Dosier of the Tower of Remembrance (Full Version)

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Mortarion -> Dosier of the Tower of Remembrance (2/28/2012 11:55:26)

Chapter one, How the Tower came to be:

Once upon a time, in earth, a race of creatures called the Txarrez came, their mission to rob it of all it’s resources. Earth’s people fought valiantly, but the bio technology of the txarrex was too powerful for earth’s defenders, not even their magic and scientific powers could defeat them.

The Txarrez had consumed half of the world, when due to a fortuity incident their weaknesswas discovered, nuclear radiation. The people of earth blinded by rage began bombarding the Txarrez with nuclear bombs, the result was that earth was in the end, a wasteland.

After the bombardment, a mysterious figure appeared, he pleaded to the Txarrez to use all of their bio-technology, along with the technology and magic of the human race.The dream of this mysterious prophet was to create a tower were both races could live in. Using earths magic, and the txarrez technology, they created a big spire using earths resources combined with the bio-technology.

They named it the tower of remembrance, but when it was finished, the mysterious prophet disappeared. As a result a council of mages from each clan and Txarrez bioengineers controlled the tower.

"It will be called the Tower of Remembrance, as high as the great Tower of Babylon, this will help us remember our world." Last words of the Mysterious Prophet

Mortarion -> RE: Dosier of the Tower of Remembrance (4/5/2012 17:32:16)

Chapter two: Of Gladiators and of their blood:

When the Tower came to be, the Txarrez created the Gladiators to solve disputes, and problems. As the denizens of the Tower, and it' ruling council, loose their focus on morality and goods, the Gladiators have become a sick form of entertainment. It is of note that although the term "Gladiator" is the most common, this bio-engineered creations have been used by members of the upper levels of the Tower for other services, such as bodyguards, maids, lovers or simply slaves. Those who are employed as Gladiators have a chance to earn their freedom by fighting a thousand times in the coliseum, or by doing two fights, one against another Gladiator and then another one to the current champion of the Coliseum, after they have done one of those two things, they are sent to the "Hell" Tower, should they finish this two tasks, the Gladiator will be free.

Gladiators are created using a Txerrez device called a "human tank" in which the Gladiator is grown at a rapid pace. Most Gladiators have some form of genetic modification done to them, one of the most prominent being adding DNA of one or various animals when they are still embryos, the other one done to the heart, so that when the Gladiator is about to die, he begins to create massive amounts of hormones similar to the adrenaline along with various other chemicals, like morphine and other pain killers, but one thousand times stronger than they would normally be. This is done so that the Gladiator can withstand more pain, or so that he can survive what would be normally a fatal wound.

Something of interest about the Gladiators body is that if he dies when his heart is producing those hormones and chemicals, the heart will continue to produce them for a period of three hours. for this reason, healers have most of the times access to a Gladiator's dead body to collect the blood that the heart produces, so they can use it as a painkiller. Unfortunately, some of those Healers sell the blood to the population, and those who taste it in the correct doses generally form an addiction, worse of all, is that with the help of a necromancer, the heart can be kept alive so it can produce more blood.

The Gladiator's Blood is highly popular among all of the denizens of the Tower, it is even said that those who live on the Upper levels of the Tower have a more potent version of it.

Those who consume it suffer from side effects such as outburst of angers, or to develop some Gladiator's qualities, like enhanced senses, or parts of their bodies taking animal characteristics.

"With this, there will be no war, no longer we will shed unnecesary blood to settle something, I present you, the Gladiators" Unknow Txarrez bio-engineer

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