coming soon list (Full Version)

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lloydbunyan101 -> coming soon list (2/15/2012 22:10:24)

Here are the things that coming soon to mechquest

The G.E.A.R.S. Games will be held again this year, with a fresh look at inter-House competition, accompanied by a level cap raise to 50, and all-new higher-level House Mecha models with new art and animations!

Expect a focus on wrapping up and fulfilling long-awaited promises,

improvements and fixes to the game,

revitalization of some of the older equipment,

lots of exciting storyline content this year!

Energy blade fighting is in the process of being revamped.

MORE bugfixes!!

Part 3 of the newest Star Captain Extreme Challenge in the Star Captain Club and a NEW featured Bossfight!

Dropship landing gets an update,

Soluna City adds more evidence of Shadowscythe attacking as you progress in the game.

Another Star-Captain-Exclusive quest at the Traveler - with new rewards.

Gameshow planet color-custom weapons & mecha models.

The Knife & Spork will get more new challenges.

ScytheOfShadows -> RE: coming soon list (2/16/2012 6:12:45)

How is this a guide? Anyone can find the same information in the Newsletter. And also, MQ doesn't always keep their promises because they're shorthanded, so it's possible that some, or even all, of this will not even be implemented.

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