(ED) A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly (Full Version)

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Stabilis -> (ED) A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly (2/16/2012 16:27:17)

‡‡‡‡‡ThE fIrSt AeOn‡‡‡‡‡

It is night time. No clouds. No wind. Warm... so I lay down, being comfortable. I gaze into the Delta skies, seeing stars of any size and all colours. It is very pretty. If I was trying not to stay awake, I would most likely fall asleep.

While resting in the grass, I hear whooshes in the zone around me where I lay. Surprised, I sit up and call out,

"Hey, Marwud?"

There is no response. I anxiously search around my direct vicinity. I push the grass around with my hands, and amazingly, no one. My left hand contacts a cold metal object. Shocked, I withdraw my arm quickly and shine my handy flashlight. What appears to have been a sphere, was actually pill-shaped.

"What is this mechanical object?"

I clutch the capsule in both of my hands and feel around it's surface. Something twists, and produces a breaking sound. Fearful that I have damaged the equipment, I drop it. The capsule vertically splits in half and two strange items pop out. One appears to be a rolled up parchment, and the other a keycard. I shine the flashlight on the keycard, and make sense of the text.


Becoming interested, I then turn my attention to the rolled parchment. Unravelled, I am able to visualize a map of Delta V, with markers on quite a few locations. Marker 1: Venttus' home... marker 2: Bio Dome Gleaming Plaza... marker 3: Exile Secret Volcano Base...

Excited about the possibility of treasure hunting, I pack my belongings and dash up the hill towards home.

Upon entering the house, I notice my older brother Marwud still studying under little lighting. I sneak up behind him, and am about to wrap my hands around his face. Just as I encircle the side of his head, he spins around and tackles me. The capsule rolls behind me and Marwud minds my peculiar new possession.

"What... is that?"

"Hmm, I think its a storage capsule... its what I found rolling around when I was viewing stars"

"Really? It was just 'rolling around' and you happened to get this?"

"Well, yeah! Its not like I had planned to go scavenging for artifacts like a few days ago!"

"So... who's is it?"

"Um, on this keycard that the capsule stored, states some guy named Venttus"

"... What?! These... belong to that trash?!"


"I'll tell you this... Venttus is, or was, an infamous Exile admiral"


"Ugh... he was a guy. With the Exiles. He was commander of at least 1, 000 Exile troops. He took over the Minetower within a day of activities. We had 5, 000 Legion troops defending the Minetower!"

"Sounds tricky"

"Tricky? That man planned the most crippling sea-land assault in Delta V to ever... ever overtake Legion territory"

"Oh, I see"

"Look here Galaanoth, you have to turn that stuff in. Tomorrow morning show it to dad. Nobody wants to be in possession of enemy property. Dad will hand these articles in to our Legion locale. You will be compensated quite a bit for a discovery like this, you should be able to get that sweet bionic bear you've been rambling about. How does that sound?"

"Hmm... fine, goodnight Marwud"

"Goodnight, my little brother"

Marwud leaves, and I walk up to my room. I jump on my bed and rest. Except... I have difficulty relaxing. My mind is overactive, and I just cannot sit still. Treasure hunts are always enjoyable to me, and I keep arguing back and forth about leaving or if I should stay back here. Then I make my decision. I am leaving to fulfill the journey of a lifetime. I repack my bag with extra supplies, food, clothes, and my new shadow baton that my father purchased for me a week back. I creep down the stairs and drift through the backdoor. Finally where I can be free, I yawn unexpectedly for a few seconds and spread my arms wide, then dash down the hill. I'm off to Venttus' Luxury Mine Suite.

One day has passed. I am sleeping in a tree on the outskirts of the mining fields. Suddenly, I am awaken by 4 teens below who are close to my age, chattering loudly to each other about some sort of bombing. Listening in on their conversation, I request from them,

"What bombing? What happened recently?"

Unnerved, they jump and turn to face me. One girl approaches my tree and asks,

"Eh? What are doing up in a tree? Who ARE YOU?"

"OK, I'll answer your question, but please answer mine... I am Galaanoth, from Fortune Rift. I belong to the Highbring family and my dad is an officer and part-time recruiter for Legion at Fortune City. Right now I'm in a tree because I was sleeping in safety after a rough night of treasure hunting"

One of the guys replies to me,

"Treasure hunting? Are you not a bit old for that?"

"Maybe, but its a hobby, and part of who I am"

The girl who first spoke answers to me,

"We were just civilians of Fortune Central, none of us are aligned to any side of the war except for Zektion, a member of the Exile, but he refuses to fight on his beliefs. We have been evacuated because of a large-scale invasion involving Alydriah's Legion and an Exile sector from the west. First thing this afternoon, I heard loud banging or crashing from... what were they, artillery rounds? Several buildings have collapsed and panic was all throughout the city. We were some of the known survivors who left north of Fortune City, and we're heading for the Minetower"

"You don't say? I'm heading there as well!"

The same boy from before reproaches me,

"Hmf, treasure hunting?"

"Yep! I have a map to the Minetower and access to an abandoned mine suite"

"Mine suite!? Are you rich?"

"Naw, I'm just your average guy. I discovered some map and a keycard to Venttus' old home about one day ago"

Zektion approaches me,

"Venttus? That man is a saviour! He was known for escorting innocent civilians out of dangerous situations and defending the Barren Outpost from Baelius' joint army before the Bazaar showed up. That man is legend"

"Wow, he seems well liked. Anything else that you know about him?"

"Yeah, he grew up as a natural bounty hunter for the Shocksters, a beginner's facility for Exile soldier development. He disguised himself in various outfits and took on many names: DeVoid Sentimental, ExVoid, Trite, Sephirroth, there's other names that I can't remember at the moment... he tried many positions in his service, even different combat types, tech mage, tactical mercenary, blood mage, and cyber hunter. He died unknown a cyber hunter, somewhere in the Fortune City Station. Unfortunate"

"Cyber hunter, eh? That's what I'm training to be! Right now I'm a bit dusty, but I'll get better"

"Are you... a devout fighter for the Legion?"

"Naw, I didn't get to choose that. There isn't very much freedom of choice back home, but out in the wilds, I get to be my own man"

The first girl speaks up again,

"We could use another member to travel with us. Only Ariella and Zektion have experience in self-defence, we would really appreciate a fifth member to help guard our backs in case times get nasty"

"We're heading to the same area, and I learned a bit from you guys, I think you would all make good friends... so, I accept! But... is it alright that we first travel to this map location before I drop you guys off at your destination?"

They look around, nodding to each other.

"That's fine, lead us to the Minetower, please!"

"Alright, let's go!"

I travel with my group of companions of five to the Minetower, unbeknownst to us that a certain someone is spying.


