RE: Who remembers when... (Full Version)

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Chosen 0ne -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/10/2011 13:42:11)

The flee button, saved lots of time

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/10/2011 13:44:53)

^Lolz yeah but if notice the made the new change server button u can always click that button in battle to run XD

ansh0 -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/10/2011 14:23:12)

ED had the white login page.

nico0las -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/10/2011 19:00:52)

Anyone else remember Three Stars and a Sun, Gamal, v3gitlx, dark avenger, and TestBuild?
The good ol' days... what has this game become.

@Ansh0 The leaders I can remember were Gamal, Angels, Sparticus, Fay, Comical, a few others who's names escape me.
Dark avenger never achieved all time, did he?

@T.600 Yeah, I know :/ I simply asked if anyone remembered them :P

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/10/2011 19:49:10)

I remember the ED loading wheel

I also remember when people thought caster builds were worth nothing and i methodically went around beating people and NPC bosses with them

T.600 -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/10/2011 20:10:32)

@nic: The faction cheaters, lol? Legit was the best faction of all time.

I remember when the game was fun even though you needed the rarest gear to the best. At least the game wasn't a money-sucking game that had pointless updates each week and the devs didn't think that the game is perfect... Honestly, I can't remember the last update that I actually cared about.

@below (Rarton): Remember when you got me banned -_-? Lol.

Hatsuka -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/10/2011 21:14:15)

I Remember in beta i can still use my heal loop with 152 Hp --" and the level cap still 30 [:D]

Renegade Reaper -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/10/2011 23:29:23)

im glad the days of 35- 41 attack mercs are gone. i remember when i faced one of those every other battle.

mjolnir was my favorite weapon back then. even when i didn't have varium, i had a great record, being a loop healer lol.
thats one thing i really miss...

goldslayer1 -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/10/2011 23:46:31)

remember when the RNG was fair back then?

Cinderella -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/11/2011 0:07:10)

Goldslayer- the math hasn't changed. People complained that blocks and crates were OP, happened too often, were useless, etc. since Alpha.

Rocketeer -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/11/2011 0:14:57)

I remember when back in good old beta being in Legit and had a chance against my opponents with beta weapons.

I also remember having the ED Forums instead of BattleOn. Oh, those were the days...

goldslayer1 -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/11/2011 0:20:33)


the math hasn't changed. People complained that blocks and crates were OP, happened too often, were useless, etc. since Alpha.

I played in beta, and i dont remember ever being blocked 3 times.
Sometimes 2 times at the most if enemy was lucky, but nothing out of the ordinary like it happens today where I get blocked 3 times a match like every other match. Ss for crits, the most i seen was 2 crits, 3 if lucky.
But that was usually by support builds and when i had low support.

The math might be the same, but the amount of stats involved has grown a lot.

ND Mallet -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/11/2011 0:29:50)

@gold One can't judge things by memory very accurately. There are some people who felt Beta was most balanced even though if you knew how to use a 160 hp heal loop build you were capable of being next to indestructable. Every single one of my fights save one against Xendran ended in a loss for me. That one victory was because he didn't want to have a long battle against a Support Hunter so he did Malf instead of saving energy for healing, which is the anti-support hunter strategy for heal loops. If you want to judge luck by battles that happened close to 2 years(I lost track of time already so don't blame me if I'm wrong) then prepare to be wrong.

kaiseryeux21 -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/11/2011 0:34:49)

i can still remember beating deathnightmare, syfy, wiseman etc. all of them are very strong but i still manage to beat them eventhough i was a non var techmage. funny is that im still a non var techmage as to this day, i manage to reach the rank of commander with 70% winning percentage but it will very impossible for me to beat those guys today now that enhancements took a big part in putting the gap between varium and non var players.

