The Circus (Full Version)

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Kito Domi -> The Circus (12/20/2011 0:01:14)

My somewhat newest short story. I'll add more when I write more, but this is a decent start. PM me and let me know what you think! - Kit

Far off, way beyond reasoning and beyond hope, a depilated circus crumbles. Light glitters through broken glass, hazing its way into small buildings and little game stands. Dusty floorboards, grew old faster than ever after years of lack of use. Many floorboards were all rotted away in places, not holding any weight but the weight of neglect. Crates of unused an unwanted items litter the grounds, some open and spilling out the treasures they contained and some closed forever. Papers breeze by unattended, landing into small puddles of murky water and bleeding out ink, or getting caught on branches of dead trees. Glittering cages where once magnificent beasts stood; iron bars rusted away. An entire fairground area of the circus was completely black, and the smell of smoke still hung in the stagnant air. The sky itself settled into a light grey as dusk approached. No bird cried, no voice was heard. The only thing present in the grounds was a feeling of loneliness and the thought of memories.

Yet, there was a form of life. In one small shack, a human laid. Wizened and as old as anything in the circus, it wheezed one of its final breaths. A small box was in the room, containing the human’s most prized posesstions. A roll of tape, a ticket from the first day the circus was ever opened, two dolls, a drawstring a a few coins, and a small sign which was rubbed down almost to illegibility. The human sighed as it rested on a small blanket. It then gave forth great effort, straining throughout, and reached in the box. Clenching the two dolls, it brought them to its face. With a dying breath, the human whispered to the dolls that as it lay dying, it knew it would never see the sun again, and that for one night, they could take the life it will lose and share it between them, living as they had never known to live, but only to fade back into inexistance once the sun rose. The human muttered indelligibly for a few moments more, and dropped its head, never to rise again.

The moment the human let out its last breath, the dolls moved, lurching in a studdering fashion. Each jerked its head up, one after the other. Slowly creaking, they faced each other. Pulling up the an awkward sitting position, they brought their hands up to the buttons they had for eyes. One of them crooked it’s head to the left, and moved its hand around. Very slowly, it pulled itself off the floor. Walking and stumbling, it went over to the old human’s head. The doll stroked the little hair the human had, and almost carried a meloncholy expression. The doll made its way back to the other one, and helped it to get up. When both of them were up on their feet, murmering could almost be heard.
Growing swifter with every step, the two dolls left the small room and out into the open. To the two of them, every little sight was some thing new, something wonderous, something to behold. They passed small puddles, letting out a small chirp as they dipped their hands into the wetness of it. A paper blew by, and the two croutched down and huddled as if it would destroy them. A few more metres down the dirt pathway, a large sign could be read: ‘The Magificent Marvilo’s Magic Show! This Night Only!’ A larger than life figure peered down at them, a figure with a hawk nose and a purple robe, holding a thin black stick. Both of the dolls cocked their heads at the faded, but obviously bright colours, and the bold writing that captioned it against the setting sun. Louder murmuring could be heard, and syllables started to form.

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