Stabilis -> RE: A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly (2/17/2012 21:08:11)

‡‡‡‡‡ThE sEcOnD aEoN‡‡‡‡‡

It has been about half an hour since we had first left together as a group. I have taken that time to get to know each member some more.

Zektion, as already mentioned, is an Exile member. To be exact, he is almost a squad leader. Zektion has been an Exile since he was born. After witnessing the destruction of his home village where the Overlord Facility now stands, he understands what it means to be disrespected and hated. He is a very seriously-natured young man who is intolerant of violence, working to create peace if there is no peace to sustain. He was adopted by the blood relatives of Oz, almost his own cousin in a way... or nephew (if you consider the age difference). Oz taught Zektion to develop the ways of the blessed Tech Mage for the call of peace. Zektion never intentionally chooses to brawl, but does so in the defence of others. He is an average height young male with bluish thick hair covering half of his face. He is lean but sturdy in appearance, and quiet by nature.

Ariella is a young woman Mercenary for the Exiles. She has military contacts with the higher ups, as her parents are espionage agents who infiltrate Legion encampments. Ariella grew up admiring her parents, idolizing them for their appearance, seeing them mainly as 'cool' people with great respect. She is a hardworking young lady who trains through blood and grit to excel in her martial arts. Also spoiled by her parents, being an only child, she has developed a prideful (and sometimes jealous) nature. Ariella never declines a challenge from anyone, and is enthusiastic about awing others with her skills. In her more calm times, Ariella enjoys music of all sorts, mainly to wash away her busy thoughts from her busy mind.

Briffas, he is a young scholar in Fortune City. He is keen with technology and any earthly science. Extremely energetic, Briffas is known by his friends for his 'spry mouth' from which elaborate and nonsensical thoughts both erupt from. Physically weaker than most of his peers, Briffas is a furious thinker, eager to debate any topics of interest in the scientific field, usually winning. Although, sometimes his mouth can cause him distress especially when dealing with elders or physically adept acquaintances. He has learned enough from his past experiences of threats and being bullied to use some wisdom to achieve better control over his actions. Briffas was brought up by his single mother in a smaller apartment in the southern wing of Fortune City. His mother is a very motivational figure to Briffas, and is revered by her son as the sole cause to all of his successes. He wants to inspire the world with his genius and bring glory to his mother's name.

Sherrii is a young lady whom also lives in Fortune City. She is an assistant nurse at Legion Medical Square with her older sister. Her family is a heritage of health practitioners, all passionate about the human body and other organic systems. Sherrii is a cheerful girl who acknowledges soldiers for their duty in honour. Her father is a retired fleet commander who lost his right leg to gunfire. The veteran survived his battles to live and serve as a field medic for his comrades who willingly risk their lives everyday. His zeal for healing practices lead him to meet his wife, also a nurse during war times. They raised a medical family who is known throughout Delta V by their surname, and own a popular department for pharmaceutical drugs and products. Sherrii is coveted by many fellow colleagues because of her fame. She is certain in being modest.

... After we had advanced in knowing each other better, I noticed... something... odd. I felt something.... undesirable, from Zektion. He walked with strength, but showed burden. His head would fall forward, as if weak. I asked if he was OK, and he responded with,

"Oh- yes! I'm great right now, just fine"

He gave the impression of faith, but I still saw the dread within. I empathized. Maybe he felt the same way that I do on occasion. Maybe we had both felt alone, misunderstood. He lost his family, mine is in disarray. He had no father figure nor mother, I have parents who layered their love with steel. Marwud, though, he is a good brother. Sure, sometimes he may be kiddish like me at times, but he got me to admire him... like another father. He would be there to support me with shouting reinforcement, or discipline me with lectures or wrestling. With Marwud, I felt loved. I miss him already.

I broke my trail of thought when my vision distorted. My ears also heard screeching, screeching of machine. It was like panicking, only surreal. I must have done something frightening because I could hear Sherrii and Briffas yelling my name.

I was afterwards laying down on the ground. I regained consciousness only to see my group resting around me. I woke Briffas.

"Hey, what happened? What happened... to... me?"

"Ugh... oh! Galaanoth! You're alive! That's great. Well... I am peeved to say that I wouldn't know as much as Sherrii would about your state, but what I can tell you is that we saw you cringe and blackout right when we were coming in sight of the Minetower"

"Really? That's shocking. I have no known serious diseases so I wouldn't be able to tell you why I fell, but I have honestly never experienced that before"

"What did you experience?"

"Not too much, mainly a sense of dread. Everything I saw snapped in half and melted, the only thing that I heard was a high-pitched drone and repetitive clicks. I could visualize a dark blur, and that didn't feel too good"

"That doesn't sound safe at all. Perhaps you took... brain damage. But that's just a theory. Don't expect anything severe"


"Oh, by the way... I can't believe I haven't mentioned this already. You weren't the only victim. Ariella passed out as well. Except she's still unconscious"

"Whoa, both of us? Is that a coincidence, or just luck?"

"Galaanoth, this is Delta V. Expect anything that happens to be attributed back to luck"

"Oh, I'd also like to add... that the dark blur... it wasn't just abstract. I was able to form, a face. A rough face, nonetheless, but still a face"


"I don't know, but it looked 'Tech' in shape"

We stop our conversation, and my mind is swirling in thought. Just who would that be that I saw? It feels like deja-vu. Only... it just doesn't make sense. I have many questions to ask, but I have to save that for later because of my fantastic treasure hunt that I have prepared. I don't want to trouble the others, so I let the nightmare subside for now.

"Going somewhere, Galaanoth? Ahahahahahaha... hehehehehehehehe... you will perish soon enough... give me some time"


Stabilis -> RE: A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly (2/17/2012 23:01:56)

‡‡‡‡‡ThE tHiRd AeOn‡‡‡‡‡

Alarmed, I wake everyone up, miraculously including Ariella. I gasp at them,

"Dear God! Help me! Someone's speaking to me in my head! Make it stop! He said that I'm going to die! I don't want to! Please help!"

Sherrii responds,

"Whoa whoa whoa, calm down, Galaanoth. This could all be an illusion. Please consider that nothing may actually be happening"

"Its not! He's threatening to kill me! He's gonna do it! I don't have much time!"

Zektion approaches me, and places his fingertips on my temples. He closes his eyes, and then snaps them open, staring into mine. As he does so, his eyes glow cyan in colour. I lose consciousness again.

I later awake, carried on Ariella's shoulders. I signal to her that I'm back and she releases me.

"Huuuuuuuuh... my head is killing me..."

Sherrii turns to face me,

"Once again, Galaanoth, you have blacked out. Are you sure that you're in good health? You should be more careful"

"I am, I tell you... I'm fit as an electric fiddle. I just can't explain what's going on with me..."

Zektion speaks,

"I had to commune with you, and channel your energy. I assumed that you were being 'bent' by another mage, so I tried to disrupt who's ever plasma bind in your head with my own energy. Let me just say whoever that is... was strong"

"Bent? What do you mean by that?"

