What would YOU like to see next? (Full Version)

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Ranloth -> What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 14:14:09)

Hiya! ^_^

I was thinking just now, we all want something in-game; better balance, more items, features, and so on. But not all of them can be done because they'd take too much time, too much effort (effort ties with time; if you focus on one thing for X weeks/months, you will fall behind/neglect all the others which is bad), or perhaps engine doesn't allow it yet because it's too complex.
But anyway, what would you like to see in-game next?

Personally, what I'd like to see next is going more in-depth with storylines and make them not just mission related only but perhaps just one mission that requires you to get multiple items (random drops from NPCs or any fight - even 1v1/2v2) to finish it and you get a cutscene, actual cutscene, of what happens next and perhaps another mission that requires different items again! Of course it'd be harder to do so it's more of long-term idea. ^^ And I'd also want it to not be restricted to fighting with other players/NPCs but make it perhaps clickable drops (random places all over the map) or some kind of minigame but interesting one. :D

Please don't turn it into balance discussion as there's different thread for that, nor flaming/trolling. All rules also apply here. Also if you can, please try to go in detail about your idea/suggestion rather than simple statement. :3

Chosen 0ne -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 14:18:24)

Movable achievements, i want to move them around.

Lord Nub -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 14:25:59)

Tournaments, Group chat, and an Ally Link mode.

Oba -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 14:30:50)

Item drops from NPC's would be nice! I would also like to have some more, harder missions. Missions like this Hearcracker mission, that was "abit" challenging atleast!

Tournaments is also something I'd wanted to have for quite a while now. More "mode's" in Arcade would also be nice, with some more rewards! :)

Vendile -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 14:32:10)

The ability to sell houses

Also live tournaments with funny restrictions, or sometimes a serious one to see whos top

Oba -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 14:34:54)


The ability to sell houses

Yes, yes and yes. Forgot to mention that. I also recently suggested that and I hope they soon will be sellable! :)

Rayman -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 14:37:12)


Tournaments, Group chat n Movable achievements

Stabilis -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 14:47:16)


The ability to sell houses


I've owned all four of my houses for approximately 2 years.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 15:04:50)

Movable Achievements, Tournaments, a new House Decorating Contest, and more Missions. :)

vulkan -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 15:49:59)

i would like it to be possible to give ranks in factions, not just officer and member.

My Name is Jake -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 15:51:42)

Right now I would like to see the minimum block, crit and deflect chance gone because I was blocked twice in a row by someone with about 70-80 dex then by someone with 19 dex. I was also getting blocked quite frequently yesterday as well. I have 159 dex. The minimum block chance also seems to be something like 15% instead of 4%.
EDIT: Just happened again except this time I had been reflex boosted and the guy was smoked. I had 189 dex this guy had 57 dex.

Other things I would like to see are these:

50% varium sellback because of the horrendously overpriced enhancements
Achievements that you bought with battle tokens to be removable
Blood Mage given a good buffing
Cyber Hunter nerfed
Juggernauts to always start 2nd in battle
10 influence given in 2v2 and Juggernaut battles

Oba -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 15:57:41)

Came up with another "feature" I would like to see.

Being easier to farm credits! Like the bosses could give a decent amount of credits. 500 perhaps? The possibility to farm on ED is ridiculous, and it seriously have to be some way to get credits faster.

32 credits each battle might been enough back in the days, but the items get more and more expensive so there should be easier ways to farm credits, just as simple as that.

rej -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 16:37:58)

Banks, founder step down, varium item sell back increased to 50%, balance team fired, cyber hunters nerfed, and of course, a use for achievements and ranks.

Basicball -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 18:03:50)

jugg stuff and faction stuff, so jugg stuff for factions'd be perfecto

.R.M. -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 18:24:53)

More contest, for people of all skill sets, non-var houses, non-var bots, better non-var weapons, a cheaper bike, etc.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 18:30:11)

One F2P weapon ability it can be on a sword but it would be nice if F2P's got to taste the perks just once.

LTS shops

Stabilis -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 18:30:25)


More contest, for people of all skill sets, non-var houses, non-var bots, better non-var weapons, a cheaper bike, etc.

I think these work. However, better non-varium weapons? Are you discerning weapons at the current level cap? Sure, non-varium players could use more gear options, but keeping the power of the gear at a set limit (such as, as good as, but not better than, the current best varium gear).

.R.M. -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 18:42:08)


I think these work. However, better non-varium weapons? Are you discerning weapons at the current level cap? Sure, non-varium players could use more gear options, but keeping the power of the gear at a set limit (such as, as good as, but not better than, the current best varium gear).

I probably should have said, "more non-var weapon choices". Pretty much all levels could use some more non-var weapons.

Stabilis -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 18:53:29)

I think staff and friends could release over 50 non-varium gear items if they had the time. [8D]

goldslayer1 -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 19:32:39)

i would like to see block % get nerfed.

Sageofpeace -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 19:40:16)

Movable achievements: why because i would like to show the one i like the most in the front page

Tournament: why because it was promise since beta

veneeria -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 19:40:49)

Honestly i dunno, perhaps an Zombie mode? Lots and lots of npcs..

drinde -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/5/2012 19:43:27)

Drop Items from each NPC, Faction Streamlining, more plotz, Item Searching Missions, a use for being at the Cap (Credits +50%?), tournaments, a swampy map. [:D]

EDIT: Also a symbol for Mutating Items, they do not show in the FinderBot or when you click any symbol in NPC's Inventories.

Remorse -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/6/2012 0:03:56)

Enhancement revamp,
Balancing with the use of new features rather then nerfing.
Moveable acheives as chosen said,
ONE time payment of varium hairstyles with unlimited coulor changes.
Tournements such as 1v1 elimination.
Robots wich create variety rather then consitrict it.
Counters for powerful builds supported and buffed, and possibly new ones created with new features.

JohnMenzies -> RE: What would YOU like to see next? (2/6/2012 1:30:38)

Tournaments, Group Chat, and an Ally Link 2v2 mode. :)

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