Daily Zargon, The (Full Version)

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ArchMagus Orodalf -> Daily Zargon, The (2/6/2012 10:44:29)

The Daily Zargon

Location: Planet Zargon > Enter the building on the right

Locations Available:

Missions Available:
  • Mecha Parts

    Shops Available:
    (Selina's Mods)
  • Mods
  • NG Mods
  • Galactic Mods

    (Selina's Weapons)
  • Zargon Arms
  • Zargon Shoulders
  • Zargon Heads
  • Zargon SC Arms
  • Zargon SC Shoulders
  • Zargon SC Heads
  • Zargon NG Arms
  • Zargon NG Shoulders
  • Zargon NG Heads

    (Selina's Mecha)
  • Geekatron Mecha
  • Geekatron NG Mecha
  • Quickflash Mecha
  • Quickflash NG Mecha

  • Selina OR Starstorm


    Selina: Thank goodness you're here! Dr. Boltavolt's superbots are attacking Mechtropolis! Please Help!
  • Missions
      If you have not yet found all 20 Superbot Parts:
        Selina: Please bring me any mecha parts you find out there! I'm inventing a new type of mecha to help defeat these superbots!
      • Go Now!
      • Mecha Parts
          Selina: Here's a list of the parts that I need you to find! With these items, I'll be able to reverse-engineer Boltavolt's designs...

          The Parts you have already found are highlighted.

          1 - Armor Scrap
          2 - Volt-a-Bolts
          3 - Dual Tri-Mega-Bus
          4 - Multiplier Circuit
          5 - Mutagenic Conduit
          6 - Central Power Unit
          7 - Neural Transmutator
          8 - Impervious Couplings
          9 - Supercharged Pistons
          10 - A Dirty Sock
          11- Buck-Ball Bearings
          12 - Gravitronic Rotator
          13 - CDB Warb Core
          14 - CorDemiTech Powercell
          15 - Alsoftwaver engine
          16 - Crystal Storage Unit
          17 - Nano-RAM chip
          18 - EC-Proto-Resistor
          19 - Pulse Overdrive
          20 - Matrix of Courage

      After finding all 20 Superbot Parts:
        Selina: We have an emergency! Boltavolt has stolen one of my Geekatron prototypes and is using it to cause earthquakes!
        Selina: A few weeks ago, he purchased a huge shipment of stolen CorDemi drones from EvilCorp.
        Selina: A swarm of his drones ambushed me while I was testing the Geekatron.
        Selina: Unfortunately, it was stolen while I escaped! <Character>, you must help me get it back!
      • Let's Go!

      After recovering the stolen Geekatron prototype:
        Selina: <Character>! It's time to make a move against Boltavolt! We must rescue the missing heroes now!
        Selina: My new supercomputer, Cerebellum can detect super powers! I have been picking up faint signals across the city!
        Selina: These signals must be the missing superheroes! Are you ready, <Character>?

      After saving Dr. Bryce Benner:
        Selina: Giant spiders have been seen around town! I have traced them to a huge underground facility! Please investigate!
      • Spiders!

      After saving Parker Peterson:
        Selina: I have found Mecha Bat's secret cave hideout. Maybe we can find out more about Universo there!
      • To the Bat Cave!

      After saving Wayne Bryce:
        Selina: Thunderhammer is our last chance to find Universo! Please free him form the Hypno-Beam!
      • Thunderhammer!

      After saving Thunderhammer:
        Selina: Thunderhammer revealed Universo's location! It is time for the final showdown! Are you ready?
      • Universo
      • Galactic Fight - Star Captain Mission! You must beat Universo at Loch Mess to Unlock!
  • Mods
      Selina: Check out my latest inventions, Mods!

  • Supersuits (Available after finding the Mutagenic Conduit, the fifth Superbot Mecha Part)
      Selina: Using the mutagenic conduit, I was able to create a special suit for tourists...
      Selina: Now visitors to this planet can experience what it is like to be a real superhero!
      Selina: Don't worry, the tights are made from a highly advanced polyfiber weave that will stretch to fit any body type!
      Selina: Would you like to try one on? It's very comfortable!
    • Supersuit! (+5 to Zargon Rolls)
        Selina: Wow, <Character>, that fits you well! I didn't realize that you were so muscular!
        <Character>: Um... neither did I... So, what's this "tingly" feeling anyway?
        Selina: Oh... did you say "tingly?" hmmm must be a grounding issue in the titanium containment field generator
        Selina: There's nothing to worry about... This suit is powered by your energy blade. It is plugged into a special port on your belt.
        Selina: The energy blade's power will give you the ability to fly and even shoot energy bolts from your hands!
        Selina: The more powerful the blade, the more powerful the bolt! Have fun!
    • Back
  • Weapons (Available after finding the Dirty Sock, the tenth Superbot Mecha Part)
      Selina: I have reverse engineered Boltavolt's robots to create some new weapons for your mecha!
  • Mecha
      Selina: I need more superbot parts to finish my Geekatron Prototype!
    • Geekatron?
        Selina: The Geekatron is actually just a mecha body. I have created a bunch of new parts to equip to it.
        Selina: There are Biped and Quadruped body types. I have created a synergy drive system that can give them extra powers called combos.
        Selina: When I was in high school, everyone called me a geek because of my superior intelligence and affinity for logic systems....
        Selina: I always took the moniker as a testament to my superior intellect... That is why I called it the Geekatron.

    • Combos?
        Selina: Combos are special effects that may be triggered if you use the right weapons in order.
        Selina: They are activated by using 3 weapons in the following order: Arm, Head, Body or Shoulder, Head, Body.
        Selina: The only weapons that will synergize to form combos are my latest weapons...
        Selina: Disruptors, Clusters, Railguns, Rockets, Dual Strikes and Scanner heads.
        Selina: There are 8 possible combo types. Try different weapon configurations to find out what they are!
  • Who are you?
      Selina: I am Selina Myles. I am currently working as a temp secretary for the superheroes here on Planet Zargon.
      Selina: I got this job from GEARS University's career services. Dean Warlic thought that I would be perfect for this job...
      Selina: He said that my IQ is so high that I almost have superhuman intelligence. I never quite fit in with the other kids at GEARS.
      Selina: Unfortunately, it's a little worse here being the only person on the planet who almost has a superpower...
      Selina: Jeez, even The Pickler has a power... Pretty darn useful too.. All I do is invent new mecha technology....
      Selina: To make matters worse, I came into work today and now all the superheroes are gone!
      Selina: I know! I'll show them that I am just as useful as everyone else! With my mecha-engineering abilities and your mecha piloting skills...
      Selina: We can work together to defeat the nefarious Dr. Boltavolt and rescue the heroes!
    Thanks to TreadLight for some of the dialogue.

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