A brand new year. (Full Version)

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Battle Elf -> A brand new year. (12/24/2011 13:26:20)

We as a species(Assuming you are human) take little time to appreciate how great our world is, As the new year approaches rapidly I'd like to ask you guys a couple questions about your year, and just be thankful for all we have.


What was the best part of this year?

What was the worst part of this year?

What are you glad EpicDuel added this year?

What would you like to see in EpicDuel next year?

Thanks, you guys are awesome, I hope you have a great next year!!!
-Battle Elf

hardcore59 -> RE: A brand new year. (12/24/2011 13:32:07)

What was the best part of this year?
I met the woman of my dreams[:D]

What was the worst part of this year?
getting stuck with the black ops noobs while my friends went to MW3

What are you glad EpicDuel added this year?
the whole war thing in frysteland

What would you like to see in EpicDuel next year?
besides tac merc balance, cheaper prices for everything, more mission/storylines and better community/trading(spam/beg free)

Thanks, you guys are awesome, I hope you have a great next year!!!
you too[8D]

nico0las -> RE: A brand new year. (12/24/2011 18:28:31)

What was the best part of this year?
Oh wow, so many. I missed everything until 2v1, as I had taken a break. I would say Juggernaut.
Non ED related, I met someone very smart, funny, and very good looking. She's great :)
I passed the end of the year with an overall average of 93.
I got my license. I can finally ride my motorbike legally. Quite refreshing.
I went all the way to Eclipse rank in Reach in less than a year.

What was the worst part of this year?
Hm... I would say the passing of my grandfather and uncle.
ED related? Missed bunny items and other great seasonals due to break/lack of varium.

What are you glad EpicDuel added this year?
Mutating items and the Frysteland war.

What would you like to see in EpicDuel next year?
Balance, pricing is fixed, maybe some more story, faction improvement, fixing the gap, a sort of "auction" system...

rej -> RE: A brand new year. (12/24/2011 19:39:38)

What was the best part of this year? something completely forum innapropriate.

What was the worst part of this year? when i broke my knee.

What are you glad EpicDuel added this year? 2v1 boss battles.

What would you like to see in EpicDuel next year? Banks, founder stepdown, Ballyhoo in-game, etc.
@above: Only 93? ;)

spectra phantom -> RE: A brand new year. (12/25/2011 16:13:30)

What was the best part of this year? lemme think....ther was nothing great

What was the worst part of this year? Evrything

What are you glad EpicDuel added this year? There truly isnt anything

What would you like to see in EpicDuel next year? The var being nerfed back the way it was in beta, giving u ADVANTAGE not WIN


T.600 -> RE: A brand new year. (12/25/2011 21:30:26)

What was the best part of this year? The release of the Eggzookas because I needed some good, rare auxiliaries. Mutating weapons were a great addition too and so were missions. New staff member Hudelf. No more buffs to Founder Armour.

What was the worst part of this year?
A lot of stuff that I cannot mention because it will get me into trouble. Introduction of fame, war kills, enhancements for gun and zookas, new OP weapons released too frequently, increased the level cap way too many times for no reason, making a P2P war, making 3 new broken classes, lack of punctuality (delayed updates). I could go on and on but I'll stop here.

What are you glad EpicDuel added this year?
See the first question.

What would you like to see in EpicDuel next year?
Expand the mission feature, don't raise the level cap for no good reason, stop release ugly armours, balance all the classes, remove enhancements and refund everyone or revamp the enhancement feature completely, find proper ways to earn money from your customers (at least be a little subtle....).

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