Lucky Battle (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Lucky Battle (3/16/2012 23:02:34)


Lucky Battle

Location: Rainbow Raid War --> Missions --> SC Attack
Objective: Congratulations on the win! Did that Lucky Warrior give up any fitness tips?
Requirements: None
Release Date: March 16, 2012

  • Big Lucky Warrior
  • Lucky Warrior

  • Braddock Steele

    Braddock Steele: There's a group of Lucky Warriors, <You>! See if they'll divulge fitness secrets...
    Braddock Steele: You are probably nicer than I am.
    Braddock Steele: Maybe you will be lucky and charm this one!
    Braddock Steele: I wouldn't count on it , though... get those Lucky Warriors to tell me their secret!

    After defeating enemy, one of the following:
    Braddock Steele: You continue to show great success on the battlefield, <You>. Always a pleasure to hire you.

    Braddock Steele: Great job, <You!> Another great victory in the war!

    Braddock Steele: You're doing great, <You>! At this rate the war will be over real soon!

    Braddock Steele: 1 down, too many to go! But every win counts. Keep it up!

    If defeated:
    Braddock Steele: Maybe you're just not careful enough. Or maybe you're not reckless enough.

    Rewards Shop:

  • Page: [1]

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