Stabilis -> A General Cyber Hunter Thread (Class 5 of 6) (1/12/2012 21:47:48)
This will be a general discussion forum about the cyber hunter class. What I want to begin discussing right now is the newest buff to cyber hunter... plasma armour. {TlMs do the tRoLlFaCe} As cyber hunters and tlm have a unique shielding, there is more responsibility as the armour skills do not change types from their specific. However, for the cyber hunters, this armour skill is new. We (I am one of the present cyber hunters) have achieved an entirely different playing field: Passive defence... or in this case resistance. What would this new skill be altering in your opinion? In my opinion, this defensive passive is a bit too overbearing... to my foes that is. Being a cyber hunter, you may notice an adopted defensive behaviour, as your only recovery move is medic, and the only way to regain medic is by static charge. Due to plasma armour, keeping health in check is considerably easier. I even changed my energy armour to a physical armour. The side-effect is my "tankish" statistics. I have very extended defences, and most incoming attacks are of that comparable to mercenaries. I wouldn't expect this of cyber hunter. I thought CH were meant to be more feeble. I have problems with plasma armour as it only makes us less hunter and more alike to the mercenaries. I would prefer that the class be more damaging than damage-absorbing. For this I am suggesting a change from plasma armour to a new skill that passively increases damage output. Also, yes, we would need to restore technician and delete shadow arts in the process. I mean, who uses shadow arts as a cyber hunter anymore?