"Bending, the act of mind-control that tech mages like myself can perform. Bending requires the transmitting of a plasma wave to a target's brain to manipulate neurotic pulses... ultimately controlling any part of your body, and however it can function"

"That, happened to ME? Why? Why am I a target of interest?"

"I don't know, but your enemy is a powerful mage. I advise that you stick with us until we can escort you to a haven where this mage can not harm you. Somewhere in the Exiles where we have respected tech mages"

"I, I am willing to oblige, but disappointed in the turn of events... I really wish I could visit this suite..."

"That will have to wait until later, my friend. For now, watching over your well-being is top priority"

"I submit, but please tell me if you can, who is responsible for this???"

"You don't want to know"

"Please tell me, it could be important!"

"If you're sure......... the man, if he even is a man, is a monstrous tech mage of sinister intent belonging to the Legion. His name is... Caden"


Another headache rages through my feeble skull.

Briffas yells to me,

"Galaanoth! No! Stay with us!"

The group begins to fear again.

Caden... why does that seem so... familiar? Have we met before? I don't know. Why is this man so aggressive towards me? Have I offended him? Impossible. Anyways, his antics are starting to get on my nerves. I wish he'd just piss off.

I manage to hold my will and stay alert. Ariella notices something out of place,

"Is that, the symbol of Caden's Wheel on your collar?"

She points to the lower part of my neck, and they all regard my new state of being.


"Caden's Wheel, a mark of power and evil. Only Caden's disciples have ever possessed such a thing. I find it very estranged that you have formed your own"

Flashbacks embark in my thoughts. I am battling Caden with a scythe in my hand. I am winning. I disarm and mangle him and he falls onto his hands. I am about to finish him when he blasts me with plasma and I disappear from the scene. I arrive back at Exile headquarters celebrating with many people. A name is being chanted. 'Venttus, Venttus!' I am now in the Fortune City Station. I am talking to Evil Archangel, wait, how did I know his name was Evil Archangel? Anyways, I am having friendly conversation with the man when someone bashes me from behind, I am clobbered by many blows until everything just stops.

I have been murdered. That must have been what has happened.

A soft, dull glow grows from the centre of my vision. A face, older, but similar to my own comes into view.

"My dear Galaanoth"

"Ah?! Who are you, please? What's going on here?!"

"Ahahaha, relax my boy, you're fine. Caden was about to enslave you until I had intervened. You still have his mark of power, but my power, and more important, my control as well. My subconscious will now lay forever in your own, here to defend you from mental invasions"

"OK, OK... but please, PLEASE! Introduce yourself"

"Galaanoth, this might be challenging for you to comprehend... but I am your... father, and I am also you"

"You're... my father, and me?"

"Yes, I am you from the past, and from the future. Not from the present, where you live today. If you can understand, I am, or was... Venttus of the past. I am your genetic father. Your mother is the mother you lived with in Fortune City. I know she's tough on you, but she loves you nonetheless. I am also Galaanoth from the future. I am you after this event... when our subconscious join. However, you are your own person, remember that. There is nothing in this world that could ever change your identity. I have been watching you climb in maturity, and I am glad for you"

"*Sniffle, sniffle*"

"What's the matter?"

"Its just that, I've longed for a true father, and finally I get to meet him. Its really hard to contain my feelings. I wish I could have met you in person... but why, dad, why did you leave us?!"

"I'm sorry, my dear boy. For the sake of the Blessed World, I had to die young for critical events to occur. Upon my death, numerous courageous individuals like yourself joined in arms against the Legion, just in time for Frysteland"


"Yes, Alydriah invaded Frysteland to overthrow the Krampus people. In order to dominate, she extorted the innocent creatures of the land to become her weapons. The insidious lady had no moral of mercy, so I had to act. I myself became involved in resisting her. To no avail, I had to cut down the yetis who had been changed in order to breach their stronghold. Unfortunately, the Legion dominated Frysteland and grudgingly massacred the Krampus... with no hope left, I retreated to Fortune Station, but met my end before mustering reinforcements"

"This all sounds very confusing"

"Ahahaha, do not fret my good son, for after this visage in time, will everything make sense"

"Are you leaving?"

"I will always be with you, in love of you and your mother. Do good, my son. For every tear that collapses from despair, there is the energy to evaporate your pains and bring rise to change. Remember that well. So long, farewell... I'll miss you!"

"I love you too, dad!!!"

Awaken, Galaanoth. Monster slayer, chosen guardian of this world. Protect us from the wrongdoers within.

Stabilis -> RE: A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly (2/18/2012 21:27:18)

‡‡‡‡‡ThE fOuRtH aEoN‡‡‡‡‡

I awake yet again. I sit up and scan around... only to see no one. Where have my friends gone? Are they in trouble? Did they... abandon me??? No... I hope not. I stand up, and I notice that I feel no discomfort. In fact, I feel great.

"Briffas, Ariella, Zektion, Sherrii! Where have you all gone?!"

It is silent.

I become aware of the environment. I am nowhere near the Minetower. Looking around, I notice that the halls are very intricate in design, modern, like that of Fortune City. Am I in Fortune City again? No way... I exit the room where I awoke, only to be appalled by what I encounter next.

There, scattered at my feet below... are my friends. All of them, sprawled on the ground, and inanimate.


I approach Zektion's limp body and press on his neck. No pulse.


In my shock I stumble backwards and fall on my butt. I am sitting against a wall, wide eyes and all. It isn't long before I can hear footsteps above me, coming closer. I recover my balance and stand on guard for whoever it is about to meet me. A droid extends it's head into the hallway and spots us. A man follows behind the droid, and stops to face me. That mask... that form... MARWUD?

"Hey, are you Marwud, my older brother?"

"Hello, Galaanoth. Pleasure to meet you at last"

"Marwud, can you tell me where I am, what we're doing here?"

"You're in the lower levels of the Minetower. Your friends *he points*, brought you here to hide you"

"Wait, how did you know that they're my friends?"

"Easy, there's two points. One: anyone you 'hang out with' is usually an accomplice or friend of yours. Two: upon meeting your friends, they told me all about you and how they were trying to abduct you into Exile grounds"

"What do you mean abduct? They were trying to help me! What happened to them?"

"I killed them"


"... You... what?"

"You heard me. Any Exile scum who thinks they can kidnap a family member of mine without being discovered is a dolt of unprecedented level"

"Marwud, no... they were trying to protect me..."

"What do you know? They could have been manipulating you from the start!"

"No! I learned to trust them, and we shared our identities and memories!!!"

"You gave the enemy valuable strategical information?! You moron!"


"Hold your tongue, traitor!"


"Only you would turn the table that quickly because of your weak mind"

"That's it, Marwud! Try and make me bleed! I dare you!"

