RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (Full Version)

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Glais -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/9/2012 23:31:08)

And so the plot continues, at last!
Man, this Nightsoul woman seems to be the source of everyone's problems. Even funnier since Raynar and Reki hardly know each other, but they both know her.

Found it sort of corny at the "my nightmare" line, but whatever.

Also, what exactly is a boater?

Bustichia -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/10/2012 0:06:52)

The nightmare line was corny, but I love corn :D

And Nightsoul has a reason for being related to these people, yet them not knowing her.

Also, a boater is a round hat with a flat brim all around. Very stylish actually. It's actually the real Raynar's favorite hat, so I incorporated it into his character.

Glais -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/10/2012 0:11:51)

I see, would not have pictured Raynar that way initially. So it's like a Bowler Hat kinda?

And well, I didn't mean them not knowing her, since it seems quite the opposite, but rather all these strangers having ties to her.

Bustichia -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/10/2012 0:15:56)

o.O I worded it wrong. It's "not knowing each other".

And it'll become apparent as the story drags on.

Glais -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/10/2012 0:20:50)

Ah gotcha. Well then I can't wait to see how it turns out, this has me interested...

Bustichia -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/12/2012 5:12:36)

Chapter 9 is up! And how intriguing!

Glais -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/12/2012 6:01:28)

Hm, so now we have yet another figure yet still no leads on the mysterious Nightsoul. She's growing to be the Dio brando of this...

I can't help but feel Lord Paper Clip is so out of place, but then at the same time he's pretty much supposed to be.

Bustichia -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/12/2012 6:05:14)

I MEANT to build on Nightsoul more, but my chapter got too big, so I ended up putting it off.

And I think LPC is a fun character :D

Edit: I'm also a huge fan of the Loads and Loads of Characters trope, and I generally implement it into things I write.

EDIT2: Which is why I'm adding characters every chapter or so.

Paperclipkiller -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/12/2012 6:58:21)

You somehow portrayed me perfectly in a way I wouldn't of thought of myself. I love it. The line "Such baseless confidence..." is what really rang out to me, because I thought of that before I even read the line. Yea I am a bit biased with it all since I like reading how others portray me and I tend to focus on when I am in the spotlight of the story. I get curious how my character will be.

Keep it up! You are doing an awesome job, keeping the story going and not falling flat. Be careful not to add to many characters though, you don't want character overload.

Bustichia -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/12/2012 7:01:25)

Well, as long as I develop all my characters, keep them in the story, and never forget about them, I should be fine. And I have a good memory.

And I'll try to get my other characters to that level of similarity, as well.

Glais -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/12/2012 18:08:15)

While I like an expansive universe, I kinda liked the three core characters, or who I figured they were, Reki, Raven, and Komoto.

Bustichia -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/13/2012 0:58:34)

Four* core characters: Reki, Raven, Raynar, and Nightsoul.

Glais -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/13/2012 1:00:40)

I meant as as a team, should have stated that <_> Nightsoul seems to be more of an we haven't even met her. though antagonists are key characters...

Bustichia -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/13/2012 1:08:29)

Ah, I see... I don't have plans to make them a trio *in the near future*. Right now, the only trio I have is Reki, Raven, and Draketh.

Glais -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/13/2012 2:03:23)

Oh I see. I had no idea Draketh would end up being so important, hmm.

Bustichia -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/13/2012 2:08:58)

Well, that's just for now. Who knows what I might do later on? Maybe I'll kill him off, or have him shackled in a dungeon, or something like that.

Glais -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/13/2012 2:41:43)

True, I mean the plot is really only just beginning. And even then we still don't know a whole lot.

Bustichia -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/13/2012 2:48:04)

Even I don't know a whole lot. This fanfic is basically 30 minutes of improv per chapter.

Glais -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/13/2012 2:50:30)

xD That is something our stories have in common. I have a....very vague idea of where I wish to go, but for the most part, as you said, improv.

At that, there is really no way to predict anything then, as it is all off the top of your head.

Come to think of it, I really haven't been able to guess anything that's happened so far.

Bustichia -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/13/2012 2:54:29)

I have an... interesting mind. I float ideas along my mind and pick and choose ones at random. Whether it works or not, well, that's up to you.

Glais -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/13/2012 3:03:21)

Well, it looks to be working so far. I'm enjoying the story anyways.

Bustichia -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/14/2012 17:15:37)

Chapter 10 is up!

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/14/2012 18:01:24)

That was a quick chapter.

I don't really understand Draketh, what isn't a mercenary job? An adventurer for instance is a mercenary to me.

Bustichia -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/14/2012 18:13:56)

A mercenary works a job for someone, to be paid by that someone. Adventurer's are generally self-employed.

Glais -> RE: (DF) Bustichia Reki, The Lost Warrior (Discussion) (3/14/2012 20:28:14)


"Do what you will. Get in my way, however, and I shall toss you on the wayside."

Drat, he was getting away from the typical "I'm hard" character I expected.

Also, just a note, instead of hitting Enter twice, you could use
so as to give this result.

Thus separating those parts of the story.

Hm, drat. Was hoping for Paper Clip not to die. Unless divine intervention.

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