Chosen 0ne -> RE: Time for a mode requiring skill? (1/8/2012 16:12:01)
Ummmm, not be odd, but, WHY WOULDNT YOU want to get hit by a beserker that does 20 20 98, wouldnt that be the funniest thing ever? Especially with your buddies, youll be chatting it up. I see no abuse, because, those build, have TERRIBLE defense and resistance. The epic damage video's also hit people with only hp, and no defense, so they can get more damage out of it, this is entertainment, the 98 fireball ND used, would do probably 40 or 50 damage on somebody else, and after that, he would have no more energy. This is a great idea, and i hope to see it implented. I would LOVE to do some 2v2 battles with some of my friends, against some other wikedly good people at this game, it would make battles more intense, and they would be fun, cause they would be full of conversation and strategic moves.