"Sorry, Galaanoth, you leave me no choice"

Marwud draws out his favourite weapon: a five meter chain with a seraded and very sharp sickle attached at the head. He twirls it around, and the sickle lights up, alive with electricity. This isn't good. I've seen what he could do with that weapon. He chopped down four trees in a row with one throw of that tool of destruction. I can't keep my distance, so I'll have to retreat. I start to run up the stairs directly on my left. Marwud shouts something bold at me and I could hear him running after me. The savageness... insanity of that man... I could only imagine how he'll throttle me if he catches me. I become fearful.

"Galaanoth. Do not be afraid. Marwud too is my son. It is unfortunate that Carlos was the one to father him so. That man was hell incarnate. I don't understand why your mother would marry such a person. Anyhow, Galaanoth... are you listening?"

"Yes, d-dad"

"Good. Now I want you to recite some tech mage magic verses. Its a special kind of spiritual energy we will be addressing"

"What do you mean by that, a spell?"

"Not quite. Think of it more like a way of releasing the abilities of Caden's Wheel and my own. Are you ready? You will need this power to overcome your deranged brother"

"I'm ready. Just please save me!"

"OK. Now say what I say: Hal-an-tor-puur"






Caden's Wheel burns painfully on my collar. I clutch my neck and writhe in the heat. Marwud stops too, surprised by my state. I stretch my right arm out, shadow baton in hand. The weapon morphs in blue energy... elongating and broadening. It forms a new weapon altogether... a scythe.

"Good. This is 'Misericordia Dator', my prized Primary"

"Wow, dad, you owned such cool gear!"

"Hey, enough of the idolizing. You need to incapacitate your brother. Remember, don't kill him, just put him unconscious if you can"


Marwud mocks me,

"You! What kind of Exile demon ritual are you delivering? This is what you get for falling to their lowlife ranks!"

"Falling?... Marwud... fall to Delta V, or fall to my fury"

"That's my boy!"

Marwud yells furiously and makes a lunge at me, and swings his blade. I pass his attack to the side, parrying his weapon with my own, and give my scythe a twirl.. in taunting I would suppose. Marwud shouts and makes another try at me. This time he throws his chained weapon directly at me. I sidestep the charge, then grasp and yank the chain he extended. Marwud falters and trips towards me. I bring my right leg up, and deliver a frontal thrusted kick at his gut. It collides and he is winded. It was with such great force, that he is now on his knees, beaten. Assured that it wasn't enough, I proceed to club him across the head with the side of the blade head. Stunningly, he raises his armoured arm, and blocks my blow. Marwud's determination is very impressive.

It was just like six years ago when he was competing in a long running school marathon. He was in the supremacy, one of the fastest of the runners. He had a cramp, so he said... when he managed to say some short while before the finish line. I had shouted to him, 'Come on, Marwud! You can win this, I believe in you, bro!'. Marwud smiled at us and picked up his pace, and more. He gained the energy to overtake third place, then second, and finally first. We had cake that night. It was good.

I turn to face my brother, who is clenching his teeth, bitterly envying life.

"Why, Galaanoth... why was it you?"

Shocked by his comment, I respond to him,

"What do you mean, me?"

"You know damn well what I mean, loser! You had to be dad's little angel, his favourite, and now I am outcast by family!"

"Outcast? What the heck do you mean by that? Carlos favours you way too well for your own good. You should hear the comments he makes about you"

"Carlos? Who gives a damn about that brute! Venttus, Galaanoth, Venttus. Our real dad only admired you, he only ever acknowledged you! Not ever has he taken interest in me! Do you know how it truly feels to feel this jealous, this hateful?"



"Marwud, day to day... I have to live, knowing that I am only looking forward to a crappy future in the Legion. Guess who is going to excel in military academy between you and I? That's right. Step dad always helped you with your assignments, he told me to ask you for assistance"


"So... most of the time you were busy, and at those times Carlos wouldn't help me still. Everyone in school talks to me to talk about you. I know a heck of a lot about jealousy... I learned it from you. I know how infuriating it feels to be the pipsqueak of the bunch, angry with the people who neglected me... I learned it from you!"

"Galaanoth... *he sniffles*"

I sheath my scythe, and kneel down to Marwud.

"Marwud, you have always been my closest friend, and my number one idol. Thank you for everything you had helped me with. You have given me so many experiences about life, and I appreciate it"

He looks to me and smiles,

"N-no, problem, little brother!"

I give him a hug.

"Hey, Galaanoth. I accept the fact that you're right, but now I have to live with knowing that I killed innocent people!"

"Hey, listen up. They weren't innocent, nobody is. What you have to do is beg God for forgiveness for the dispelled lives. Do it with intent, one day, he will understand your devotion, and truly forgive you. That's what you have to do"

"Well, that's a bit comforting! Thanks for the advice Galaanoth, I think I'll start right now!"

Marwud sits down cross-legged. He begins to lament for my friends from a while back. Suddenly, a bang is heard, and Marwud falls on his side.

"Huh?! Marwud! Speak to me, are you alright?!"

"No use, boy! Your brother is evidently deceased now. I finished him off with a dragon round to the skull, happy now?"

Frightened, I jump to my feet, facing whoever it was who just spoke. I look palely toward the figure, robed in black, that conceited face of a tech mage.


Stabilis -> RE: A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly (2/19/2012 21:06:00)

‡‡‡‡‡ThE fIfTh AeOn‡‡‡‡‡

I stand still, next to my brother, facing Caden. He circles me,

"So, we finally get to meet face to face. Pleasure to meet you at last. Ahehehehehehe!!! You certainly are Galaanoth, youngest of Venttus, that trash"

Caden lifts up his hands and points his fingers at me. He makes a constricting motion with his hands, but nothing happens.

"Hmm? Are you unphased? Might you be playing a trick on me?"

"Your bending ceases to affect me from now onward, Caden. My father gave me the mental strength in the senses to resist your energy"

"Your father? He gave you... the ability to resist? But how?... That trash! His energy flowed into you, didn't it?!"

"Hey, watch your language, I respect my father's name"

"Hmmf, your the first..."

Caden raises his Caden's Wrath high above himself. His plasma energies swirl in circular fashion. They form a ring, and the ring forms... another dimension. I wondrously stare into the portal.

"Impressed? This is my art. Have you heard of necromancy? Well, prepare to be amazed. I am about to show you the feared craft of voidcontrol!"

"Galaanoth, strafe to your right! Don't let whatever expels from that gate touch you! You'll be doomed!"

I jump behind a furnace, just as a pulsing ray shoots from the portal in my direction. The wall and ground where it contacted looked as if the region had just dissolved away.

"You cannot hide from that which does not seek!"

