy who knows nothing of the world! You are unfit to be a man."

"What I do know are not human," replied the brother, with a face of hatred acrossed his face, "for humans knows things such as compassion and patience, things that you appear to lack."

The tyrant rushed towards him, pressing the dagger at his brother throat, said, "You dare question my humanity? For all I have given you? I give you a home and the finest meats and you repay me with resentment and scorn!"

"And for everything you given me you have taken away something I have held dear." Replied the brother, "My happiness, my hope, and now my, our, own mother. The only thing you havnt taken away from me is one thing. One thing that no man can take away from any human."

The Tyrant gave another laugh, "And what would this untouchable object?"

The brother grabbed the dagger wielding hand wrist and kicked the Tyrant in the stomach, and with that the dagger came in the hands of the brother and later found itself within the heart of the tyrant. The Tyrant gave a small gasp, his last breath, and before he died the brother replied,

"The day god answears my prayers."

The dagger was pryed out the Tyrants chest and the lifeless corpse slumps itself next to the mother with only the son remaining.

The son could only fall to his knees and weep, for the death of his mother and the end of the nightmare. The only thing he could think of is what would have happened if he had acted sooner.

Authors Note-I wrote this from my expierence of someone who only brings me despair.

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