Frostval War - Mr. Z (Full Version)

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Thiefboy109 -> Frostval War - Mr. Z (12/24/2011 15:31:49)


Frostval War

Location: Frostval War '11 - Planet Thoh --> Mr. Z
Objective: You completed a Frostval War Battle!
Requirements: Reach 100% on war meter
Release Date: December 23, 2011

  • Zanta

  • Mr. Z
  • Freddy Yeti

    Mr. Z: Argh! Of course you would be here to thwart me! I came straight from my courtesy appearance as Zanta at Zargon.
    Mr. Z: I had to make sure that the job would get done since my previous employees have proven to be complete buffoons!
    Mr. Z: Get ready, <Name>. You won't be getting this mecha without a fight!

    After defeating Zanta
    Freddie Yeti: You did it! You recovered the mecha and all of the weapons!
    Freddie Yeti: That jerk Mr. Z is retreating with the rest of his Ebilcorp faculty and I'm sure that everyone here can finally rest easy.
    Freddie Yeti: Bring the mecha back and claim your version, whether you build it piece by piece or just want to buy it all together.
    Freddie Yeti: I really hope you like it and Happy Frostvale to all!

    Rewards Shops:
  • Ice Mecha Shop
  • Ice Mecha Chassis Shop

  • Page: [1]

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