Journey to the Sun (Frostval '10) (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Journey to the Sun (Frostval '10) (12/17/2011 14:51:36)


Journey to the Sun

Location: Frostval '10 - Planet Thoh -> Ice Harvester? -> To the Sun!
Objective: You made it to the sun and destroyed the Dark Gift!
Requirements: Completion of Ice Harvester Space Fight
Release Date: December 23, 2010


  • Starstorm

    Starstorm: It's going to be a long dangerous journey to the sun. Enemy ships will be trying to stop us every step of the way.
    Starstorm: Use your W A S and D keys to move around the screen. Alternatively you may use your Arrow Keys.
    Starstorm: Click to shoot your weapon. You can change weapon type by pressing spacebar. The bottomleft panel will show you your firing mode.
    Starstorm: Weapon type 1 shoots slower but hits harder. Type 2 shoots faster but does less damage.
    Starstorm: The red squares are your health. If the run out, the Galactimecha will explode.
    Starstorm: Stary alive until the timer bar at the bottom reaches the end, and you win!
    Starstorm: Good luck and go for the high score! Too easy? Try different difficulty settings!

    Starstorm: You made it to the sun! Now you have to destroy the Dark Gift! Throw it into the blazing flames!
    Starstorm: You've done it! The Dark Gift has been obliterated and the Ice Harvester is no longer a threat to Planet Thoh.
    Starstorm: Your efforts will be remembered. If you hadn't stopped it here and now, there would have been more casualties.
    Starstorm: I'm happy to have been able to assist you in this matter but I must now return to Zargon.
    Starstorm: Be well, <Character>. I'm certain our paths will cross in the future.

    Rewards Shop:
  • Ice Harvester Weapon Shop
  • Ice Harvester Mecha Shop

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