Mutant Zorbo (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Mutant Zorbo (12/17/2011 14:16:07)


Mutant Zorbo

Location: Frostval '09 - Planet Thoh --> Other Missions -> Mutant Zorbos
Objective: Great work! You defeated one of the mutated Ticklish Zorbos!
Requirements: None
Release Date: December 11, 2009

  • Mega Zorbotron

  • Shadow Clause
  • Mr. Z

    Shadow Clause: It's been a long time, hasn't it Frostvale? This time, I'll make sure I succeed.
    Shadow Clause: My Zorbo dolls worked perfectly!
    Mr Z: What's this!? A wormhole for the Sadowscythe!? Is that what these Zorbo dolls are for!?!
    Mr Z: Section 46.7 of the Ticklish Zorbo contract clearly states...
    Mr Z: "No wormholes for Shadowscythe to gain entry to Frostvale and ruin my plans for global domination of planet Thoh!"
    Shadow Clause: Muoh ho ho!!!! Never make a deal with the Shadowscythe, you fool!!!
    Mr Z: Muoh ho h... That's another violation of the contract!! Argh!!!
    Mr Z: This is definitely the last time I work with the Shadowscythe!!

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