Where is the love? (Full Version)

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Chosen 0ne -> Where is the love? (1/15/2012 16:08:43)

Why is warp force the least popular game that gets the least attention?

I started playing it since it came out, ive just came back to it now, as a lvl 6 lol, seeing that nothing has really changed.

Does warp force deserve more attention?

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Where is the love? (1/15/2012 16:16:04)

Yes. You can help! http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=19666368

Manga Maniac -> RE: Where is the love? (1/15/2012 17:43:18)

Oh darn it, now I have that song stuck in my head.

Personally, I feel WarpForce suffers a bit since it only really advertises to AdventureQuest players that also like sci-fi and are interested in an expansion. Also, it's been a bit shoved to the side in comparision to the other "main" games; being placed as an AQ subforum, while perfectly logical, is an example of this.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Where is the love? (1/15/2012 21:20:50)

^^ Using a signature of WF is not enough, you can try to ask someone/people to try to play WF if it's possible. :)
At this moment WF really needs active players, the more the better.

Yes, WF deserves more attention like from Captain Rhubarb and especially from players. :D

I wish to have [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/face.gif[/image]WF icon. I know you can use the [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/face.gif[/image]AQ icon for your WF CP, but it's not the way as it should be used.
After a few years, I think that we also deserve to have our own [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/face.gif[/image]WF icon. :D

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Where is the love? (1/15/2012 22:21:01)

^What do you think I do? Every DragonFable or AdventureQuest DN/Newsletter/Release thread I post has a huge WarpForce ad in size two, bolded font pointing at my signature and the link therein.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Where is the love? (1/15/2012 23:00:29)

^ I didn't actually mean direct to you AO, but in general. :) I'm sorry... :D

Vanitas -> RE: Where is the love? (1/16/2012 5:11:51)

In many ways Warpforce can be considered a cashcow and those don't usually do very well.
AQ -> WF
Dragonfable -> Mechquest
AQWorlds -> Herosmash

Manga Maniac -> RE: Where is the love? (1/16/2012 11:40:57)

A problem I have in trying to tell people about WF, is that many people view AQ (and WF by extension) as a "baby game".

Trying to explain it's deep epic plot generally just gets you raised eyebrows.

kartron -> RE: Where is the love? (1/17/2012 19:32:56)

i think is because a lot of peoples like fantasy games more than sci-fi games

Manga Maniac -> RE: Where is the love? (1/19/2012 17:12:55)

I made a TV Tropes page, which might get a few people playing. But, to be honest, I doubt it.

Kurogane -> RE: Where is the love? (1/31/2012 7:26:11)

To be honest, WF doesn't really catch much attention. The only thing that caught my eye is the Drakel race. :P I've been playing for less than a week and it gets pretty boring due to lack of contents. I would prefer continuing to play AQ rather than WF. Since WF is sorta like Mechquest and AQ combined.

I'm pretty sure when AQ3D comes, WF will be forgotten. :/
I just hope there's a race selection in AQ3D. :D

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