Another ray fires out from the portal. It clears right through the furnace and barely catches me. Just as I think I am finished, Caden begins to pant, and the portal dissipates.

"Galaanoth, this is a one in a million chance, end him!"

I run at Caden, and bring my scythe up over my body, and for a split second I look like the reaper in form. Just as I am bringing the weapon down on Caden, he points with his right hand and buzzes me with another shot of plasma. I disappear into darkness.

I am conscious, but everything I see is... well... blank, black, and empty. Its like walking through a dark, dark cave with no walls, no ceiling, no nothing.

"My son, can you still hear me?"

"Yes dad"

"Great, you survived! Galaanoth, you must pay attention to what I am about to tell you. Caden's gateway to another dimension, the void, couldn't last long enough for Caden to annihilate you. He was going to rip you to shreds at his whim, trapped in a zone constructed by his own energy. He used a last resort tactic. To save himself, he summoned the remainder of his energies to directly transmit you into the void. This area is not hostile, for now. Caden mainly wanted to lock you away. You must beware, though, for the creatures forgotten by time. I will help you find a way out of this mess"

"What else could exist in a place like this?"

"Not exist, nothing here is real. There are lifeforms, if they even are alive, so do not miss any exceptions. An example of what you may find out here, is Gilgamesh. He is a myth of lore, but I know he exists. He is a titan of unknown power. Beware of that which thrives in the void"

"How do YOU know anything about this place?"

"I was banished here before"


"A long time ago, when I was still alive, I fought Caden. Frustrated by my opposition, he used his insidious powers to send me to the same place you are located in"

"So how did you escape?"

"It wasn't easy. At first I was confused. I beckoned for someone, anyone. I was neglected, alone. I started to lose hope. This was until I saw in the distance, light. I got to my feet, and walked towards the source. Eventually, the glow was so strong, that I covered my eyes in blindness. When I could see again, I was a far distance from home, close to the sea, a small lake in the Bio Preserve"

"How did you discover the light?"

"I'm not sure, I-"

Father is interrupted when something in my vision begins to meld into shape.


"No, Galaanoth"

The entity begins to materialize into a person. It forms a man around my height, a little taller. He is wearing Exile clothing and shows his fair hair, a recognizable face.

"Who are you?"

"Galaanoth, why, its me!"


"It appears as if being where I had died and being the place where my energy drifted off to caused my particles to reassemble perfectly. I have all of my normal functi-"

I run up to Venttus and give him a solid hug.

"There there, Galaanoth, there there"

Tears stream down my face. All I can do is give my true dad a good hug.

"I know how much you miss me. I too had to endure the loss of my parents. But remember, for every tear that collapses from despair, there-"

"is the energy to evaporate your pains and bring rise to change"

Just as I say this, a light shines in the distance.

"Dad! There it is, the light!"

"I can see it son"

"Lets go!"


My father and I run towards the light. It grows blindingly more and more intense. Suddenly I am enveloped by the light. I look behind me, only to see my father, trapped between the light and the darkness.


"Do not fret over me son. Go on, you have a full life to complete. I have to settle a deal with Death"

"I won't forget you!"

Warm light scores through my body. I emerge into the Minetower, and fall a minor drop onto the ground. I look up, and see Caden before me.

"You brat! How did you overcome my darkness?"

Still strong enough to run around even do back-flips, I charge at Caden, ready to deliver the coup-de-grace. Just as I nearly end him,

"Not today!"

And he vanishes into the shadows, dematerializing. Annoyed, I search around. I leave the one office room and see my friends dead on the ground again, and my two articles from the night on the hillside.

"Rest in eternal peace, guys"

I carry each of them on my back outside, and over the course of several hours, prepare their burials.

"Please forgive my brother, and me"

I return inside the Minetower, and locate my father's mine apartment. I slide the keycard on the door, and enter the ghostly room. After finding the light switch, I go over to the fridge. Still partially full with snacks and drinks, I sit down at a table and eat some pickled vegetables and drink some wine. The vegetables weren't that bad.

After waking up the next morning, I scavenge around for any pieces of equipment of interest. I find a storage unit, a 'closet' with many compartments, and open it. The unit contained many badges, guns, primaries, launchers, suits, and documents. I read a document sealed with a varium emblem paper holder.

-Dear Venttus,

This is a letter from Oz, general of the Exile faction. It has come to my attention that Caden has been sending his own skirmishing footmen into
our own guarded territory. Though he has til today failed to gain important intelligence on our status, he is presently an ongoing threat to the
Exile. You are one of the few officers I trust to handle such a mission. I need you to embark into Caden's dominion and wipe him out. Meet me at
HQ. I will prepare for you 1, 000 able soldiers for you to administer as you see fit. You will not be at an advantage if you head in their direction
by any path inland... so you will be required to raid the Minetower via the ocean. I will prepare for you as well the needed boating vehicles to
envoy you and your troops the needed transportation and firepower. Intel has it that Baelius will send up to 5, 000 Legion units to defend the
Minetower. Although he and Caden are at odds, he is not willing to give up such prioritized varium shafts to Exile hands. The Minetower will be
under our control afterwards, in the name of Exile. I will provide further information at the debriefing. Thank you for your loyalty.

Yours Sincerely, Lorenzo Ozimus-

Stabilis -> RE: A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly (2/19/2012 22:07:11)

‡‡‡‡‡ThE sIxTh AeOn‡‡‡‡‡

My heart stops. Now I know how my father had died. He died out of duty, at the whim of his superiors, to sacrifice his safety for the security of thousands of people. Now I know why he is classified as hero, forever and always. Still, I have the gut feeling of anger. The feeling of wrath churning within my boiling blood. Could it be, the carelessness of Oz that brought his end? To satisfy or solve his problems by the utility of another? Coward.

I prepare myself for the quest of a lifetime...

I am going to interrogate Oz.

I suit up for an incredibly difficult mission. I search Venttus' wardrobe. From what I can gather, I can keep misericordia dator, I grab a dark varium blaster, a wraith cannon, a deactivated gamma bot, and a banana suit desert ronin model. This. Is. Personal. I search the bedroom, and discover a near infinite storage of health boosters. On each booster reads: 'Full heal. Compact liquid pack. Weighs 1/10 of an inventory slot.' Jackpot. Smug with with the expression of having all the gear I need and the rations, I depart right away. I lock the lonely mine suite.

At last, daylight, cloud cover, and a slight breeze. I am very pumped for what lies ahead. I notice that as I walk out of the Minetower, somewhere around me I can hear a bike horn beeping. I spot a small sand dune, and in the side of the dune's face, I can see a door. I swipe the keycard on the door lock and the door slides open carefully.

Oh... my... god. A bionic bear. Yay!!! I jump onto the bionic bear in the small bike garage and prime it for action. The bike accelerates out of the shelter and I'm off at nearly ten times the speed of strolling.

