XxKirachanXx -> RE: need advice (2/14/2012 1:22:22)
I have a funny little story to tell... I started a 2v2, Now I'm pretty well equipped if I say so myself...officer armour, hero's heart set, hazard blaster, and hunter cannon. And our opponents were in quite the pickle, they were both caster mages with poor defense, not to mention a slight level disadvantage. My partner was a tank merc, and I'm a tank/strength merc. The stronger one went down in a few turns. My partner had low health and so did the opponent, whereas I had nearly full health. And so, I was feeling rather charitable, and decided to give him a shot at getting a little more creds and exp, he really couldn't beat me unless had miraculous critting and blocking powers ;D Now...as I'm trying to give the little guy a break, cuz I couldn't count how many times I wish I was given this opportunity, my partner then proceeds to use a health booster, essentially cutting off the little window the little guy had, and calls me a noob. That was rather unjustified, wouldn't you agree?