T.600 -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/11/2011 1:10:59)

@Cinderella: There was actually less luck involved in Beta (probably due to less amount of stats and because there were no enhancements). The main thing that was crucial in better was getting first strike, and I remember that being quite unfair sometimes. Otherwise, crits/blocks etc weren't really annoying until Shadow Arts, enhancements etc came.

skeletondude -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/11/2011 1:13:22)

I remember in beta you actually had to work your butt of in a faction so you won't get kicked out,they're were some seriously amazing factions back then the competition was on a different level around 15-20 factions from legion and exile would go head to head with each other in order to get a name for them self's but now it's just plan old boring and are not worth joining now the competition has fallen even those factions which once ruled the 1v1 daily leaderboard have gone down. [>:] Hopefully all this would change in the future [:D]

goldslayer1 -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/11/2011 1:18:50)


There was actually less luck involved in Beta (probably due to less amount of stats and because there were no enhancements). The main thing that was crucial in better was getting first strike, and I remember that being quite unfair sometimes. Otherwise, crits/blocks etc weren't really annoying until Shadow Arts, enhancements etc came.

@MR. T
yeah thats the same thing im thinking.
it doesn't matter how much u try to explain luck factors. everyone knows its not logical for WAY lower dex to block higher dex, while higher dex doesn't block. thats illogical and if it happens so much it means there is something wrong.

after i wrote this, i had a match where i was using a support build,
against a BH. he critted me once (i had 117 support) and blocked.
then he calls me a noob because he says he knows how to block alot with a 66 dex build.

T.600 -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/11/2011 1:24:58)

@Gold: I hardly do regular PvP battles, but when I do, I can easily see the imbalance. I was going to use my robot on rage and the guy needed a block to survive. Guess what? He blocks even though he has less dex than me. I still managed to win the battle thanks to boosters but you get the idea. The devs really need to get their act together or they should stop charging us so much money to play this game. For bland updates which are never on time, extremely high prices for all items and three unbalanced battle modes, they either need to work their butts off and fix all this or reduce in-game prices for everything. A few players may fall into their weak marketing strategy (keep releasing OP weps/promos), but you will, and have already lost some of your old players. It's true that people can't play a game forever, but I know people who have remained dedicated to games they love for years and years.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/11/2011 1:32:34)

yeah i know :/

so far 2 fights i did where a stun ability was used, both of them stunned. even tho i have 117 support.
just got cun critted twice in this other match.

u do a couple fights a day, imagine me when i do 200+ daily
i have to do 200+ daily. imagine how pissed off i get.
and then people say we shouldn't have NPCs.
i feel sorry for team, and juggernaut modes.

yesterday i did 450 wins, and i had about 120 hp boosters.
at the end of the day the booster count came down to 15.
i basically used booster for every match where i was unfairly critted, blocked, or deflected, because if i didn't i would take a loss. which i have been doing alot to unfair luck factors.

i hate being negatice towards the game, but when an enemy has hugely low dex and support and he constantly crits and blocks thru the whole match. i wonder if there are cheats/hacks for ED. because thats how absurd it is.

ND Mallet -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/11/2011 1:38:15)

@gold and T.600 You're assuming that only one player has increased stats compared to Beta times but really everyone has gotten larger stats since then. That means there really is little change to the numbers. Also, if you still want to whine about luck then do something productive like this instead of using stories,

goldslayer1 -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/11/2011 1:40:42)

did i mention that out of all my 16 fights so far, i have not gone first yet?
and against people all with 50 or more support lower than me

ND Mallet -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/11/2011 1:44:52)

@gold I see no math or percentages in that post of yours. It really doesn't prove anything besides the fact that you can tell a story. I don't see you listing how many times you used an attack that can be blocked, how many times it did get blocked or basically any info at all that will tell anyone without a doubt that luck factors need looked at.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/11/2011 1:47:51)

third time someone used a stun on me so far, and it has been 100% stun on me.
i have done 24 battles so far and only went first twice.
and the only blockable attacks i used were smoke (only about 5 times)
the rest was strikes when gun, aux, or artillery were in cooldown.
heck i rather just use boosters while waiting for cooldown.

im sorry u know what, screw this i reached 10 losses for the day without reaching 50 wins. (46 wins - 10 losses)
this is where i ragequit the game.
good bye.

skeletondude -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/11/2011 2:09:44)

Yup luck surely has stuck it's nose in all our battles i guess. [:@]

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Who remembers when... (12/11/2011 2:47:47)

I remember , Bunnyzooka-Founder-Frostbane-Azrael all of these weps were required to do great builds but now there are alot weps that almost copy of each other thats why ppl can easyly find new weps to cover rare ones.

This makes the game more based on Luck less based on strategy and weapon quality cause everybody can use almost same build without rare weps.

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