A day has passed. I have navigated to the west side of Fortune City, closest to the Exile base. I wake up, and emerge from my tent. My bionic bear is gone.


Its too good to be true. After all, why should I expect joys and pleasures to not be temporary? I just hope whoever took the bike was of poverty and not just a mean thug. At least they didn't notice me? Yep, I'm untouched.

I contract the tent using a remote device and prepare the final stretch for a travel by foot. I walk along the dirt path heading directly into Fortune City. I do not want to use the main roads into the busier sectors of the city... I want to avoid attention. I eventually encounter the barrier wall.


I stroke my chin and theorize different ways to scale the high wall. I notice that the wall is cracked in numerous spots. Climb it? No. The wall is much too smooth and vertical. Then I notice that there are trees behind me, I am between a tree line and the wall. Even better, these trees are almost double the height of the wall! I take out the dark varium blaster, and erode a good chunk of the base of a nearby tree. Then I sheath the gun and unveil misericordia dator. It just takes a few chops before the tree buckles under it's weight and leans toward the wall. There is a moderately loud crash, and the tree fully scales the wall without damaging it. Using my time, I climb up the fallen tree and run to the top. Without bothering to slide down the side, I am lucky enough to encounter a fairly tall building next to me. I take a small hop from wall to a balcony and work my way through the building. I meet some civilians, but no one takes keen interest in me. I eventually get to the bottom floor and take exit. Just as I leave the building, a little passing girl stops me.

"Hey, whats that on your neck?"

"Oh- me? This thing here... is a bit of paint, you know? Like grownups getting tattoos"

"Oh! Well that's cool!"

She leaves. Phew, situation diffused. I voyage into the slums of the city... eventually into Exile territory. Off in the dark distance, I can see a larger building in shambles. It bears the mark of the Exiles.

Stabilis -> RE: A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly (2/21/2012 20:52:03)

‡‡‡‡‡ThE sEvEnTh AeOn‡‡‡‡‡

As I leisurely walk up to the Exile base, I notice no one in the area. Perhaps soldiers are on guard in the shadows? I want to be extra careful in avoiding to seem at all suspicious to make sure my intrusion is spotless essentially. In the ruinous corridors of the dark halls, I encounter a sunken section of wall. As I approach this gap a man steps from out of the spacing and confronts me.

"Whoa, this is sensitive Exile territory, who might you be?"

Thinking, thinking.

"My name is Galvino. I was requested to consult with Oz about the status of western Fortune City"

"Hmm, stay right there, let me just follow up with attendance around here"

As the guard turns to head into the base, I take his taser from his waistband and give him a shock. He falls dazed onto the ground. I proceed to hand-cuff him with his own hand-cuffs and gag him with bandages. After abducting his Exile badge and coat, I proceed to enter the base.

The door which the guard was planning on using is locked by security measures... keycards. The guard had no keycard on him, surprisingly, so in last resort I use my father's key. After one swipe the keycard-lock chimes in phase with the each lock releasing. Eventually a final click is heard, and I push on the door. Upon entering the base, I am amazed by the care taken into sustaining it's looks. The walls are straight with a tiled finish, there hangs above me a holographic projector and chandelier styled lighting. A large fountain with various green plants can be spotted in the centre of the hall. As I walk towards the fountain, another guard approaches me.

"Good morning, soldier"

"Good morning, sir!"

"Hey, what's your name son? You seem familiar to me, but I can't really tell"

"I'm a newer recruit to the Exiles, sir! My name is Galvino, blood to General Oz, sir!"

"The youth of Noble Ozimus greets me this fine morning, I am honoured"

"Sir, would you please escort me to my grandfather, I am somewhat lost in this place, as it is my first visit"

"I would be pleased to do so, grandson to General Oz, respected Galvino. Please follow me"

I follow the gullible guard to Oz's office room. We walk to the second floor, and take a right turn onto an overhang above the main floor. We stop in front of a room protected by another Exile guard, this one in heavier attire.

"What's this, soldier?"

"He's the Chief of Plasma, sir. Blood to General Oz"

"And he needs entrance to the Great Room?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Alright then"

The hefty guard moves to the side and opens the door for me. I enter, and see Oz sitting at his office desk, scribbling on a map and looking over documents of tactical reports.


"Good morning, soldier. What can I help you with?"

I take off my jacket and my helmet (mainly comprised of a mask with a head-strap). Oz stares frantically at my face, and drops his pen. I approach his desk, and clutch his shirt collar by my right hand.

"Look here, Oz. You are going to explain a lot of facts to me today, you hear?"

Oz stares aimlessly at me yet, with nothing to say.

"First of all, how could you let my father, Venttus Zaraki die so easily?"

I release Oz into his grand 'throne'.

"I, I, entrusted your father to carry out a hostile takeover and assassination. I didn't think he would fail as he did"

"Fail?! That man, my father, has endured endless suffering beyond his death in the void, and you can think for a second that he would perish like that?!"

"Look, Galaanoth, I didn't want to waste your father's life as much as you would have wanted... but the fact is, he was given an order, and he faithfully followed it to the best of his ability"

"And the best of his ability was to be slaughtered by Caden?!"

"Caden? No, Galaanoth! Your Father wasn't slaughtered by Caden, or anyone!"

"Then how did he die?! Tell me, damn you!"

"Galaanoth, calm down. I will tell you the last report of your father:

Venttus was my East Platoon Admiral. He was the conductor of 10, 000 units under his wing. He was my right hand man. I was required by my council to stand on high alert in the Exile base here, ready to deal with any Legion raids in our time of action. That is unfortunately the reason why I couldn't be there for your father. In the Minetower invasion, code E.R.O.D.E., he was assigned 1, 000 of the best from the Exile special ops force. There was little to no chance for any Legion resistance to defend from the artillery rounds and surgical strikes laid upon the barracks of the Minetower. The Legion resistance dropped from 5, 000 to 2, 500 before deploying our infantry. Upon the alarm, our troops set off towards the Minetower. The firefight assault lasted close to 6 hours. Eventually The Legion resistance dropped into the hundreds, while our spec ops force remained strong above 800. It was when Caden utilized his defensive turrets that we started to suffer. Your father was the one to sabotage the turrets efficiently, boosting the morale of the battered warriors. Our infantry eventually breached the main gate into the Minetower, using plastic explosives. Our men were dominating each level nicely until confronting Caden in his own dormitory. It was reported that he rose from his seat and erased nearly every soldier from existence using his malevolent magics. Your father was one of the few to survive Caden's barrage of plasma. In order to protect the few straggling men injured by Caden, he gave up his life by taking himself and Caden into a portal. Caden was sighted to have returned to the Minetower after a day, so we had given up that objective. Our main objective was to retrieve your father. Our scientists had been developing technologies to tap at the nether energies which Caden had used, but to no avail. No one understood how Caden's tech magic had worked, but we kept trying. Miraculously, Venttus Zaraki came back to us one week after Caden. We were overjoyed, and spent our time rejoicing in his safety. It wasn't long before Alydriah had shown up. She took leadership as Baelius' new general and truly asserted her power. She had driven many Exiles out of central Fortune City to make her tyranny known. The last instance was the Frysteland war. Your father had insisted on protecting the yeti herds from extortion, so he took leadership in the resistance willingly. After many collisions in Frysteland, the Exiles lost hope in saving the yetis from Alyfriah. The Legion was slowly killing off the Krampus and the native creatures. But your father did not give up on the victims. Venttus was last reported to be seen in Fortune City Station recruiting arms against the Legion. It was at this vulnerable time that he had been murdered. By whom we do not know, but had the back of his head crushed, his spine deranged from the impacts."

