The trials of Cale. (Full Version)

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wolfencreek -> The trials of Cale. (11/25/2011 16:38:04)

Thanks you kindly for viewing and reading my work.


The trials of Cale

Chapter I

All at once, the subtle chittering of the forest bugs died away and we were left alone, Terra the half god and I, Cale his pupil and friend. Not long after we had hunted our quarry, the dark guardsmen of the djinns tomb, we had retreated steadily, making our way back into the deep enclosing branches that would harbour us safely in its protective branches. It was there that we had set up our camp and began our palaver. We talked and debated fiercely till the late evening; by the time we finally concluded our talks and reminiscence the stars had begun their evening dance in the complete darkness of space. As the final embers of our campfire rose up into the night, I felt the tendrils of my neglected sleep begin to entangle me, I laid my bed for the evening, a comforting woollen blanket and mattress of straw.

It was shorty after I had immersed myself in their comforting clutches, that I was rudely awoken from my shallow slumber; the first indication that something was wrong was the intrusion of the cold head of an arrow as it lodged itself in my inner thigh. The agony did not concern me in the slightest, though the pain was great, the years of training I had received as a child took hold and I steadied myself ready for whatever might come next.

My eyes ran around the camp searching for the familiar bulk of my friend and mentor but he was nowhere to be seen. I wondered if he had been killed and dragged away by my assailant, but my eyes could find no trail of red among the little light that still remained in the camp.

I rose swiftly despite the intense protest of my injured leg; my hand leapt to the sword sheath that lay by my bed, but I quickly remembered the weapons absence and sought instead for one of the many rocks that littered the forest floor. I quickly found a particularly large and jagged stone; I tested the projectile’s’ weight in my hand and found it perfect for the task ahead. I had little time to prepare myself, my assailant would be upon me again within a hearts beat and no matter what his choice of weapon it would surely outstrip my own. I lay quite still, one with the foliage of the forest. My attacker would find it difficult to distinguish me from my surroundings in the midnight gloom. I lay patiently on the ground, the winter months had taken their toll and had created an icy cradle of dirt, and the bitter sensation of frost had begun to creep upon me as I waited silently for my attacker to make his move. My stealth was not rewarded however. I had remained in my place for what seemed like an eternity but had seen nothing, no sound arose from the slumbering trees and the acrid smell of the campfires smoke polluted my nostrils. I could no longer ignore the devastating pain in my leg and the crimson blood that flowed like a fast paced river from it. Still I fought back the pain and kept my vigil. Whatever had besieged the camp would not claim me as its prize today.

Chapter II

For the next hour I scrambled clumsily around the camp, collecting various shadowed plants in the pale moonlight. As I returned to the temporary settlement, my eyes darted along its perimeter searching for the invisible enemy that could leap out at any interval and in my weakened state, could finish me off, Once and for all. I moved and sat by the rekindled fire, wincing at the pain that seeped freely from the wound in my calf, I gathered the pile of herbs and forest plants I had collected and placed them within a small medicine bowl, the forest around me was silent and it seemed to me that I was the only creature left in existence. A piercing scream filled the obscurity that surrounded my encampment, fortunately rather than emanating from some terrible brute lurking in the darkness, the screams arose from within my own lungs. Using the various medicinal herbs and plants I had collected, I had devised a paste with which to stem and contain the flow of agony from the sting in my leg. Slowly my strength returned to me and I was able to walk in short undemanding strides. Now began the arduous task of finding Terra, dead or alive, whatever had taken him would pay dearly.

I moved determined through the underlying debris of leaves and discarded limbs scattered by the silent oak trees, the clearing where I had lost a friend and gained a new addition to the wall of scars that was body, was not a distant memory. Every so often I stopped and rested my weary carcass, feeling the dull pain and echoing silence that had spread throughout my body, every so often I could hear the faintest of noises. Intrigued my boosted spirit overcame my physical form and its defeated protest and I set off in the direction of the strangely angelic choir, which arose from among the darkened heart of this maze of the dead. Slowly the sounds (for there was more than one) drifted closer and became coherent, I could hear a strange archaic language that sounded not unlike the languages that I had been taught as a young whelp. As I travelled I could feel myself slipping away further into the darkness, although I had managed to stem the loss of my physical soul, I could feel my ethereal presence beginning to weaken. My only hope was the owners of those sainted blessed voices.

Soon I began to see the glowing beams of radiance that we call light, I staggered and shielded my eyes with one naked and dirt encrusted arm. As I drew closer my eyes could make out the dying embers of a roaring campfire, the smell of fresh pork and deer taunted my nostrils. I took up temporary residence in the shrubbery that surrounded the singer’s camp; not daring to reveal myself to whatever awaited me beyond it. Slowly I built up the last remaining ebbing flow of my courage and peered forward into the frivolous world that far surpassed the shadowy memories of the past night. The moment I set eyes upon the hideous malevolent creature that lay at the camps heart, my eyes wept silent but true tears. Far from being a thing of beauty, the minstrel I had imagined was grotesque and unsightly. The monster stood over 10ft and its face was a malicious blend of feline and avian features. Suddenly I felt betrayed by my eyes, as I had gazed fixatedly at the monster before me; I had neglected to register the smaller dwarfish sized creatures that crowded around the monolithic monstrosity. It was clear to me that the chanting chorus I had heard came from the smaller creatures, from my perch among the bushes I could see only fragments of the camp, but the few clear glances I obtained of the creature and its servants were enough to make my insides churn with abhorrence.

As I studied the smaller minions I had a revelation. It seemed that they revered the larger abomination as some kind of god or king. Although the dark ceremonial robes they wore concealed their true faces, I had managed to mark a dozen of them as authority figures within the group, simply due to the more regal attire they favoured. Every so often I moved purposely closer to their hellish camp, even though I could sense the stench of death and decay, my senses failed me. I was transfixed by these creatures; I longed to see their true faces, more than anything I wished to no longer be alone. Promises of redemption forgotten, I stepped forward into the open maw of the camp, ready to be swallowed in their nurturing songs, all thoughts of the monstrosity at the lairs heart forgotten.

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