Stabilis -> RE: A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly (4/10/2012 20:27:26)

‡‡‡‡‡ThE eIgHtH aEoN‡‡‡‡‡

How could someone like him just... fall like he did? How could he be ambushed? What are you not telling me Oz?! Who assassinated my father, what are the details?!

Galaanoth, I'm sorry, but that is all of the intel we have about the death of Venttus, your father...

Liar! Tell me everything!

I'm serious, Galaanoth, that's all we have about the incident...


I draw Misercordia Dator, and bring it up over Oz. A shot is heard, Misercordia Dator is struck and my father's scythe falls from my hands onto the floor.

Neutralize the hostile, go!

Numerous guards swarm into the general's war room, a couple of them try to attack me with their electric swords and clubs. I leap onto the tables behind me, and grab my backpack. I press on part of the backpack, and throw it to the ground in front and below me. The bag tears apart as the Gamma Bot formalizes, facing off with some guards. I signal towards the group of guards, and the Gamma Bot primes itself, and starts bashing some of the Exile soldiers. A Tactical Mercenary and Bounty Hunter are sent flying through a wall, and I turn to Oz. Cornered, he draws his E-Blades, and prepares to face me. Just as we are about to collide, my Primary dematerializes from my hands, and Oz gets me in a headlock.

Not too rough, Oz

From the corner of the shattered wall, enters my father, Briffas, Zektion, Ariella, and Sherrii. Venttus steps over some unconscious guards and turns to face us from one side of Oz's work desk. Father smiles.


I run over and give a trembling hug

Its great to see you again, my unyielding friend!

And I you, General Lorenzo

Please, we're old friends, just call me Oz

So, Oz, Galaanoth, what event causes it to have the both of you dueling?

Well... dad...

He was just upset that you were gone is all, why don't we take the time to introduce ourselves in the downstairs foyer, and have something to drink?

My thoughts exactly. Hey, friends of my son...





Right, thanks, do you all drink vlacier water?

Vlacier water?

Water that has melted from glaciers, and eroded over varium crystals, purifying even bog water to be sanitary by industrial standards. We have it citrus flavoured, ice included

That sounds invigorating, I haven't drank for hours

We travel through the corridors and down a main flight of stairs. Oz brings us to a larger room, maybe a cafeteria, and we all sit down at a round table. My father departs from our group to take our beverages. Oz relaxes into his chair, and begins speaking.

So, Galaanoth, Cherrii, Ariella, Zektion, Briffas, nice to meet you

[all] Thank you sir

As hopefully each of you know, I am the general of the Exile faction in Delta V. My work is to maintain order and peace, and work with my board of strategists to ensure that Legion corpses do not strangle any of our forces, weakening our overall strength, allowing Baelius to claim dominance over any of our area or people. I have been doing this since I was young, when I was 10 my town had been overrun by Legion imperialists who taxed everyone of varium or any other valuable possession, including our men and women for slavery. My family and I made an escape from the northern reaches of this land to the Barren Outposts. It was not an easy journey, no, we were being traced by many Shadow Guards who would menace us in the night. During one migration during daytime to the Outposts, the Legion soldiers made their move. They cut down our militia, and shot at all of our civilians. My father died that day, my mother and sisters kidnapped, taken back to the imperial reservation camps... even up to today I have never seen any of my family, but I can still imagine them in my dreams... anyhow, I enlisted for air force recruitment, and I underwent severe agility training. Months passed and I was accepted for flight. I flew a carrier chopper for an Exile squadron raid on the West Naval Yard. We got in and out clean, no casualties on our half, and were praised upon our return. On my next mission I was assigned a stealth fighter to survey and direct a special ops class through an ammunition bunker near the West Naval Yard. I was able to have them avoid detection, but I saw that enemy ground units, heavy vehicles to be precise... tanks and trucks headed in their direction. Their was no way that they could leave without being observed. I was left with lethal instruction. I dove down with my plane, and hornetted a volley of missiles into those vehicles with no mercy. Only a few stragglers left their vehicles, my boys handled them with ease. We headed back again with open arms. One morning, a secretary of the old general approached me and said, 'Mr. Lorenzo, our leader would like to meet with you today at lunch time. Be waiting in the corporate hall at that time. That is all'. At lunch time in the corporate hall, the lieutenant general opened the office door and escorted me to sit at the general's table. The general turned around in his chair, stood up, I instinctively stood up as well... and we both saluted to each other. We sat down, and he began to speak of my accomplishments in Exile. After a friendly discussion, he stood up, came over to my side, and attached a badge to my right soldier. The badge read, 'Lieutenant Strategist Advisory Commitee', with a gun and book emblem. From that day forward, I took up the general's missions with my group of tacticians, and eventually with my experience within that realm, appointed general of the army when he had deceased. So many memories, so many prides...

We sat back into our chairs, attentive, and bewildered. Even father was listening, just like we were having a story time with grandpa, if we had one. Venttus placed our tray of drinks in the table's centre and sat down with us.

Oh! Dad, you never got to tell me about your past really, why don't you go ahead now?

Well, sure, it won't be as impressive as Oz's life story haha! But why not? *he clears his throat* Ahem... when I was growing up, I lived with my mom and dad as an only child in the Barren Outpost district, south side. My father, your grandpa, Galaanoth, was Captain Wirpan Zaraki of the 99th division of Shock Battalion Beta. Your grandmother, Elijah Zaraki was a house-wife since grandpa was constantly deployed and on-campus. Grandpa and I were never close. He really enjoyed brutality and chaos as where I preferred the calmness and tranquility that nature gives

Sort of like my dilemma with Carlos

Yeah, sort of! Anyways, one day I heard that I was going to be conscripted to the same cause as my father, your grandpa. I wanted nothing to do with this, so I decided to run away. During the night, I packed my military-grade surplus and ditched my house through my bedroom window. I jumped from a height, 2 stories approximately, and rolled onto the brash and immovable ground. No adrenaline was flowing through me as I have been taught that agitated soldiers are simple to compromise. I didn't offer to bring my visor with me as I can see clearly in the dark. I spent a solid thirty minutes leaving the encampment... manoeuvring and breaching the exits. I was out, yet not relinquished from the hell. My plans were to head to the least populated domains of the Delta Preserves where many resources and vast landscapes in nature were abandoned. I spent weeks travelling by foot through the lovely wilderness known as nature at its finest; half-dead trees and small bushes. I suppose, that this is all I could ask for in a feeble world where justice has been corrupted by our governments, our protectors. Occasionally, I can see rivers and leafy trees appear in the least visible symptoms of poison. At least I strode on with a goofy smile. I became less captivated by logic, I could only think of a wonderful life being independent as I was. I eventually arrived at a clearing of a few hundred meters squared. I took off my backpack and set up a tent. I just wanted to relax! But I needed to think about my next steps. I tripped, then fell backwards into the bedding. 'Ow'... I felt pain score my back. I removed my Stun Blaster and held it up above my face. Such intricate craftsmanship, yellow with two power cells embedded inside; I wondered what guns were truly good for? Still laying down, I held the gun down to sights and stared ominously into the distance. In the element of surprise, I had focused perfectly onto a lone deer which was grazing. I held both my gun and breath firmly and targetted the deer wide head. Logically, I measured myself the distance of ninety meters apart and wind blowing eastward about ten kilometres per hour. But deep down, I was thinking about the deer's struggles. Born into grass, and cared by the doe for a span of one year. It is then left alone to be it's own wild beast... hopeless, only to find a partner with whom would try for a meagre chance of successful reproduction as predators are ever existent in our world. Would seizing this deer's life for my own do any good for either of us? I dropped the gun and lay back into the tent. From the depths of my own humanity I saw the wrath that would engage me in reckless sin. A single tear slid down my face but I did not bother to wipe it off, and went to sleep. On the next morning, I awoke with a clean sense of purpose. I wished to spare the world from the tyranny of destruction, even if it meant reassembling into the Exile faction. I wanted us all to be connected under the name of harmony. I needed to muster more people with the similar opinions and then together we could produce a perfect world without pain. Smiles would be bountiful... there would be no need for arguments or business, we will only need each other to thrive... and that, is the truth. Eventually I found a large group of refugees stranded in the wilds, we joined together

My father takes a deep sigh.

More towards the present, I was aged at 22 years, Legion and Exile had been warring in our oasis, which transformed into a desolate graveyard hastily. At the moment I was in a sanctuary cave where forces would not intercept. I headed out into the light, because some of our friends were out foraging. I called for 'Dante!' and 'Michelle!' as loud as I could, there were no persons in my field of vision. Eventually I heard clunking then footsteps on the overhang above me. A man jumped down in front of me, his back facing me, unseen. I beckoned to him, 'State you identity!'. The man slowly turned to orient me face to face. That man is my pitiful father. 'Venttus?', my father asks. I solemnly look towards him and answer, 'Yes, that's me'. Father then asks, 'You should come back with my squad and stop causing troubles for me and your mum'. I was bitterly shocked if you could imagine. After all this time apart he still refuses to acknowledge me in any significant way. Knowing that he had little understanding of me, I snap back to him, 'Even now, "dad", to you living is only being alive to harm and making yourself proud! You're just a bully with a wrong sense of duty and no person alive today should have to be forced to bow down to you!'. My father twitches a little. His hairs start to stand up. He grumbles to me, 'So this is the boy I raised? Rebellious to everything and cowardice to the last! Come on, kiddo. Lets scrap it out right here to prove who's in the right'. The headstrong man on faulty beliefs is the man I know, easy to engage for any opposition. We began battle. I came at him with rage, we maintained a cruel brawl for many minutes, eventually he got the drop on me and knocked me out with a bludgeoning to the head. I woke quickly, energized, strong, and focused. He became ghostly in my presence. It was Caden's power. We rematched, but this time around I had the advantage. I avoided each of his strikes with dodges and parries, and eventually... I dealt the final blow...

Interested, I asked:

What happened next?

I... I...

Venttus drops his head down into his hands. His mouth is bitterly frustrated.


He takes an intense sigh.

I gored your grandpa, my father, near his collarbone, slicing dynamically into vital arteries and veins. He collapsed at my feet, gagging on his blood and trying to maintain his breathes. I was, frightened... nervous... not myself. I went to say something but stuttered and stopped. My father acknowledged me and exclaims, 'Well, looks like you beat me fair and square. I guess I underestimated you', coughing and laughing some more. 'What's so funny?', I ask him. He replies, 'Don't be stupid, you're talented at weaponry and fight pretty decent'. I retort, 'I hate you, I really hate you, you know', and look away with horrible grieved feelings of despair. My father looks up into the stars and informs me, 'I don't blame you. I've always been away from home and I ain't much of a family guy. I always thought you would idol me for my status... influencing you with the Shock Battalion... that I thought you'd contribute pretty well to. I now see all I've done is bore you and annoy you with that stuff. I've been wrong'. I look at him, 'Dad... its OK'. 'Sorry Venttus... I don't get another chance... look, you make a great fighter and you'll probably do good with your life. I just want you to know this before I can't tell you later, you're my favourite son and my only child... and, I love you'.

Father is tearing up as he speaks now, I felt sad too.

So I felt relieved, cheerful, and partially ashamed when he said that. I ask, 'What's going to happen to you?'. He touches his wound and breaths deeply, 'Well, by seeing how deep it is, my subclavian is draining out. This looks like its my time to go'. 'NO!', I shout, clutching for his left hand, 'Don't give up!'. He grins a bit and assures me, 'Its not about giving up but accepting fate when it happens... I took my life from innocence to disgust but finally I get to redeem myself'. He looks back up into the stars and stops talking. I tell him, 'Dad, don't fret, I've always loved you too!', I say this as he closes his eyes and blacks out. I am on my knees, head bowed in solace, begging for forgiveness. I am sick to the stomach, yet I somehow manage to pay my respects. I stand up and acknowledge life for it's gifts. Then the putrid voice came back to me- 'Well done Venttus, you conquered him with great success! The Void appreciates you now'. 'What are you implying?! Who are you?!', 'Oh you can't tell? I'm invading your mind from the Minetower!!', 'Caden!!!-'. I then black out, fall surely onto my face with a thump. It has now been a year since my battle with my father, and I have matured very much. I just want, justice. I just want, to see my friends again... to reclaim my family! I travelled to Delta V's Central Station, where I met up with Oz. I took up my father's, your grandfather's role, and we left for the Old Fortune City where I would become one of the more revered leaders in Exile. It was only time that was between me and my goals before my team was sent to assassinate Caden. And I am told that you know the rest.

Each of us are flustered by the gravity of the story by different degrees, myself being the most razzled.

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